Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Udemy Free Course - Make Money Shooting Sports Photos In Your Spare Time - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

I take action shots of ordinary people in my community for both pleasure and profit and I want to show you how to do the same. I've taken thousands of sports photos for teams and individuals and in this course I will share with you what I've learned over the past several years.
Action shots can be one of the most difficult types of photography, but with the knowledge I share in this course you can learn to take great photos of moving subjects.
If you have never touched a DSLR before, don't be intimidated! An entire section of this course is dedicated to teaching you the basics of operating a DSLR. After covering the basics, I'll teach you how to take advantage of the DSLR's features to capture moving subjects in a way that impress your customers.
Maybe you are not interested in taking photos for profit…just ignore the tips on selling and everything else in this course still applies. If you do want to take sports photos to sell, I'll show you how. This course covers how to find customers, how to market your services, and how to develop a pricing strategy that will produce profits.
Enroll now and learn how to make money shooting sports photos in your spare time!


Your Number One Selling Tool
A Word About Safety
Do You Understand Aperture?
Do You Understand ISO?
Do You Understand Shutter Speed?
Find Customers Through Contracting
Find Customers Through Freelancing
How to Plan for a Photo That Will WOW Your Customers
How to Produce Professional Prints and Products
Overview of this course
Pricing Strategies for Producing Profits
Section 1: Introduction to the course
Section 2: How To Sucessfuly Operate a DSLR Camera
Section 3: How To Take Great Action Shots That Will Sell
Section 4: How To Find Opportunities To Take Photos And Meet New Customers
Section 5: How To Sell Your Photos For A Profit
Selling Digital FIles
Settings for Success, Part 1: Settings to Set and Forget
Settings for Success, Part 2: Shifting Settings
Taking A Picture Worth a Thousand Words
The Camera I Use...It's Probably a Lot Cheaper Than You Think
Understanding the Camera Body
Understanding the Lens
What is a DSLR Camera?
What is Aperture?
What is ISO?
What is Shutter Speed?
Who should take this course?


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Udemy Free Course - Udemy Course Design-How to Create Impressive Text Animations - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Impress your students with quality text animation. Amaze your audience with interactive course visuals. Your students will absorb content faster and more easily with these masterful simple to implement techniques to making your presentations so much more engaging. It's a sure fire way to get five star reviews.
Learn the basic concepts, tools and various techniques of text animation that you will need to create engaging animations for all your online courses. This course provides a hands-on experience. You will build a full lecture with quality text animation that you can use in your online lessons within the first hour of learning.
Master the Most Common and Easy to Use Techniques for Text Animation in After Effects without the Hassle of having to Learn the Entire After Effects Toolset. Simple, direct, effective and to the point.
  • Understand the simplicity of After Effects.
  • Grasp the key elements to help you jump-start the process of creating quality animations.
  • Create Attractive, Useful and Re-Usable Text Animation (have a look at the previews).
  • Synchronize your Voice with Screen display with an easy two-step method.
  • Export and Upload to Udemy

A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips
Learning the fundamentals of Text Animation (or Kinetic Typography) in After Effects puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. The Techniques taught in this course are easy to learn, simple to use and will allow you to create courses that will motivate your students to finish your course in record time.
You will learn simple methods that turn dull slides into attractive text animation.
You will exclusively Focus on Essential Techniques that you can use in your lectures and NOT waste time learning all there is to know about Adobe After Effects.
Build a simple but solid foundation that will allow you to expand your skills later on.
No Magic – Most of the animations taught in this course are considered standard practice by the Top Selling Udemy Courses. You will discover how easy it is for you to create appealing course content.
Course Overview
This course is suitable for beginners looking to acquire the most important concepts and methods used in Text Animations or Kinetic Typography.
This course is practical, delivering immediate results that you can adapt for your course.
You will start by learning about the workspace in After Effects and how to create the ideal workspace for producing high quality animations, fast.
You will dive right into the key components of stylized text animations.
Remember: practice makes the master. You will create 4 animation and then immediately start working on your own style.
You will learn simple yet powerful features that will give your animations an original and dynamic style.
This step by step guide will take you from key concepts, to a powerful tools, and then show you how to package your animations, add your voice over or narration using practical a method and then export to video.


