Friday, 31 July 2015

Udemy Free Course - JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Effective JavaScript language basics course for absolute beginners by the author of the book “Pro Android Web Game Apps". You will learn how to install the environment on your PC and begin writing real code using one of the most popular and fun programming languages. You will master the basic JavaScript language constructs: variables, data types, loops, conditional operators, arrays and objects.

The course is for everyone. No specific programming knowledge is required. If you already have some experience with programming, you will grasp the core faster. 

All you need is a PC or Mac and a text editor. You will learn how to install and configure other tools in the first section of the course.


`Switch` - choosing between multiple options
Arrays - add and remove elements
Arrays - methods Push, Pop, Shift, Unshift
Arrays - more about internal structure
Arrays - more useful methods
Arrays basic
Basic operations with numbers
Basic operations with strings
Basic opertaions with booleans
Basic syntax of functions in JavaScript
Breaking loops
Control your JavaScript skills now
Controling flow: `if` and ternary if
Conversion values to boolean in JavaScript
Converting to strings
Functions - using arguments and keywords
Functions - using arguments object
Functions are objects
Intro to JavaScript
JavaScript Environment setup
Loops: `for`
Loops: `while` and `do while`
Objects: basics
Objects: nested objects
Passing function as an argument to other function
Practice functions
Primitives vs Objects
Section 1: JavaScript introduction
Section 2: Variables and basic operations
Section 3: Basic JavaScript logic
Section 4: Objects in JavaScript
Section 5: Arrays in JavaScript
Section 6: Type casting in JavaScript
Section 7: Organizing your code with functions in JavaScript
Section 8: Tests for control
Type casting - basic
Types and `typeof` operator
Variables in JavaScript


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Udemy Free Course - How to Become a Financial Analyst from Scratch n.1 - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

How to Become a Financial Analyst from Scratch n.1 – The Quickest and Simplest guide to become Financial Analyst.
Learn all the basic concepts in the financial world. From the accounting cycle, to the ratio analysis.
Build a strong foundation in accounting with the section: “become an accountant from scratch". Furthermore, acquire a strong foundation in financial statements and Ratio analysis throughout the rest of the course.
You will learn all you have to know in regard to:
  • Accounting Cycle.
  • Financial Statements.
  • Profitability Framework.
  • Ratio Analysis.
  • Dupont Analysis.
Build the foundation that will lead to a successful career in finance
In finance: Accounting is the gatekeeper, while Financial Statement is the language and Ratio Analysis is a powerful tool. Build the foundation to your success.
Indeed, Accounting allows you to understand the inside out of financial statement and in turn financial statement allows you to perform Ratio Analysis.


Working Capital
Additional Material for you
Assess your level from White Belt to Black Belt
Balancing the Balance Sheet
Building Blocks to become a Great Financial Analyst
Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis
Cash Flow from financing activities
Cash Flow from investments
Cash in - Cash out Matrix
Chart of Accounts (COA)
Conclusions and What's next?
Conclusions, Cash flow from operations
Course Overview
Defining Financial Accounting
Double Entry
Dupont Analysis and Conclusions
Efficiency Ratios
How to record transactions with double entry
Introduction - Who am I?
Introduction to cash flow from operations
Introduction to CFS
Introduction to Ratio Analysis
Introduction to the Income Statement
Liquidity Ratios
Main Features
Main Features of CFS
Main Features of the Income Statement
Net Income
Profitability Framework
Profitability Ratios
Putting all together
Putting all together
Putting all together
Section 1: Introduction to the Course
Section 2: Become an Accountant from Scratch
Section 3: Introduction to Financial Statements and Income Statement
Section 4: Balance Sheet
Section 5: Cash Flow Statement
Section 6: Ratio Analysis
Section 7: Putting all together, What's next?
Solvency Ratios
Take the Quiz. Assess your level.
The General Ledger
Total Assets
Total Expenses
Total Liabilities and Equity
Total Revenues
Why is this course different
Why ROE does not Work?


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Udemy Free Course - B2B Marketing Blueprint - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Senior decision makers at businesses often receive 200-300 plus emails per day... How can you possibly expect to stand out above the clutter, capture your customers attention, show that you understand their goals and sell them on your product or service?
This course is going to teach you tested and proven strategies to succeed at B2B Marketing by giving you a step-by-step blueprint detailing the strategies used by a number of top companies in the B2B space.
More specifically, this course will teach you:
  • How to cut through to senior decision makers through proven B2B best practices
  • How to build a database full of thousands of potential buyers
  • How to create a message that grabs the attention of buyers to separate you from the competition
  • How to build a website that converts visitors to potential buyers
  • How to write and automate winning emails
  • And strategies to help your sales team move prospects through the funnel to drive more revenue
Whether your goal is to start a new business, improve an existing business, raise a new round of funding or get a raise, this course will give you the tools necessary to overcome any B2B marketing challenge and produce results inline with todays top B2B marketing professionals.


