Course Description
Learn to play piano using piano chords, rapidly and properly as hundreds before you have by taking lessons with Jackie Clark.
To learn to play piano as a beginner you need a number of things.
- A will to learn
- A piano
- Superb lessons
The first two you provide.
third is provided by the lessons in this course which is expanded
regularly, to suit the growing needs of students, as they progress from
absolute beginner to an intermediate standard of piano playing.
are great fun and start at the very basics of how to sit, and progress
quite quickly to learning how to play songs using just chords. Almost
all songs use chords for their accompaniment, making learning by chords
the perfect method of learning piano or keyboard.
would be expected from a qualified piano teacher, with over 25 year's
experience of teaching piano, keyboard and guitar. Everything taught is
of the highest quality. All taught in a fun and exciting way. Students
love the way Jackie inspires them to enjoy their lessons, from which
they rapidly learn to enjoy their piano playing.
whole course is taught by video and a PDF resource book covers
everything covered in lessons. Print the resource book for use while
Every lesson carries a full practice schedule
to follow between lessons. The key to learning piano is your
practicing. You need to practice properly, with Jackie you do, by
following your practice schedule provided for each lesson. No need to
try and remember what was said in the lesson, it is in front of you in
black and white.
Jackie makes the course as near as possible to lessons you would have, if she were sitting alongside you in a private lesson.
Wind Beneath My Wings
7th Chords
Advanced Chord Playing
Bass 1
Bass 2
Bass 3
Bass Chords
Bass Notes
Bass Run 4
Bass Run 5
Bass Run 6
Bass Run Demonstration
Bob Dylan Followup
Both Hands in the Key of G Major
Catching fingers on adjacent notes
Course Wrap Up
Downloaded songs
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise On Chords Learned and Smooth Playing
Fun Chords in the Key of F Major Both Hands
Internet Songs
Introduction to Added Extras
Introduction to Dynamics
Introduction to finger exercises
Introduction to Running Board
Introduction to the Course
Introduction to the piano
Left Hand Broken Chords
Left Hand Playing
Loud & Soft
Minor Chords
More Chord Sequences To Practice
Music Master Four
Music Master One
Music Master Three
Music Master Two
Origin of Chords
Playing With Both Hands
Putting Dynamics Into Effect
Real Songs
Running Board Part One
Running Board Part Three
Running Board Part Two
Running board The Whole Piece
Section 1: Introduction Section
Section 2: Course Practice Lectures
Section 3: Running Board
Section 4: Added Extras
Section 5: Dynamics
Section 6: Exercises
Section 7: Wrap Up of Course
Section 8: Quiz
Staccato & Legato
The Chord of Bb Major
The Chord of D Major
The chords of C, F, and G Major
Turn Around 1
Turn Around 2
Turn Around 3
Turn Around 4
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