Course Description
Ever wished you could control your sugar cravings, have more
energy, be less cranky and shed some of those extra pounds, in
short................RESIST, insulin resistance, without drugs or
supplements ?
You know your SUGAR MUNCHING habits are not
a recipe for optimum health and you're always FULL of remorse following
a SUGAR BINGE. You're not ready to give up sugar TOTALLY. But, you're
sick and tired of being a SLAVE to your sugar cravings and long to feel
in control of what you're eating.
What if it stopped
being a psychological battle of wills, that it was as simple as "fixing"
the biology that drive the desire for sugar ?
course combines the latest science, with a little fun, while
introducing you to a range of easy to deploy biology-based weapons, that
will help you take on your sugar gremlin and WIN.
And, that's not all.
I want to make this as simple as possible for you, you'll also receive
some great bonuses that are going to give you a huge leg up.
Your sugar gremlin busting weapons
Add protein, fat & fibre
Add protein, fat and fibre cheat sheet
Body buddies - big mama and the sexy lady
Body buddies - the blue bird of happiness
Buying tickets for the Fun Faire
Cheers to water !
Cut the carbs cheat sheet
Cutting not eliminating
Cutting the carbs
D - Dine don't graze
Dine don't graze
Dine don't graze cheat sheet
Dinner do's and don'ts
F - Fill up on non-edible FEEL GOODS
Feeding the TRILLION
Fill up with non-edible feel goods cheat sheet
Fraternizing with fat cells
Good carbs versus bad carbs
Hidden hungers
Hiring a night valet
I'll have a piece of cheese with my popcorn
Introduction to the Candy Floss system
It's a chemical world
Know your enemy
L - Liquidate
Liquidate cheat sheet
Nap all night
Nap ALL NIGHT cheat sheet
O - Observer your emotional triggers
Ordering a round of drinks
Pausing the electron break dance
Poison pills
Pulling the trigger
Reining in insulin
Roast your sugar gremlin
S - Sink the saboteurs
S - Sizzle then slow dance
Science behind Add protein, fat and fibre
Science behind Cutting the carbs
Science behind Dine don't graze
Science behind Fill up on non-edible FEEL goods
Science behind Liquidate
Science behind Nap all Night
Science behind Observe your triggers
Science behind Sink the saboteurs
Science behind Sizzle then slow dance
Science behind Yank and Yodel
Section 1: Introducing the CANDY FLOSS system
Section 10: S - Sizzle then slow dance
Section 11: S - Sink the saboteurs
Section 2: C - Cutting the Carbs
Section 3: A - Add protein, fat & fibre
Section 4: N - Nap ALL NIGHT
Section 5: D - Dining don't grazing
Section 6: Y - Yank & Yodel
Section 7: F - Fill up on non-edible FEEL GOODS
Section 8: L - Liquidate
Section 9: O - Observe your triggers
Sizzle then slow dance cheat sheet
Slow dancing with a cowboy
Sugar gremlin juice
Taking a trip to the Fun Faire
The missing coach (thyroid hormone)
The origin of the CANDY FLOSS system
The original "sin"
The sugar need
The two faces of caffeine
Thinking it through
Topping up on liquid
Trigger happy
Y - Yank & Yodel
Yank & Yodel
Yank and yodel cheat sheet
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