A Quick Tour - See How Much You Will Learn
A Step Further Towards Creating Animations
Adding a Movie Background to create motion and engagement
Adding your waveform - Voice Over
Animation With Shapes and Alpha Mattes - A Neat Way to Animate
Another Animations for You to Keep
Assembling Your Lecture
Becoming a Parent - Easier Than in Real Life
Creating Compositions
Essential elements for Scaling - Anchor Point and Keyboard Shorcuts
Exit the Animation
Getting More work Done Faster and Easier
How to Create Organic Background
How to learn while producing usable animations
How to Use Graphs with Easy Ease
How to Use Mask for Simplicity and Effeciency
How Using Maks and Pre-Comps Gives You More Flexlibilty
It is Now Your Turn to Practice
It's about time - You can give it a try
Junior Step One
Keyframes, Text and Positions Animation
Let's Build the Full Animation - Good Parenting
Rotation and Opacity
Section 1: What you will learn in this course - a bit of details
Section 2: Boot Camp - A Fast Start Up
Section 3: Creating Animations with Masks
Section 4: How to ease your work and your animations
Section 5: How to Create Animations and Assemble Your Lecture
Section 6: Exporting your work
Section 7: More animations Techniques - Track Mattes and Shape Layer
Section 8: Parenting and Parent Mode - Easier in AE than in Real Life
Section 9: A Simple Conclusion
Setting Your Workspace - An Essential Step
Shapes and Alpha Mattes - An easy Concept with Many Applications
Stop Positioning Masks - How to Move Text Instead
Summary - How to create a Lecture
Summary For Easy In
Taking it easy ease - How to Make Animations Smoother and Organic
The Art of Parenting - Watch what You ill Learn
The Secrets of Masks - Why are they So Much Used?
The Swing - a srect animation widely used
Time to Practice Creating Animations With Masks
Web Video: Exporting Your Lecture for Upload
What You will Learn In the Next Lecture
Where to Find Fonts
Why Pre-Comps Are Important to Master
You already Have Enough Tools for This Animation


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Udemy Free Course - Captivate Your Audience With Unforgettable Storytelling - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

The tradition of Storytelling is as old as language itself, and throughout the ages has been used to communicate wisdom and understanding from one generation to another.
So, what makes a good story? What are the common elements of good storytelling?
The course begins by breaking down storytelling's secret underpinnings, hidden meanings and exploring the dynamic relationship between you, the story & your intended audience.
You'll be introduced to practical methods for building, capturing and maintaining your audience's attention. You'll acquire tips and techniques for finding, selecting, and preparing stories, whether they're based on your own experiences, time honoured folk tales, or even re-delivering stories that are told throughout the course.
You'll also learn how to:
  • Choose expressive & emotional language;
  • Communicate your own life experiences:
  • Create interesting characters;
  • Understand your audience more effectively;
  • Shape your story's plot, structure, and emotional arc;
  • Develop your Imagination & Vocal Cues;
  • Improvise for engaging & connecting with your audience;

Whether you seek to sharpen your abilities in the boardroom, at bedtime, in the classroom or around the bonfire with friends, 'Masterful Storytelling' has the answer. Although the context may change, the timeless methods remain the same.
This course comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee and is an absolute treat for the heart and mind of those who are new to storytelling, and also for those who are more experienced and weathered storytellers.


What's the Purpose of a Story? (There are no Rules)
A Strategy for Answering Awkward Questions
Authenticity: Connecting With Your Story
Building Humour Into Our Presentations
Don't Fall Into The Comparison Trap!
Emphasising The Importance of Empashis
EXERCISE 1: 3 Questions to Consider
EXERCISE 2: Practicing Emphasis
Exploring Parables: The Parables of Big J.C.
Ice Breaking: Offering Immediate Value
Ice Breaking: The Short Sharp Shock
Ice Breaking: Using Humour
Inception Storytelling Secrets
Introducing the Backstory
Introduction to the Course
Operation: Hearts & Minds
Permission Granted to Get 'Fully Emotional'
Plato's Perspective on Storytelling
Recommended 'Good' Reads
Section 1: An Introduction to Storytelling
Section 2: Understanding Your Audience
Section 3: Elements of A Good Story
Section 4: Storylines
Section 5: Communicating Creatively
Section 6: Breaking the Ice
Section 7: Purpose Driven Storytelling
Section 8: Wrapping Things Up
So, What Makes A Good Story?
Stories With a Happy Ending
Storytelling to Challenge & Provoke Thought
Storytelling to Inspire
Summary & Closing Thoughts 
Taking Your Audience on a Journey
The 3rd PERSON Narrative
The 4 Levels of Effective Communication
The 'A Person With A Problem' Element
The Art of 'Full Loop' Storytelling
The BEFORE & AFTER Storyline
The Destructive Nature of Judgement
The Difference Between Dialogue & Monologue
The Levels & Stages of Effective Stories
The Power of Self-Disclosure
The Soap Opera (Closed Loop) Sequence
The Soap Opera (Open Loop) Sequence
The Storytelling Triangle (You, Your Audience & The Story)
Using Backstory For Winning Hearts & Minds
Using Whatever You've Got To Illustrate Your Point


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Udemy Free Course - Bible Study: Philemon - 7 Lessons We Can Learn For Today! - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This may be one of the least known books and perhaps its similarity in size with Obadiah in the Old Testament and 1st, 2nd John & Jude in the New Testament might have caused some to over look it.
However this book of the Bible is just as power packed as any other because the Word of GOD is the power of GOD onto salvation! Hence we approach it with the same reverence, determination and desire to learn more from the HOLY SPIRIT.
Our objective here is to enjoy a brief history of the book then dive into at least seven lessons we as individuals can learn from in the our generation.
Philemon may be little known to many Christians but this small book illustrates profound truths about:
  • Every individual
  • Sin
  • Forgiveness
  • Love
  • The Gospel
  • Leadership
  • Sacrifice
  • Transformation
  • Enrichment
I sincerely hope that just as the Paul commended David's service in his generation we can also fulfill GOD;s purpose in ours as we learn from the letter to Philemon.