Understanding Your Market Place
Analyzing A High Quality Website
Analyzing Another High Quality Website
And A Few More High Quality Websites
Building Your First Email Database
Buyer Persona Characteristics
Competitor Deep Dive
Content Marketing Strategy And Plan
Content Strategy Best Practices
Crafting Your Marketing Message Based On Your Customer Persona
Design Versus UX
Elements Of A Winning Email
How To Find Someones Email Address
How To Test Your Website And Track Analytics
How To Write Winning Email Copy
Identifying Your Buyer
Improving Your Buyer Personas Based On Your Competition
Knowing Who Your Competitors Are
Landing Pages
Next Steps
Picking Content Topics
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Buyer Personas
Section 3: Market Places
Section 4: Your Website
Section 5: Email Databases And Content Strategy
Section 6: Inbound Marketing And Content Strategy
Section 7: Next Steps
The Importance Of Webinars And How To Host One
The Importantance Of Buyer Personas
The Most Important Factors When Creating Your Website
Types Of Content You Should Produce
Understanding Our First Buyer Persona


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Udemy Free Course - Hypnosis- Heal Your Common Cold And Flu With Self Hypnosis - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Heal Your Common Cold And Flu With Self Hypnosis.' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -
· What is Common Cold?
1) Common cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract.2) It is caused by viruses.3) Cold viruses are spread by air or direct contact with a infectious person.·
Symptoms of Common Cold1) Watery eyes2) Sneezing3) Fever4) Sore throat5) Headache6) Coughing7) Head congestion
· What is Flu?1) Flu is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract.
· Why are colds and flu caught?1) Besides many other reasons, colds and flu are really caught when resistance to germs goes down.
· Find out how hypnosis can help you manage the problem of cold and flu with the powerful techniques of self hypnosis, visualization, imagery and affirmations
You will be able to reduce and heal your cold and flu instantly using powerful imagery , self hypnosis , positive visualizations and affirmations.
You will be able to reduce stress, sleep problems, depression and negative thinking using powerful affirmations which is given as a bonus along with the lecture .
This course is very useful for those are mentally and physically suffering from the affects of cold and flu.
This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 9 lectures in English.


Bonus Exercise - Affirmations For Depression, Stress, Insomnia And Negativity
Conscious Mind Vs Subconscious Mind
Guided Visualization Exercise: Heal Cold And Flu
How To Enter Into The State Of Self Hypnosis
How To Master Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Remove Myths About Self Hypnosis
Section 1: Introduction To The Course
Section 2: Hypnosis- Heal Your Common Cold And Flu With Self Hypnosis
Section 3: Summary Of The Course


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Udemy Free Course - Make money with your WordPress blog - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course, students will learn how to correctly target a "niche" for their WordPress site and install advertisements on the site. This course is for anyone with a WordPress Blog who wants to maximize profit and turn their blog into a passive income business. The course includes video lectures on installing various plugins, and also includes several valuable PDFs teaching students what to market their blog as and additional methods of monetization. Taking this course will allow students to reach maximum potential with their WordPress Blog.


WordPress Themes - Finding the right one and how
Amazon Affiliates Or Google Adsense?
Askimet plugin
Brochures, Videos, courses, products.
Descriptive writing
Final Quiz
Good and "bad" words to use
MailChimp and Mailmunch
Section 1: Crafting your site for an audience
Section 2: Using "Top" Articles
Section 3: Mail newsletters
Section 4: Advertising (The money part)
Section 5: Extra and Additional Monetization Methods
Section 6: ANTI SPAM for your blog
Section 7: Article Quality
Section 8: Social Media
SEO to drive traffic
The ideal length
Top Ten
Using Adsense
What is a niche?


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Udemy Free Course - Hypnosis- Heal Impotency With Self Hypnosis - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Heal Impotency With Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -
  • What is Impotency?
  • Physical reasons that causes impotency:
  • 1) Excessive drinking or smoking
  • 2) Nerve damage
  • 3) Hormone imbalance
  • 4) Heart disease
  • 5) Pelvic trauma and more
  • Psychological reasons behind the problem of impotency?
  • 1) Fatigue
  • 2) Distress
  • 3) Trauma
  • 4) Sudden loss of a loved one or spouse
  • 5) A life crisis
  • 6) Performance anxiety
  • 7) Low self-esteem
  • 8) Marital discord
  • 9) Guilt
  • 10) Sexual abuse
  • 11) Depression
  • Find out how hypnosis can help you manage the problem of impotency with the powerful techniques of self hypnosis, visualization, imagery and affirmations

  • 1) With self hypnosis you can control and manage your emotions
  • 2) Self hypnosis helps you to relax and calm down
  • 3) You can alter or change the psychological factors that affect your state of mind with self hypnosis
  • 4) Stress levels can be brought down
  • 5) Self hypnosis helps you improve your confidence
  • You will be able to reduce stress, sleep problems, depression and negative thinking using powerful affirmations which is given as a bonus along with the lecture .
This course is very useful for those are mentally and physically suffering from the affects of impotency.


