Saturday, 4 July 2015

Udemy Free Course - Learn How To Build Your Business With The Power Of Email - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

When the average person thinks of social media they will typically think of sexier platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest.
But every single minute, some 165 million emails are sent by an estimated 3.5 billion email accounts around the world, and approximately 80-100 of those emails land in your inbox, each and every single day and this isn't by accident. In this course we are going to break down the components of email marketing and reverse engineer what makes great email campaigns successful.
This course is going to be for anyone who is new to using email marketing for the purposes of trying to grow their business, as well establish a deeper level of connection with their customers.
If you're someone who is already using email marketing for your business, and you would simply like to improve your results, or maybe just fine tune what it is that you've been doing, then this course will be able to offer you some tips and techniques that will allow you to best accomplish that.
You're going to learn what it takes to get your email subscribers to open all of your emails. We're also going to cover what needs to be done to improve your chances of getting through your subscribers ISP controlled spam filters.


Automated Replies
Email is here to stay.
Here Are Some Steps To Get Better Results From Your Email Campaigns
Irresistible Email Subject Lines
Learn why email marketing should be used for your business.
Lets see what you remember...
Let's test your recollection.
Mobile Email Marketing
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Why use email marketing?
Section 3: Improving your email marketing results
Section 4: Mobile Email Marketing
Section 5: The Autoresponder
Section 6: What's Next...
The Email Autoresponder
The next step in the process
Think you know the answer?
Time-tested Persuasive Writing Techniques
What is email marketing and why is it so effective?
Your “Authority” Is What Determines Your Level Of Success


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