Brief Introduction
Course Introduction & Curriculum
Detail Account
Lesson #1 How The Useless Can Become Useful
Lesson #2 Under Promise Over Deliver - Doing More Than Required
Lesson #3 What Life Is All About - Finishing Well!
Lesson #4 Sharing and Caring
Lesson #5 The Keys of Prayer
Lesson #6 One of Todays Most Needed Trait - Submission!
Lesson 7 # Useful To Everyone, Everywhere
Section 1: Why I Recorded This Series Of Lectures
Section 2: Background - The Book of Philemon
Section 3: The Necessary Transformation!
Section 4: Traits To Develop - Growing In Our Life


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Udemy Free Course - Training Cats To Get Along In a Multi-Cat Household - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Do you have multiple cats in your house that just will not get along?
I've been there and I know what's it's like!
After bringing a 3rd cat into our home we had to deal with constant fighting and couldn't leave the house without our cats being separated at all times.
I spent hundreds of dollars on cat toys, special cat food, calming collars, and even pheromones you name it and we tried it!
We were on the verge of re-homing our 3rd cat!
After 1 year of trying everything we finally found a solution that worked for us. Our cats now can hangout in the same room without wanting to attack one another.
In this course I walk you through our cat story as cat owners who simply wanted our cats to get a long. I also share all the experiences we went through, the experts we learned from and how we finally resolved our cat aggression issues!


Cat Whisperer Advice We Got
Cat Window Perches
Conclusion To The Course 
Delivered Information from Maureen Harmony
Jackson Galaxy Products
Maureen Harmony - Animal Translations
My Cat From Hell - Jackson Galaxy
Our Cats Getting Along!
Our Cats Maya, Nessa & Sookie
Our Custom Homemade Cat Perches & Cat Tower
Our Site -
Our Story
Pam Johnson Bennett Books and Website
Section 1: Introduction To The Course
Section 2: Understanding Some Basics Before You Bring Another Cat Into Your Home
Section 3: Catifying Your Home
Section 4: Awesome Resources & Experts To Learn From
Section 5: Conclusion
The Cat Whisperer - Mieshelle Nagelschneider
The Mistakes We Made
What is Catification?
What To Expect From This Course


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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Udemy Free Course - Change your belief now through NLP - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Change your belief now through NLP by Pradeep Aggarwal helps you change all your negative beliefs to positive belief and breaks all the unwanted barriers in your path of growth . Using the techniques taught in this course you will be able to achieve your goals faster which you were not able to do previously due to lack of self belief and low self confidence.
The techniques taught in this course are-
1) Introduction to the course
2) How to increase your positive belief
3) Understand your mind better
4) Exercise on changing your negative belief
5) Part Therapy
6) Change your belief exercise using pictures
7) Change your belief exercise using role model technique
8) Summary of the course


Understand your mind better
Change your belief exercise using pictures
Change your belief exercise using role model technique
Exercise on changing your negative belief
How to increase your positive belief
Introduction to the course
Part Therapy
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Change your belief now through NLP
Summary of the course


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Udemy Free Course - Tutoring Success: How To Start Your Own Tutoring Business - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Join over 900 students who have already taken this course!
UPDATE: Course updated March 2015 and new updates are continuously being added each month.
Please note that the cost of this course will rise on the 15th of June 2015.
  • Do you have a flair for teaching?
  • Have you always wanted to earn a living as a teacher or tutor but struggled with ways to get started?
  • Would you like to use your knowledge, talents and gifts to inspire other people?
If so, this is THE course for you.
In this course, I'll be introducing you to the multi-billion dollar industry of tutoring.
You'll learn:
  • How to attract great clients from the very first day you begin tutoring
  • How to have clients begging you to work with them
  • The 3 subjects that are in demand no matter where you live
  • 5 tools for online tutoring that I personally recommend
And much, much more.
Unlike alternative courses, this course is taught by a fellow tutor. I'll take you step-by-step through the very processes, methods, tools and systems that I have used to build my tutoring business. These strategise can be applied to any tutor; it doesn't matter what subject you teach or where you live.


BONUS MATERIAL! Social Media Marketing For Tutors
BONUS MATERIAL: One Vital Marketing Strategy
BONUS MATERIAL: Step-by-step guide to online tutoring
BONUS MATERIAL: Subject Ideas For Tutors & Why You Should Choose Your Clients
Business ettiquette
How to choose which subject you'll teach
How to effortlessly calculate your income
Opportunities within a $5billion market
Section 1: Why start a tutoring business?
Section 2: Is tutoring actually profitable?
Section 3: Pricing your way to success!
Section 4: Choosing your subject
Section 5: Why business etiquette leads to you having more clients
Section 6: How to make your lessons AMAZING!
Simple trick for boosting your tutoring income
Which subjects are in demand?
Why 'pricing discomfort' can make or break your business
Why should you start a tutoring business?