Bonus Exercise - Affirmations For Depression, Stress, Insomnia And Negativity
Bonus Exercise : General Healing Audio File
Conscious Mind Vs Subconscious Mind
Guided Visualization Exercise: To Heal Impotency
How To Enter Into The State Of Self Hypnosis
How To Master Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Remove Myths About Self Hypnosis
Section 1: Introduction To The Course
Section 2: Hypnosis- Heal Your Impotency Using Self Hypnosis
Section 3: Summary Of The Course


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Udemy Free Course - Hypnosis – Heal Your Vertigo and Stop Dizziness - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course titled 'Hypnosis – Heal Your Vertigo and Stop Dizziness.' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -·
  • 1.What is meant by Vertigo and Dizziness?
  • 2.Causes of Vertigo
  • 1) Hyperventilation
  • 2) Substance abuse
  • 3) Motion sickness
  • 4) Anxiety or stress
  • 5) Fear of heights
  • 6) Anemia
  • 7) Viral infections
  • 8) Nutritional deficiencies
  • 9) Too much sodium
  • 10) High or low blood pressure
  • 11) Brain tumors
  • 12) Head injury
  • 13) Poor circulation
  • 14) Fever
  • 15) Aging
  • 3.Symptoms Of Vertigo
  • 1) Dizziness
  • 2) Nausea and vomiting
  • 3) Loss of balance (especially falling toward the affected side)
  • 4) Hearing loss in the affected ear
  • 5) Ringing or other noises in the ears (tinnitus) and
  • 6) Involuntary eye movements.
  • 4.How Self Hypnosis Helps?
  • 1) Self hypnosis steadfast the process of healing.
  • 2) Anxiety related dizziness is easily preventable by using self hypnosis. This process works because these tools are used to retrain the way your mind responds to specific situations.
  • 3) Not only can you program your mind to enjoy genuine relief from stress but also to experience a positive and upbeat attitude throughout your day.
  • 4) Allows you to remove yourself from the pattern of thought that leads to worry, anxiety, stress, and ultimately, the sensation of being dizzy.
You will be able to reduce and heal your vertigo and dizziness instantly using powerful imagery , self hypnosis , positive visualizations and affirmation.You will be able to reduce stress, sleep problems, depression and negative thinking using powerful affirmations which is given as a bonus along with the lecture .


Bonus Exercise - Affirmations For Depression, Stress, Insomnia And Negativity
Conscious Mind Vs Subconscious Mind
Guided Visualization Exercise: Heal Your Vertigo And Dizziness
How To Enter Into The State Of Self Hypnosis
How To Master Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Remove Myths About Self Hypnosis
Section 1: Introduction To The Course
Section 2: Hypnosis – Heal Your Vertigo and Stop Dizziness Using Self Hypnosis
Section 3: Summary Of The Course


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Udemy Free Course - Let Go Of Your Grief Successfully Using Self Hypnosis - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course titled 'Let Go Of Your Grief Successfully Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -
What is grief?
  • 1) Grief is a normal part of coping with a loss.
  • 2) When the grief is not expressed or is delayed, it shows up in a negative way.
  • Find out why suppression your grief is dangerous?
  • Most common reasons for grief:
  • 1) Loss of a loved one
  • 2) Loss of a pet
  • 3) Loss in business
  • Consequences of Delayed Grief:
  • Delayed grief increases the risk of developing psychosomatic problems like:
  • 1) Illness
  • 2) Migraines
  • 3) Dizzy spells
  • 4) Anger
  • 5) Irritability
  • 6) Frustration
  • 7) Negativity
  • 8) Stress
  • 9) Depression
  • 10) Despair
  • 11) Self-blame
  • Find out how hypnosis can help you let go of your grief using the powerful techniques of self hypnosis, visualization, imagery and affirmations:
  • 1) With self hypnosis you can control and manage your emotions
  • 2) Self hypnosis helps you to relax and calm down
  • 3) You can alter or change the consequences of delayed grief that affect your state of mind with self hypnosis
  • 4) Stress levels can be brought down
  • 5) Self hypnosis hells you improve your confidence
This course is very useful for those are mentally and physically suffering from the affects of grief.


Bonus Exercise - Affirmations For Depression, Stress, Insomnia And Negativity
Bonus Exercise : General Healing Audio File
Conscious Mind Vs Subconscious Mind
Guided Visualization Exercise: Let Go Of Your Grief
How To Enter Into The State Of Self Hypnosis
How To Master Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Remove Myths About Self Hypnosis
Section 1: Introduction To The Course
Section 2: Hypnosis- Let Go Of Your Grief Successfully Using Self Hypnosis
Section 3: Summary Of The Course
Tips To Let Go Of Your Grief To Feel Happy And Positive


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Udemy Free Course - Pin Perfect: Unlock Your Pinterest Marketing Edge! - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Do you feel Overwhelmed when you think about using Pinterest for business?
Wondering how to get started? What to pin? When to pin? How to get people to "follow" you?
You need more traffic and sales — not another way to waste time on social media, right?
You want someone to break it all down for you - to simplify it to take you step-by-step, and ultimately.... to help you get more customers online!
Then I have you covered! This course will walk you step-by-step through how to use Pinterest for your business - no more guessing! I'll even take you outside of Pinterest, showing you how you can not only get your hands on some amazing free tools, but also how to actually USE them to optimize your Pinterest results.


