Course Description
This course is about Capital Structuring of Businesses.All the Business entities in this world, will work on this topic.
Because, Capital Structuring Decisions, would decide the long term stability of any business.
Business entities can have mix of their own funds and debt funds for running their business. But the mix should be an optimum one.
Wrong decisions in Capital Structuring would spoil the business which otherwise would have plenty scope for growth.
The capital structuring of the business also decides the leverage and returns for the owners.
So, in this course we will be learning
a) Introduction to Capital Structure Decisions
b) What is Optimal Capital Structure
c) Leverage Analysis
d) Case Studies on Capital Structure
e) Effect of Capital Structure on Earning of the Promoters.
f) Indifference Point in Capital Structure.
g) Capital Structure Theories.
h) Arbitrage Process.
The terminologies used in the course will be of basic finance.
This course has video lectures covering all the above topics.
This course is structured in self learning pace.
Take this course to understand the importance of Capital Structure Decisions.
Mandatory Disclosure regarding course contents:
The contents of this course will also be available in
a) Financial Management - A Complete Study
b) Accounting, Finance and Banking - A Comprehensive Study
courses, which are comprehensive in nature. If you have already purchased any of the above two courses, then you need purchase this course.
Course Details
1. Introduction to Business Financing Decision
10. Leverage - Examples
11. Leverage Analysis and Sales Movememnt
12. Case Study 1 on Degree of Leverage
13. Case Study 2 on Degree of Leverage
14. Case Study 3 on Degree of Leverage
15. Case Study 4 on Degree of Leverage
16. Case Study 5 on Degree of Leverage
17. Capital Structure
18. Optimal Capital Structure
19. Case Study 1 on Capital Structure
2. Debt Vs Equity Financing
20. Case Study 2 on Capital Structuring
21. Case Study 3 on Capital Structuring
22. Net Income Approach
23. Net Operating Income Approach
24. Traditional Approach
25. Modigilani Miller Approach
26. Case Study on Net Income Approach
27. Case Study on Modigilani Miller Approach
28. Financial Break Even Point and Indifference Point
29. Case Study on Indifference Point
3. Good Time and Bad Time for Debt Equity Financing
30. Case Study on Financial BEP and IDP
31. Case Study on IDP with Chart
32. Case Study on EPS and Capital Structure
33. Case Study on EPS and Financing Alternatives
34. Case Study on IDP
35. Capital Structure (Talking Head)
36. Capital Structuring Mix (Taking Head)
37. Factorce of Capital Structure Mix (Taking Head)
38. Desining Optimal Capital Structure (Talking Head)
39. Capital Structure case Study 1 (Talking
4. Introduction to Leverage (Talking Head)
40. Capital Structure case Study 2 (Talking Head)
41. Capital Structure case Study 3 (Talking Head)
42. Indifference Point - Taking Head
43. Indifferent Point Case Study 1 - Talking Head
44. Indifference and FBEP Case Study 2 - Talking Head
45. Indifference point chart case study - Talking Head
46. capital Budgeting Tools - Taking Head
47. Payback period - Talking Head
48. PayBack Period Case Study 1 - Taking Head
49. PayBack Period Case Study 2 - Taking Head
5. Leverage Formula (Talking Head)
50. Bonus Lecture - Discount Coupon Links for other Courses
6. Leverage Case Study 1 (Talking Head)
7. Leverage CS2 (Talking Head)
8. Leverage CS3 (Talking Head)
9. Leverage and its types
Section: 1 Introduction to Business Financing Decisions
Section: 2 Leverage Analysis
Section: 3 Capital Structure
Section: 4 Capital Structure Theories
Section: 5 Financial Break Even and Indifference Point
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