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Udemy Free Course - Learn ' EFT' now for positive living - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

EFT or Emotional Freedom Therapy is a powerful technique that helps you remove fear and phobia instantly , helps you control your emotions , helps you to reduce emotional pain , mental blocks , remove addictions etc using NLP and acupressure techniques. This course teaches you all about EFT and its benefits and how it can be used easily in your daily life to overcome all the negativity and blocks in your life and live your life more positively.
The topics covered in this course are-
1) Introduction to the course
2) What is EFT technique?
3) How does EFT work?
4) How to use EFT?
5) Exercises using EFT technique
6) EFT with Self Hypnosis


What exactly is ' EFT ' technique?
EFT combined with self hypnosis
Exercises on EFT technique
How ' EFT ' works
How to use ' EFT '
Introduction to learn ' EFT ' now for positive living
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Learn ' EFT ' now for positive living
Section 3: Summary of the course


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Udemy Free Course - Project Management Using Simple Tools - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Are you looking for Simple Tools and Techniques on How to Manage Multiple Projects using a Very Simplified and Effective Approach.
Whether you are New or Experienced to Project Management, you would find this course useful.
In this course, I would teach you, How to Manage, Projects for your Clients or to Improve the Productivity of your Business, using some simple tools, that I share in this course.
In this course, I would be sharing with you, on How to Manage your Projects by making use of the following tools.
  1. Trello
  2. Basecamp
  3. Zoho
  4. Insightly
By the end of the course, you would learn to choose the right platform for Managing your Business or your Projects.
You would also learn, How to Eliminate the Hustle of Managing Multiple Projects at the same time, more effectively.
Upon completion of this course, I would assure you that, Project Management Won't be a Boring Stuff Any More. I would show you How to Manage the Projects Creatively and Have FUN with it.
I will be sharing creative tactics to help you plan your projects more creatively using images and colors and by utilizing Mind Mapping.
What are you waiting for? Enroll into this COURSE NOW and unleash the Project Manager hidden within you.


Basecamp 1
Basecamp 2
insightly 1
insightly 2 
Introduction to Basecamp.
Introduction to Insightly.
Introduction to the Course.
Introduction to Trello.
Introduction to Zoho.
Planing Flow Chart.
Section 1: Introduction to Project Mangment
Section 2: Mind Mapping
Section 3: Trello
Section 4: Basecamp CRM for small business
Section 5: Zoho
Section 6: Insightly
The 2 Types of Companies.
Trello 2
Understanding Mind Mapping.
Understanding Project Scope of Work.
What is Project Management?
zoho 3
Zoho overview


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Udemy Free Course - How I Make A Profitable Udemy Course In Just One Day! - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Here it is guys. I have done all the research and I am ready to give it to you. In this course we are going to learn the inns and outs of what makes a successful Usemy course profitable.
Im very excited to share this class with you!
For the longest time I struggled with generating sales and making good courses on Udemy. That season of my life is over. I have overcome my obstacles and emerged on the other side as a successful instructor.
I want to show you how to do the same.


Your Revenue Report
Climbing The Mountain
Content: Creating A Buffet Of Topics
Discovering Your Craft
Equipment: What You DO And DONT Need
Getting Reviews
Help Me Out
Keep In Touch!
Marketing: Shotgun VS Sniper
My Failures Equal Your Success
Robots VS People: The Battle For Personality Driven Teachers
Section 1: First Things First!
Section 2: Course Creation: Planning, Pricing, & Marketing
Section 3: Sit Back And Relax!
Section 4: Lets Wrap This Thing Up Guys
Submitting Your Course For Review
The Price Is Right!
Things I Am Learning Very Quickly
Titles: Complex VS Elegant
Using Discount Coupons
Using The Affiliate Program
Want To Make Lots Of Money?
Welcome! (Introduction)
What Do I Say?
Why Me?
Will the media play in your favor?
Your Course Image


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Udemy Free Course - Learn How To Build An eCommerce Website Using Wordpress 2015 - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

⇉ Watch the promo video to see How You Build Your Own eCommerce Website Using Wordpress
⇉ Join Over 33,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled In My Udemy Courses This Year!
⇉ 350+ Five Star Reviews Shows Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results!
⇉ You receive Lectures and Hours of HD Video Content
  • Are You Looking To Build A Professional Looking eCommerce Website?
  • Want To Skip The Enormous Amount of Time it takes Learning How To Code?
  • Then This Course if For you!
    Welcome To Learn How To Build An eCommerce Website Using WordPress 2015
      In this course you will learn how to build your very own professional looking eCommerce website using Wordpress. Wordpress is "a free and open source content management system (CSM) based on PHP and MySQR. Wordpress is used by more than 23.3% of the top 10 million websites as of January, 2015" -Wikipedia
      We show you step by step how you can simply and easily build your very own professional website. We start by discussing an introduction to hosting, domains, what Wordpress is and how to use it, and much more. We then move into the installation process and getting comfortable navigating around Wordpress. We then teach you all of the necessities to building your professional website
      Here is What You Will Learn Throughout Our Entire Course:
      • How Websites Work & Function
      • What The Domain is & How To Find One For Your Website
      • What Hosting is And How To Find Efficient Hosting
      • Setting Up Wordpress
      • A Complete Guide To Using The Basics of Wordpress and Beyond
      • We Then Create A Website Right Before your Eyes
      • So Much More!
        With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this course, you will instantly begin to move towards Building your own professional eCommerce website using Wordpress
        When I learn something new, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.
        In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course.