Where To Go, What To Do, and What Sizes To Do Them In
A Super-Quick Review
Being Followed. But, Not In a Crazy, Creepy Way.
Bonus: 10 Day Challenge
But, How Do I Even Know What to Pin?
Creatives Cheat Sheet
Hint: Optimizing Actually starts OUTSIDE of Pinterest!
In Deep Thought...
Must-Have Board for Every Business on Pinterest
Optimize, optimize, optimize. Got it! But.... Where?
Quick Check #1
Quick Check #2
Section 1: Pinterest: Course Overview
Section 2: Create or Convert?
Section 3: Pinterest Basics: A before B, B before C....
Section 4: Optimize, Optimize, Optimize
Section 5: Getting Creative
Section 6: How To Pin With a Purpose
Section 7: Bonus!
Shhh - This is All About Keeping Secrets!
Shiny and New or Upgrade Existing?
Slides from sections 1
That is Simply RICH!
There Sure is a Lot To Choose From!
Welcome and an Introduction to the course
What Did You Call That Again?


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Udemy Free Course - Charisma Mastery - Boost Your Charisma & Influence People - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

  • This course is written and presented by a medical doctor with 20 years' experience in self-improvement training, coaching and counseling.
  • It has been recorded and produced on a studio quality level.
  • By enrolling in this course, you will get a lifetime access to the current content, as well as, BONUS MATERIAL .
  • No risk involved! Watch our PREVIEW VIDEOS
  • Over 3000 happy students enrolled in our courses!
  • Over 100 five star reviews!
Have you ever asked yourself why people who have the same qualifications and experience achieve totally different results in life?
Some of them climb the career ladder effortlessly and accomplish their goals, while others struggle on the lower rungs. Why is it that you are allured to someone and feel more excited and motivated, whereas in another person's company, you lack energy, enthusiasm and feel discouraged?
My name is Roy Naraine and I am the author of four successful Udemy courses. I'm a medical doctor with over 20 years of experience in self-improvement training. During my career I have coached an eclectic mix of corporate executives. If I were to choose the key ingredient you need to achieve success, it would be the power of charisma. And this is exactly what you will learn in this course.
I will maneuver you along the steps to become more influential.
People who surround you will become more receptive to your ideas and suggestions.
They will adore you and treat you with respect.
You will be able to empower them and therefore increase their productivity and accuracy at work.
Once you have acquired the power of charisma, you will be able to connect both socially and emotionally to others.
This in turn will lift you up, right to the top of the career ladder.
Remember, there is no risk involved. watch our preview videos and see for yourself why thousands of people have trusted our content. Enroll now and join me on this exciting adventure to mastering the power of charisma.


Boost Your Confidence- Master the ability to make decisions and RECTIFY MISTAKES
Boost Your Knowledge - If you have the knowledge... you have THE POWER
Build Rapport Part 1 - MATCH OTHERS in terms of energy levels and emotions
Build Rapport Part 2 - Open questions will MOTIVATE THE INTERLOCUTOR
Bypass The Obstacles - STOP WORRYING and start thinking effectively
Develop Optimism Part 1 - Make your brain feel CONTENTED and RICH
Develop Optimism Part 2 - Focus on the POSITIVE ASPECTS of the situation
Eliminate Your Weaknesses - Overcome hurdles and move closer to YOUR GOALS
Ignite Happiness - Put meaning into your life and INSTILL HAPPINESS
Manage Your Body Language - Create a POSITIVE impression on the audience
Manage Your Fear - My motto is: “He who takes no risks, wins no battle.”
People Skills Part 1 - You have only one shot at a good FIRST IMPRESSION
People Skills Part 2 - Become more aware of how to STEER PEOPLE
Perpetuate Your Confidence - Use CRITICISM as feedback that will serve you
Section 1: Getting started
Section 2: Verbal and non-verbal message
Section 3: The power of passion and happiness
Section 4: Develop optimism
Section 5: Boost and perpetuate your confidence
Section 6: Manage your weaknesses
Section 7: Interpersonal skills
Section 8: Boost your courage
Section 9: Create rapport
Take a look!
The adventure has come to an end!
The Destructive Power of Pessimism - "Always borrow money from a pessimist..."
The Magnetic Power of Optimism - Become a powerful MOTIVATIONAL FORCE
The Power of Passion - Make it your duty to initiate SOMETHING NEW in your life
The Verbal Message - Embrace the listeners and create a strong EMOTIONAL NETWORK
The Worst Case Scenario - She was a single mother with two children to upkeep...
Verbal & Non-verbal Congruence Part 1 - The Body NEVER LIES
Verbal & Non-verbal Congruence Part 2 - Nervousness produces signs of DECEPTION
What is charisma?


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Udemy Free Course - How To Earn Money Online With Fiverr - The Insiders Guide - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

If you've ever wondered how to make money online with Fiverr - this course is for you. Nowadays it's very difficult to rank well among the thousands of Fiverr gigs and still get some orders, especially when you're new to Fiverr. I will show you some insider methods and techniques to improve the ranking of your Fiverr gig or service dramatically. This works for established gigs as well as new ones.
Using these exact techniques I was able to earn over $3.830 in 3 months within a very competitive category.


