Thursday, 9 July 2015

Udemy Free Course - Get Focused - How to Achieve Any Business or Personal Goal - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Have you ever wondered how a single mom, or someone with multiple jobs (or a single mom with multiple jobs) manages to start a company and shoot straight to the top?
Have you ever seen someone so focused, so determined, so confident in what they are doing that they move in a perfectly straight line towards achieving their goals, and wondered; "whats their secret"?
Or, have you even watched videos like "The Secret" and applied the mindsets to your life with minimal results, and wondered why it isn't working for you?
The thing is, there is a secret to their secret; videos like "The Secret" are only a starting point. They give you the "what", but are lacking in the details of "how".


As You See It, So It Is
Equanimity - Defined
Find Your Bearings
Find Your Bearings - Creating Your Personal Mission Statement
Hack Away the Unessential
Section 1: Intro's
Section 2: Zero It Out - Redefine YOUR Personal Goals and Beliefs
Section 3: Actualization - Turning Your Goals and Aspirations Into Reality
Setting the Stage - What to Expect
Success Favors the Prepared
Success Favors the Prepared - Defining Your Goals
Your Focus Needs More Focus


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