        Add product
        Adding your domain name to your hosting
        Buying your hosting
        Contact Page
        Don't buy everything from the same place
        Easy Website (Product)
        Home Page
        Installing woocommerce
        Installing wordpress
        Removing the extra
        Reserving the domain with GoDaddy
        Section 1: Introduction
        Section 10: T-Shirt Product
        Section 11: Finishing up!
        Section 2: Domain
        Section 3: Hosting
        Section 4: Setting Everything Up
        Section 5: Getting Started with wordpress
        Section 6: Building the base pages
        Section 7: Getting started with WooCommerce
        Section 8: Products in WooCommerce
        Section 9: Virtual Product
        Settings Part 1
        Settings Part 2
        Shipping Classes
        Site Title and TagLine
        T-Shirt Product
        Using the page builder/About Page


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        Udemy Free Course - Six-Figure Internet Marketing and Sales Strategies - 100% Off

        Free Udemy Course

        Course Description

        Course fully up-to-date and new lectures added as of September 2015.
        1. Would you like to increase your sales without spending thousands on marketing?
        2. Would you like to improve your marketing savvy, strategies and activities without committing a great deal of time?
        3. Are you a business owner, self-publisher, salesperson, consultant or independent operator who desires to learn more about online marketing and sales?
        If you answered "yes" to at least one of these questions then this course is for you!
        Effective marketing activities increase sales. If you don't have a marketing plan or your plan is ineffective, there's little chance you'll generate the desired sales and income results. Marketing is about creating awareness and by using the best free and low cost practices, you can expect to drive more purchases of your products and services.
        Six-Figure Internet Marketing and Sales highlights key fundamentals, concepts, strategies, and insights. This course is designed to infuse your marketing and sales plans with best in class online activities. Additionally, if you don't have a marketing and/or sales plan or if you're new to marketing, this is the best place to start your journey.
        As you create your marketing strategy, you'll select and strike a balance between various online marketing activities. Upon successful completion of this course you'll be able to:
        • Develop an effective, free and/or low cost online marketing plan
        • Out market, out rank, and outsmart your competitors
        • Apply various strategic online marketing and sales initiatives
        • Increase your leads and sales to attract your desired income
        • Understand your consumer, target market, and product/service market
        • Create eye-catching promotional messages using seven key factors
        • Enhance your brand, marketability, discoverability, and credibility
        • Plus many other course goals as stated
        Sign up and experience the best online marketing and sales course on the web.


        7 Keys to Highly Effective Online Marketing Messages
        Advantage and Disadvantages
        Affiliate Marketing
        Authority Concepts and Approaches
        Bonus Lecture - Let's Continue Learning Together
        Bonus: Automated Posting ft. HootSuite
        Brand Management
        Content Marketing
        Copywriting Approaches
        Details About the Course
        Email Marketing
        Email Marketing - MailChimp Training
        Features vs. Benefits
        General - Google AdWords Keyword Planner Training
        General - Google Analytics Training
        Goals of Marketing vs. Marketing Goals
        Hello and Welcome!
        Inside vs. Outside Sales
        Key Terms Explained
        Lecture 1 
        Market Research
        Marketing and Distribution Channels
        Marketing Approaches
        Marketing Defined
        Marketing Mix and 4 P's
        Metrics and Measurement
        Midway Check-In
        Mini Case Study #1: Hostelworld
        Mini Case Study #1: Infusionsoft
        Mini Case Study #2: Dollar Shave Club
        Mini Case Study #2: HootSuite
        Mini Case Study #3: Udemy
        Mini Case Study #3: Upwork
        Mini Case Study #4: Eckhart Tolle
        Mini Case Study #4: TransferWise
        Mini Case Study #5: Amazon
        Online Marketing and Your Success
        Paid Advertising
        Preferential Marketing
        Pricing Concepts and Approaches
        Reference - 70+ Royalty Free Stock Photo Sites
        Reference - Marketing Communication Channels
        Reference - Qualitative/Quantitative Research Methods
        Reference - Services and Platforms
        Referral Marketing
        Relationship Concepts and Approaches
        Sales Defined
        Sales Forecasting
        Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
        Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
        Section 1: Course Overview
        Section 2: Marketing Fundamentals
        Section 3: Essential Marketing Concepts
        Section 4: The Internet/Online Marketing Wave
        Section 5: Internet Marketing Activities
        Section 6: Sales Fundamentals
        Section 7: Online Sales Activities
        Section 8: That's a Wrap
        Section 9: Free Online Marketing Training from Leading Providers
        Section Overview
        Section Overview [Watch This Course in HD]
        SEM - Google AdWords Training
        SEO - HubSpot Training
        Site Design Concepts and Approaches
        Social Media Marketing
        Social Media Marketing - HootSuite Training
        Social Proofing Concepts and Approaches
        The Art of Copywriting
        The Purchase Cycle
        The Recipe for Sales Success
        The Sales Funnel
        The Truth? I Need Your Review!
        Types of Marketing
        Types of Selling Approaches
        Video Marketing
        Video Marketing - Camtasia Studio Training
        We're Almost There
        Your Instructor / Connect with Me on LinkedIn
        Your Marketing Plan
        Your Next Steps to Success
        Your Online Reach
        Your Steps to Success
        Your Value Proposition