Writing A Great Gig Description
Answering Messages And Convert Customers
Choosing A Service To Sell
Creating A Successful Gig
Custom Offers
Dealing With Negative Ratings
Deliver Your Gig The Right Way
Efficient Order Instructions
Final Quiz
Find The Perfect Username
Get Your First Sales On Fiverr
Gig Extras
Gig Images
Gig Meta Data
Gig Tags
Gig Videos
Keyword Research
Order Completion & Rating
Outsourcing Your Fiverr Orders
Profile & Account Settings
Re-Selling Services On Fiverr
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Getting Started
Section 3: Creating The Fiverr Account
Section 4: Our First Sale
Section 5: More Useful Tips and Tricks
Shipping And Going Live
Thanks for taking this course!
The Fiverr Gig Title Hack
The Fiverr Ranking System
The Optimal Delivery Time
Things To Avoid On Fiverr
What did we learn so far?
What makes a good delivery?
What This Course Is About
What's important when creating a Fiverr account?
While We Wait For Our First Customer
Why Sell On Fiverr?


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Udemy Free Course - Logistics 101: An Introduction to Logistics Management - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

The emergence of logistics has been dependent on the development of a cross-functional model of the organization, and on an understanding of the need to integrate business processes across the supply network. While its maturity as a discipline in its own right is still far from complete, it is time to take a current and fresh look at logistics management. Competitive advantage in tomorrow's world will come from responding to end-customers better than the competition. Logistics plays a vital role in this response.
This course was designed based on the instructor's real-world knowledge and experience, gained through hands-on operations. It will enable you to improve the logistics function within your company as a whole, by teaching you the basic principles and good practices of logistics and supply chain management. You'll learn effective methods for aligning logistics and marketing strategy, managing logistics costs for better value creation, managing lead times for better serve customers by reducing production and demand times, planning and executing material flow and using the Lean thinking, and developing a framework for managing the logistics and supply chain functions .


ABC Costing
Agility Drivers and Practices
Course Closure
Course Introduction
CPFR, Vendor-Managed Inventory, and Quick Response
Customer Perspective and Segmentation
Efficient Consumer Response
Implementing Time-Based Practices
Integration in the Supply Chain
Internal Alignment and External Opportunities
International Logistics Challenges
International Logistics Organization
Lean Thinking
Logistics and the Supply Chain - Definitions, Concepts, Structure
Logistics Costs
Logistics Drivers and Implications
Logistics Objectives and Capabilities
Logistics Strategy
Logistics Strategy Priorities
Managing Timeliness
Managing to Support Growth and Profitability
Production Time and Demand Time Considerations
Quality of Service
Risk Management and Corporate Social Responsibility
SC Relationship Management
Section 1: Logistics and Supply Chain Basics
Section 10: Future Challenges and Opportunities
Section 2: Customer-Driven Strategy
Section 3: Logistics Costs
Section 4: International Logistics
Section 5: Managing the Lead Time
Section 6: Supply Chain Planning and Control
Section 7: Supply Chain Agility
Section 8: Supply Chain Integration
Section 9: Supply Relationships and Networks
Section Introduction
Section Summary
Supplier Networks and Development
Supply Chain Measurement
Supply Relationships
The Concept of Agility - Demand Characteristics and Supply Capabilities
The Concept of Agility - Operating Environments and Preconditions
The Supply Chain Plan
Time and Competitive Advantage
Time-Based Process Mapping


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Thursday, 30 July 2015

Udemy Free Course - WordPress Theme from scratch with Architect - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Learn how to create amazing WordPress themes from HTML that are powered by the fantasting Architect plugin by PizazzWP
What Will We Learn?
In this course we will learn how to convert free static HTML sites into fully functional WordPress themes.
  • Convert Static HTML files into a valid WordPress Theme
  • Introduction into the WordPress Loop
  • How to find help through the WordPress Codex
  • Introduction to web scripting languages such as PHP, HTML and CSS
How Do We Make It Simple?
By using the Architect Plugin by PizazzWP, all the code for displaying our content is taken care of, so we can focus on what is important, making our site look GOOD!
What About Learning To Code?
Whilst this course will get you started on some basic PHP, HTML and CSS, we primarily focus on the design and showing you where to further grow your learning.
Content and Overview
Suitable for beginning web developers, through this course you'll learn establish a strong understanding of the concept behind WordPress Theme development.
Starting with the installation of the Local Development Kit, this course will take you through PHP Functions, and how to use them.
Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful WordPress Themes.
Complete with working files and code samples, you'll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept, and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.


What have you learnt so far?
Bonus: Handling Errors and The Loop
Create the Theme Pages
Creating the About Section
Creating the Features Section Pt 1
Creating the Features Section Pt 2
Creating the Features Section Pt 3
Creating the Header Pt 1
Creating the Header Pt 2: The Menu
Creating the Header Pt 3: The Background
Creating the Header pt 4: The Logo
Creating the Header: Fixing an error
Creating the Homepage Content
Creating the Posts
Creating the Posts Pt 2
Creating the Posts Pt 3
Creating the Testimonials Section
Creating the Testimonials Section Pt 2
Download and Extract Linear HTML Template
Download and Install Architect
Download and Install Brackets
Download and Install WAMP
Download and Install WordPress
Section 1: Setting Up The Development Environment
Section 2: Creating the Linear Theme


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Udemy Free Course - Hypnosis- Heal Your Allergy With Self Hypnosis - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Heal Your Allergy With Self Hypnosis.' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -
  • What are the causes of allergy?
  • What are allergens or antigens?
  • Find out how hypnosis can help you heal your allergy problems with the powerful techniques of self hypnosis, visualization, imagery and affirmations
You will be able to reduce and heal your allergies instantly using powerful imagery , self hypnosis , positive visualizations and affirmations.
You will be able to reduce stress, sleep problems, depression and negative thinking using powerful affirmations which is given as a bonus along with the lecture .
This course is very useful for those are mentally and physically suffering from the affects of allergies.
This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 10 lectures in English.


10 Symptoms Of Allergy
Bonus Exercise - Affirmations For Depression, Stress, Insomnia And Negativity
Bonus Exercise - General Healing Audio File
Conscious Mind Vs Subconscious Mind
Guided Visualization Exercise : To Heal Allergy
How To Enter Into The State Of Self Hypnosis
How To Master Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Remove Myths About Self Hypnosis
Section 1: Introduction To The Course
Section 2: Hypnosis- Heal Your Allergy With Self Hypnosis
Section 3: Summary Of The Course


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Udemy Free Course - Become a Scrum Guru the Easiest Way: Ultimate Scrum Guide - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Scrum is by far the most popular of the Agile frameworks for developing complex products. This course provides a working knowledge of the Scrum framework — the underlying principles, practices, techniques and skills necessary for you to succeed as a Scrum Master. If you are already on a Scrum team you will learn how to become a change agent to help your team achieve a higher level of success.
During the development of this course, my main focus remained on making this learning process easy and fun. I like teaching with a straight-to-the-point/no-fluff approach. This course has a good mix of video lectures, pdf guides, and quizzes in order to help you understand the objectives.
The course is a little over 1.5 hours and will also include resources for you to help out with the certification! I will eventually add practice exam questions as we progress in this class. There are several exercise files included in this course and more resources will be added on a weekly basis. 


Burndown Chart
Fifth Value: Respect
First Ceremony: Sprint Planning Meeting
First Value: Commitment
Fourth Ceremony: The Sprint Retrospective
Fourth Value: Courage
Product Backlog
Product Owner
Scrum Certification quiz with answers (1-10)
Scrum Defined
Scrum Goal
Scrum Process
Second Ceremony: Daily Scrum Meeting
Second Value: Focus
Section 1: Introduction
Section 10: Exercise Files
Section 11: Scrum Certification Resources
Section 2: What is Scrum?
Section 3: What are the important Scrum roles
Section 4: The 3 Scrum Artifacts
Section 5: The Scrum Process
Section 6: The 4 Scrum Ceremonies
Section 7: The 5 Values of Scrum
Section 8: Key Scrum Terms
Section 9: Conclusion
Terms - B
Terms - D
Terms - E
Terms - F
Terms - I
Terms - P
Terms - R
Terms - S
Terms - V
The Burndown Chart
The Modern Scrum Way
The Product Backlog
The Scrum Master
The Scrum Process Explained
The Scrum Team
The Spring Backlog
Third Ceremony: Sprint Review Meeting
Third Value: Openness
Traditional Ways: How things were done in the past
Velocity Example
What are Ceremonies?
What is a story?
What's Next?


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Udemy Free Course - Wow U! Visual, Simple, & Fun Lessons Teach You To Be Amazing - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Wow U!...personal development that's visual, simple, and fun!
This course is all about teaching you to be an amazing human being.
You'll discover simple, but powerful ideas, strategies, and tools for improving your:
  • Thinking
  • Emotions
  • Actions
All delivered to you in a visual, simple, and fun way (check out the preview videos).
Wow U! means I intend to wow you with:
  • My relentless focus on delivering high-quality content within the course
  • The high value of the ideas
  • The unique and engaging way lessons are presented
  • How practical and usable the ideas are that I teach you
  • The transformation you'll see in yourself
  • The transformation others will see in you


12 Reasons To Take Consistent Action
Batch Similar Tasks Together
Capture Your Tasks Effectively
Clear To Neutral
Create A Do Not Do List
Do Something Significant First
Get Into A State Of Action
Get It Out Of Your Head
How It Works: Clarity
How It Works: Procrastination
Just Start
Manage Your Errands List Efficiently
Master Your Projects
Nurture Your 'Daily Seeds Of Potential'
Plan Tomorrow, Today
Section 1: An Introduction To Wow U!
Section 2: The Lessons
Section 3: And finally...
Stop Collecting Distractions
Thank you!!
Think Before You Click
Use Break Away Sessions
Use Power Alarms To Practice Success
Use The 20-Second Rule
Use Timeboxing
Value Small Wins
Wake Up Early
Welcome... What Makes Wow U! So Unique?
What's Included In The Course, And How Do You Use It?


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Udemy Free Course - Link Building Success, Links That Compliment, Not Compete - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Welcome to a Truly Unique method to finding incoming links from sites that Compliment your site, not Compete.
It's simple and finds the types of sites that the owners are more willing to link to you since they're not direct competition with your product or service.
If you provide a service to get incoming links for a business, then this method will find quality sites with better PageRank and Alexa values that are more willing to link.
SEO is not enough anymore to achieve those valued High ranking positions.
If you do any kind of SEO, then you know that SEO by itself isn't enough to rank strong for any long periods. Bringing traffic in from quality sites is like an exit ramp on the Internet Highway. You're getting web traffic from other sites, as well as PageRank value.
Simple as Tic-Tac-Toe
This method uses a process that looks like the old Tic-Tac-Toe game. In fact, a few years ago that's what I called it, the Tic-Tac-Toe Link Building Tool, because it was so simple and natural to find quality links.
Using Excel with macro driven buttons, its all automated when generating search phrases that you enter into a search engine.