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        Udemy Free Course - Outsourcing Success - Create Your Online Empire & Work Less - 100% Off

        Free Udemy Course

        Course Description

        Do you want to increase your monthly income by 500% while decreasing your working hours by 80%?
        Want to learn how others can create online empires that generate hundreds of thousands in monthly revenue by automating their business while living the laptop lifestyle?
        This is what's possible with outsourcing.
        In this course, I'll teach you the methods me and the best internet marketers use to grow our businesses in a fraction of the time normal people would take while working fewer hours and making more money.
        You will discover the secret world of outsourcing and how to use its power to achieve phenomenal results.
        Learn the formula I use to get any job done without actually doing any of it myself.
        Online Marketing, Advertising, Website Creation, Mobile App Development, Graphic Design, Sales, Blog Writing, Book Writing, Email Marketing, Editing, Scheduling, SEO, Social Media Management, Customer Support - these are just a few of the things you will learn to automate with this course.


        5 Rules To Avoid An Outsourcing Disaster
        7 Ways To Grow Your Business With Outsourcing
        Affiliate Marketing
        Audio Transcription (Audio to Text)
        Blog Posting
        Content Marketing
        Email Management
        Email Marketing
        Final Thoughts
        Graphics Design
        How To Find Super Cheap Good Freelancers On Fiverr
        How To Grow And Evolve
        How To Keep Great Workers
        How To Keep Organised And Increase ROI
        How to Pick The Right Freelancer
        How To Write Clear Instructions
        Individual Freelancers vs Agencies
        Intro: What is Outsourcing?
        Is Outsourcing Right For Me?
        Quality vs Cost
        Respecting Your Employees
        Section 1: Introduction - What is Outsourcing?
        Section 2: The 12 Pillars of Great Outsourcers
        Section 3: What to Outsource
        Section 4: Where To Find Freelancers
        Section 5: The 5-Step Formula For Finding & Hiring A Freelancer
        Section 6: Taking A Project From Start To Completion
        Section 7: How To Grow Your Business With Outsourcing
        Social Media Management
        Step 1: Identify The Task To Be Outsourced
        Step 2: How To Write The Perfect Project Description
        Step 3: How To Eliminate Unqualified Freelancers
        Step 4: Picking The Top 5 Candidates
        Step 5: Selecting The Final Freelancer To Hire
        The 6 Best Collaboration Tools To Use With Freelancers
        The 8 Steps To Successful Project Completion
        The Top 7 Places To Find Freelancers
        Voice Acting
        What Is Microsourcing?
        What To Do When Mistakes Happen
        Why Expensive Is Not Always Better
        Why Upwork Is The Best Choice To Start With
        Why You Need To Fire Fast!
        Why You Want To Do A Task First Yourself Before Assigning It To Someone Else


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        Udemy Free Course - The Key Stages of Coaching - 100% Off

        Free Udemy Course

        Course Description

        About the Course
        Coaching has many uses in organizations, and the sequence of coaching activities is similar in all of them. Assuming, of course, that coaching is part of the organizational policy.
        The course on The Key Stages of Coaching will involve learners in the continuous process of discovery, goal setting, action planning, and follow-up that distinguishes coaching from other development methods.
        Course Target
        This course is for anyone in an organization who has a role in improving the performance of co-workers, keeping in mind the fact that coaching is not solely a top-down activity.
        Typically, coaching involves team members, team leaders, and supervisors, including senior managers and CEOs. But, everyone can benefit.
        The Instructor
        My name is Sorin, and I will be your instructor. I have been working as a manager and trainer for the last 10 years, and I used to coach young professionals.
        And, the plan is to share with you what I have learned from my experience, and to pass on what I have learned during my training, a while ago.
        Course Structure
        There are 3 stages of coaching to learn: preparing to coach, structuring and delivering coaching sessions, and following up on the coaching session.
        Course Objectives
        After completing the course, you will be able to determine which coaching opportunities exist within a given scenario, use appropriate techniques to persuade a coachee that coaching is needed, and identify examples of the appropriate actions to take when planning and preparing for a coaching session.
        After completing the course, you will also be able to understand the benefits of applying a structured approach to coaching, identify the elements of SMART coaching goals, establish the reality of a situation, evaluate development options in a coaching session, and effectively wrap up a given coaching session.

        And, finally, you will also be able to recognize the benefits of following up the coaching session, 
        apply techniques to ensure that a coachee realizes his or her coaching goals in a given scenario, and - very important determine whether the appropriate level of support was provided to coachees in a given situation.

        Apply now!
        So, if this is of interest for you, go ahead and hit the Register button. Or, if you are not yet convinced, please try the free preview lectures first. Thank you, and see you on the inside!


        Wrapping Up the Coaching Session (brief)
        About the Course
        Applying a Structured Approach to Coaching
        Avoiding Reprisals or Criticism I
        Avoiding Reprisals or Criticism II
        Building on the Work Already Accomplished
        Course Guidelines
        Course Introduction
        Course Overview
        Course Project (Optional)
        Development Options in a Coaching Session
        Establishing the Reality of a Situation
        Evaluating Options with your Coachees
        Following Up on the Coaching Session
        Goal Realization Techniques
        Identifying Coaching Opportunities
        Key Stages of Coaching
        Managing Expectations
        Persuading Coachees to Agree to Coaching I
        Persuading Coachees to Agree to Coaching II
        Planning and Preparing for a Coaching Session
        Planning the Coaching Intervention I
        Planning the Coaching Intervention II
        Pre-coaching Questions
        Preparing to Coach
        Section 1: Course Introduction
        Section 2: Preparing to Coach
        Section 3: Structuring the Coaching Session
        Section 4: Following Up on the Coaching Session
        Section 5: Using the Key Stages of Coaching
        SMART Goals
        Structuring the Coaching Session
        The Appropriate Level of Support
        The Benefits of Adequate Preparation for a Coaching Session
        The Benefits of Following up the Coaching Session
        The elements of SMART coaching goals
        The Need for Coaching
        The Type of Support to Offer
        Understanding Coaching Opportunities
        Understanding Your Coachee's Situation
        Using the Key Stages of Coaching
        Wrap up a Coaching Session


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        Udemy Free Course - How to Remove the Background from Any Picture the Easy Way - 100% Off

        Free Udemy Course

        Course Description

        Learn how to remove the background from any picture in 5 minutes!
        The course covers 6 exercises and takes only around 30 minutes to complete. I will take you from easy one-color backgrounds to more complex cases where the subjects mix with the backgrounds.
        This course is for you if:
        • You're a regular person with no experience with Photoshop, but who wants to photoshop herself or some friends in different pictures and collages.
        • You're a designer and want to extract products or people from pictures, for use in ads and banners.
        • You're a photographer who wants to make surreal compositions with subjects taken out from other pictures.
        Remember that if you are unhappy with what you found here, you will get a full 100%, no questions asked, refund.
        Or, you can tell me how I can make this course better, and I'll add more lectures based on your feedback. And you will get them for free!


        The quickest way to remove a background around rich curly hair
        Remove a motion blur background and take out its moving subject
        Remove a white background when the product blends with it
        Removing a photo background around a closely colored person
        Removing a white background while maintaining shadows and soft edges
        Removing backgrounds around hair - the perfectionist's way!
        Section 1: What you will learn
        Section 2: Need transparent product photos? Remove white backgrounds
        Section 3: Photoshop your friends! Removing background around hair
        Section 4: No clear edges? Removing backgrounds in motion blur pictures


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        Udemy Free Course - Dating Skills For Women - 100% Off

        Free Udemy Course

        Course Description

        Are you looking to find out what makes men tick?
        Do you want to be confident on your next first date?
        Do you want to invest in your own personal development and master the skill of dating?
        **Join a community of +1000 women gaining confidence and looking for their perfect match**
        Dating these days are tough, especially with us living in such a digital world. Face-to-face connections are getting harder and connecting on a date is becoming a lost kill.
        This course- Dating Course for Women- is a powerful course for women looking to master the skill of dating and find true connections.


        Where To Meet Your Man
        Charm School: Charm His Socks Off!
        Feminine Mystery
        From Me to You!
        Intuitive Guidance
        Section 1: INTRODUCTION
        Section 2: KEEPING YOUR COOL
        Section 3: THE ART OF CONNECTION
        Section 4: BUILDING RAPPORT
        Section 5: A Final Thought
        Something To Think About
        Staying Calm In Any Social Setting
        Thank You!
        The Balance Theory
        The Key To Mutual Understanding
        The Three Biggest Mistakes Women Should Avoid!
        Tips on Building Trust
        Toolbox for First Date Anxiety
        Warm Welcome
        What Men Really Like In Women


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        Udemy Free Course - The Buy & Sell Money Tree - 100% Off