Download Area, Get Your FREE Unique Link Finding Tool and More... 
Example Of A Natural Flow Of LInks To A Company.
Finding The Right Sites To Request Links Back.
How This Free Natural Flow Tool Works. No Where Else Can You Find A Better One.
How To Brainstorm Ideas To Add Related Search Words
How To Enable Macros To Run On Your Computer For This Automatic Keyword Tool.
If You Build It, They Will Come. If You're Just Phishing, They Will Run.
Introduction To Finding Quality Sites Worth Getting Incoming Links From
Natural Flow Is What The Search Engines Want, So Let's Give It To Them.
Overview Of How This Free Tool Uses Your BrainStorming Process To Work Best.
Section 1: Link Building Methods That Surpass The Normal Keyword Lame Efforts.
Section 2: Understanding The Natural Flow Will Give You A Win-Win Opportunity.
Section 3: Follow The Natural Logic To Make Your BrainStorming Process Work.
Section 4: Do The Hard Work First, Then The Links Will Follow, Provide Ready Made Code.
Section 5: Download Area.
What To Look For When You're Wanting Natural Incoming Links, Part 1.
What To Look For When You're Wanting Natural Incoming Links, Part 2.
Who Needs Links? Well, You Do!


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Udemy Free Course - Retirement Master Course: Create A Dynamic Retirement Plan - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

  • To create an income at retirement beyond what you currently envision?
  • To retire many years sooner than you're currently planning?
  • To live without stress knowing that your retirement is planned for and secure?
  • To create—and revise—more proven, personalized ones—for free—on your own?
It's possible—It's up to you if you want to achieve it.
Five reasons to take this course IMMEDIATELY:
  1. Correctly answer the “How Much Do I Need to Retire" question. That's the most common question we get from our clients. You will learn exactly how to answer that question for yourself. By the end of this course, you will be able to immediately create your own retirement plan, adjust it to your scenario, and know exactly the steps and process you will need in order to secure your ideal retirement. Adjust this as often as you like to your changing situations, at no cost, with no advisor or money manager biases, and with a more accurate and realistic “Retirement Number" than you've seen before.
  2. You get to ask us questions and see our answers to all students through the exclusive class discussion boards. Ask us any question specifically related to the lectures in this course, and receive a prompt answer—straight from the experts—to you as our student! We will do our best to give you complete answers that will be helpful and useful to you.
  3. You receive instant access to the full course materials, along with constantly updated lectures. This is material directly from the two instructors' over 40,000+ hours of experience and backgrounds in the financial and retirement fields. Including over 30 years of professional coaching with clients, advanced degrees and certifications, as well as extensive and ongoing studies relating to preparing for and optimizing both ours and our clients' retirements. What this means is you can save years of time and avoid the many pitfalls that countless others fell into before. This aspect alone is worth thousands!
  4. This course is original, honest, and from the heart. It's our passion to help others achieve the kind of success we know they're capable of, and we are frustrated seeing so many being led in the wrong direction. Our course is personal and professional—created through our skills and involvement with experts—based on how we achieve success, and how we get our clients to their dream retirement.
  5. Every day you wait is costing you money. Each day you delay makes it that much harder to hit your retirement goals. Every dollar you pay in fees is sucking thousands of future dollars out of your retirement. These numbers compound and add up exponentially when you need it most. If you don't start today, the money won't be there when it matters. The time is no better than right now. Put in the small effort it takes today in order to prepare for and secure your retirement down the road. The sooner you take action—the far better off you will be!


A Key Step in Your Retirement Plan
Accumulation Calculator in Action
Budgeting Can Be Fun Too
Earning More
How to Calculate What You Are on Track for
How to Get the Biggest Benefit Out of This Course
Increasing Your Rate of Return
Kim and Paul--A Case Study
Let's Contrast Two Couples
Levels of Financial Freedom
Managed Funds Do Not Beat the Market
Real vs Imaginary Rate of Return
Retirement Fundamentals
Saving More
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Welcome to Our Conference Room
Section 3: The Accumulation Phase
Section 4: Creative Retirement Planning
Section 5: Retirement Gameplan
The Accumulation Phase Calculator--Part 1
The Accumulation Phase Calculator--Part 2
The First Step in Your Retirement Plan
The Full Retirement Plan in Action--Part 1
The Full Retirement Plan in Action--Part 2
The Retirement Withdrawal Calculator--Part 1
The Retirement Withdrawal Calculator--Part 2
Things to Consider When Working With Financial Professionals
Variables to Your Retirement Plan--Part 1
Variables to Your Retirement Plan--Part 2
Welcome to the Retirement Master Course
What is Creative Retirement Planning
What is Retirement to You?
What is the Effect of Management Fees?
What Is Your Rate of Return?
Withdrawal Phase Calculator in Action
Your Step-By-Step Retirement Plan


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Udemy Free Course - Introduction to International Trip Planning and Preparation - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

You've made the decision that this year you will finally commit to cashing in those unused vacation days and book that adventure abroad! Great! Now, where are you going to go? How will you get there? Where will you stay? What will you do when you get there? These are all necessary questions for potential international travelers to ask when at the very beginning stages of planning a new trip, known as crafting an itinerary. But is that really all there is to it? Just book a flight and go?
What about documents governments might want to see when you land? What do you need to pack? How will you communicate with friends and family back in the United States if you need to? These are all questions that also must be addressed.