        Free Udemy Course

        Course Description

        Selling used items online is different than selling face to face because your Ad is the only information potential buyers have when it comes to purchasing decisions. The Ad you show them can work for you, or against you. This course was designed to help you create more effective Ads that get attention… and results.
        This course begins with an Introduction to who I am, who it's for, topics covered and why you should want to sell your unused items.
        Each section will focus on one key area, and I break it down into everyday language to help you understand why it is so important, and how you can use it to improve your own selling efforts. Topics covered include:
        - The importance of proper images, and you'll learn you how to take better pictures regardless of what camera you are using.
        - How to price your item correctly so you don't miss a sales opportunity, and we'll cover how to generate more traffic to your Ad without spending any money.
        - How to write emotional description that appeal to the buyer's various senses to increase your chances of landing the sale.
        - How to price your item correctly and how to generate more traffic to your ad without spending any money.
        You'll learn all that plus other other tips, techniques and best practices!
        Also included with this course are two Free eBooks: Selling Online, a Reality Checklist and Writing Descriptions that Sell.
        One Man's Junk is Another Man's Treasure. There's a reason that old saying has been around for such a long time - because it's true! Items that were just collecting dust or I was going to throw away ended up selling rather quickly. I made a lot of money selling online and you can too!
        During this course I focus mainly on Kijiji, which is a Canadian company, because that's the site I use to Buy & Sell locally, but keep in mind that the bulk of the information you will learn in this course is universal, and can help you create more effective Ads regardless of where you live or what website you are using, such as Ebay, Craigslist and so on.


        Be Aware of Online Scams
        Before we part ways I just wanted to say
        Better Pricing Strategies
        Dealing with Buyers
        Final Exam
        Free Photo Editor
        Generating Traffic - Part 1 of 2
        Generating Traffic - Part 2 of 2
        Haggling 101
        How to Price your items
        How to Take Better Pictures
        How to Write Better Descriptions
        Knowledge Check - Dealing with Buyers
        Knowledge Check - Effective Pricing
        Knowledge Check - Generating Traffic
        Knowledge Check - Pictures Sell Products
        Knowledge Check - Safety
        Knowledge Check - Writing Descriptions that Sell
        Pictures Sell Products - Part 1 of 2
        Pictures Sell Products - Part 2 of 2
        Practicing What I Preach - A True Story
        Safety and Shipping
        Section 1: Introduction
        Section 10: That's a Wrap
        Section 2: Pictures Sell Products
        Section 3: Writing Descriptions that Sell
        Section 4: Dealing with Buyers
        Section 5: Effective Pricing
        Section 6: Generating Traffic
        Section 7: How to protect yourself (online and offline) and when you have to ship your item
        Section 8: The BUY Part of Buy and Sell
        Section 9: BONUS Content
        Selling Online, a Reality Checklist (eBook)
        The BUY Part of Buy and Sell
        Traffic Addendum
        Writing Descriptions that Sell - Part 1 of 2
        Writing Descriptions that Sell - Part 2 of 2
        Writing Descriptions that Sell (eBook)
        You can make a living Buying and Selling used items


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        Udemy Free Course - Budgeting, Financial Planning, and Goals That Work for You! - 100% Off

        Free Udemy Course

        Course Description

        The course is about getting your personal finances under control through the tried and true routines that financially independent people have followed for years.
        The Course Includes:
        • defining your values and goals around finances,
        • using simple tools to track cash flow
        • an easy and simple discipline to stay on budget without writing everything down
        • constructing a personal balance sheet, and a method to prioritize expenses to get the highest possible satisfaction from your hard earned money
        • effective and constructive ways to communicate with a partner about finances
        Are you transitioning from school to working life, changing careers, or preparing for retirement? Find out if this course is for you!
        75% of North Americans identify personal finances as the number one stress in their lives. Stress will kill you. You will Live long and prosper if you take this course. Follow simple routines that will have you putting extra money in the bank every month. This course is the foundation upon which financial independence will be built. The co-authors, Alan MacDonald (a chartered financial analyst and chartered financial planner who has worked as an financial advisor for 30 years) and Paul LaBarge (a senior tax partner at his own law firm who also specializes in business law, arbitration, estate and financial planning) have had, literally, thousands of conversations about personal finances. The same patterns keep showing up among those who have successfully achieved financial independence, and those who do not. You don't need a business degree to understand or implement the successful routines. A relatively short initial investment of time will see you equipped with tools that can be used easily and successfully through the rest of your life to keep your cash flow under control and your spending focused against the things that are most important to you and your family.
        The course is divided into 3 major sections and will take 8 hours to complete. All exercises are included and all you need is a computer with speakers, pen and paper, and an eagerness to learn how to start living a financially fit lifestyle!


        You Deserve a Break Today
        Additional Reading: The Copperjar System in Print 
        Assessing Your Values
        Balance Sheets and Cash Flow: The Best Tool is Information
        Coordinating With Family: Support Eachother in Achieving what is Most Important
        Counting Your Hidden Calories
        Course Breakdown
        Course Conclusion: Congratulations!
        Find Your Inner Ski Bum
        Introduction to Financial Fintness: It's time to get Financially Fit
        Introduction: Where is your hidden spending happening?
        Know Your Limits: Wake-up from Unconcious Spending
        Section 1: Course Introduction
        Section 2: Goals and Values: Where do you want Your Money going?
        Section 3: Your Financial Fitness Check-Up
        Section 4: Getting a Baseline: Collect and Rank your Data
        Section 5: Course Conclusion
        Setting Your Goals: The First Potato Chip
        Summary of Section 4
        The Fitness Test
        Tracking the Elusive Cash Flow: The 2 Numbers that Matter
        Which Number is Bigger?
        Wishes and Wants: It's time to Dream with No Limits!


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