3 Important Tips for Crafting an Itinerary
3 Items You Should Never Forget to Pack + Downloadable List of More Useful Items
3 Reasons Logistical Preparation is the KEY to a Successful Trip
7 Types of Lodging to Try Abroad
8 Initial Considerations Based on Personal Preferences
A Few More Questions About U.S. Passports Answered
Apply, Renew or Update Your Passport (U.S. Citizens)
Calculate Your International Clothing Sizes (Conversion Chart Included!)
Camera and Video Equipment
Combat the Epidemic Among New Travelers: Overpacking
Considerations for Packing Clothing
Create a Destination List With These 4 Resources
Discounts on Attraction Admissions
Discounts on Udemy Don't Die Abroad Courses
Download Don't Die Abroad's Comprehensive Packing List
Download Don't Die Abroad's Comprehensive Travel Checklist 
Download Don't Die Abroad's Last Minute Checklist
Evaluate Destination Safety with the U.S. State Department
Example: Researching and Applying for a Visa to Visit Kenya
Gather Supplementary Documentation + Share Itinerary Documents with a Friend
How to Hostel
Introduction to Course Content and Layout
Itinerary Planning Resources: Books, Blogs and More!
Learn to Dial Your Home Country from Abroad
Leave the Selfie Stick at Home (Because It's Probably Banned!)
Managing Mail While Abroad
New York Times: The Latest on Travel to Cuba
Obtain Extra Passport-Sized Photos
Packing for the Possibility Your Luggage Could Be Lost or Stolen
Phoning Home: Exploring Your Options
Postcard Hacks
Questions to Ask When Booking Lodging
Research and Apply for Your Visa in Advance, if Necessary
Research U.S. State Department Background Notes
Save Money with the Bunny
Section 1: Welcome to "Introduction to International Trip Planning and Preparation"!
Section 10: Trip Preparation, Lesson 3: Preparing Your Life and Home for Your Absence
Section 11: Trip Preparation, Lesson 4: A Few Final Tasks
Section 12: Conclusion to "Trip Planning and Preparation"
Section 2: Trip Planning, Lesson 1: Choosing a Destination
Section 3: Trip Planning, Lesson 2: Flights and Transportation
Section 4: Trip Planning, Lesson 3: Lodging
Section 5: Trip Planning, Lesson 4: Itinerary Planning
Section 6: Trip Planning, Lesson 5: Passports
Section 7: Trip Planning, Lesson 6: Visas
Section 8: Trip Preparation, Lesson 1: Communicating with Home
Section 9: Trip Preparation, Lesson 2: Packing
Single & Multiple Entry Visas vs. Transit Visas
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
Taxes, Voting and Selective Service Registration
The Importance of Visa Type
Travel By Rail Between Countries
Travel Tip: Rip Up Your Guidebook!
Trip Planning and Preparation Course Quiz
U.S. Department of Transportation "Fly-Rights"
U.S. Passport Cards vs. U.S. Passport Books
U.S. Students Abroad State Department Travel Website
U.S. TSA Packing Rules
Unique Trip Enhancements
Visas: Your 8 Biggest Questions Answered
Welcome by Bailey Richert
What is a Schengen Visa?
What NOT To Pack
What To Know About Booking International Flights


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Udemy Free Course - Learn Illustrator in 1 Hour (No Experience Needed) - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Adobe Illustrator is one of the most powerful vector-based programs in the world. It is the industry standard for creating beautiful logos, packaging design, artwork and more recently website layouts.
I have been using Illustrator for over 15 years and I designed this class to focus only on the specific things you need to learn to get up and running with Illustrator quickly. Within the first few classes you will already have what you need to open Illustrator and start working.
This isn't going to be one of those boring classes where we walk through every single tool and your mind starts to drift. There are plenty of classes out there that will show you every bell and whistle included with Illustrator. But let's be honest, nobody needs to know everything to be a professional graphic designer. Some of the most successful designers I know only use about 25% of the program's full potential. The key to becoming a graphic designer is to learn how to effectively use the tools to bring your vision to life.


The Shape Builder Tool and the death of the Pathfinder Tool.
50 Shades of Gradients
Appearance Panel and Effects
Creating Basic Shapes
Creating the Twitter Logo with the Shape Builder
Different Strokes and Dr. Fills
My Super Fast Introduction...
One Quick Concept: Grouping And Nesting
Section 1: Stop looking at Facebook and let's get started!
Section 2: Let's Make Some Shapes! Working with vector graphics.
Section 3: Working with Colors
Section 4: Level Up
The Pen Tool: Let's just get it over with.


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