Saturday, 27 June 2015

Udemy Free Course - The ultimate Android course for complete beginners - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course was funded through a massively successful Kickstarter campaign.
Have you ever wanted to learn how to make android apps? Chances are you have tried but haven't got anywhere. Sometimes the tutorials are either too basic or too complex. What you need is a pre planned curriculum that shows you how to build apps.
Look no further because this course is the number 1 course that will show you how to build apps for Android. Reach a ton of people with your amazing idea today.
One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.
This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.
Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.
You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.
What makes you a good teacher?
    ·I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.
    ·I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making money
    ·I have been teaching since 2002
    ·I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroom
    ·I am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachers
    ·I have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.
    ·I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.
    ·I have over 110k students worldwide
Who is this class for?
    ·People who want to improve their technical skills
    ·Complete beginners
    ·People who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive income
    ·People who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online.
How you will make money by learning new skills
    ·Learn practical skills
    ·Learn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealth
    ·Learn through practical examples
Why should you learn online?
There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education has
·Motivated me
·Helped my career
·Helped me as a teacher
·Impacted several lives around the planet
I promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society.


Section 6: Make a compound interest calculator
01. Introduction to starting an app
01. Introduction to the compound interest
01. Introduction to the innovative
01. Introduction to the savings
01. Introduction to the tip
02. Adding a new layout and talking about
02. Designing the
03. Adding in the widgets to the .mov
03. Changing the ids to make more
03. Changing the IDs to make
03. Importing the
03. Item
04. Adding the objects to the ActivityMain
04. Changing the id's so they make more
04. Declaring the
04. Folders and application
04. Importing the objects to the main activity file .mov
05. Adding the items to the activity main
05. Finding the objects with the right
05. Finding the specific
05. Portrait or
05. Taking in the user
06. Adding in Private
06. Adding in the
06. Changing the view for the
06. Setting up the
06. The importance of double checking the
07. Adding a private
07. Adding in the calculate private
07. Adding in the
07. Fixing an error and testing the
07. The importance of testing the
08. Adding in a calculate private
08. Setting the text objects to
08. Setting up an private void for
08. Setting up
09. Changing the color of the
09. Declaring variables in the private
09. Hooking up the files to the activity main
09. Making the user percent decimal
10. Adding in the changing button
10. Adding in the total tip
10. Adding in the variables to the
10. Hooking up the code to specific objects .mov
11. Adding in the calculate button
11. Changing the text
11. Printing the text to the
11. Printing the text to the
12. Adding in more objects to the
12. Adding in the on click listener
12. Tips on finding
12. Variable
13. Adding in integers to the
13. Adding in the
13. Testing the
13. Testing the
14. Adding an edit
14. Hiding the
14. Printing the answer to the
14. Rounding
15. Dismissing the
15. Making the variables only two decimal
15. Setting up the
15.Taking the user input and using it on the
16. Adding in the clear
16. Adding in the clear
16. Checking to see if the edit text has
16. Testing the app and adding in some
17. Adding in a
17. Adding in the clear
17. Course
17. Number
18. Adding in the text box
18. Course
18. String
19. Course
19. If
20. More than one if
21. Adding variables to the
22. A common mistake that is made when developing. Using the wrong
23. Else if and else
24. Adding in a
25. Adding in the hint instead of the
26. Adding in a clear
27. Dismissing the
28. Setting up a private void to make it easier to
29. Changing the color of the
30. Other ways to change the
31. Deleting items in
33. Distributing weights
34. Talking about
35. Portrait versus
36. Virticle linear
37. Horizontal
38. Grid
Section 1: Introduction to the course
Section 2: Introduction to Android
Section 3: Basic tip Calculator
Section 4: Learn to make an innovative calculator
Section 5: Make a Savings Calculator

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Udemy Free Course - MySQL Database MasterClass: Go From Pupil To Master! - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

  • Do you want to SKY ROCKET your Income?
  • Do you want to master the skill of SQL.
  • Do you have an Interview coming up where you know SQL would look amazing on your resume?
Low pay SQL developers make $60,000 per year. In this course you will learn the skills necessary to rock out SQL Statements, Views, Stored Procedures and more.
In this course you will Design a database from scratch so that you understand the thought process that goes into such a design. We will then bring in the basic skills of SQL and give you example upon example of how to use this skill while building on those basic skills adding in more technique and more difficulty until they become more advanced. You will learn skills that even you average DBA doesn't do properly.
  • SQL Statements
  • Views
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • User Defined Functions
  • and a lot more!
When you are done with this course, you will be able to walk into a interview with a calm confidence and show them that you know what you are doing and apply these skills to build the database back end for an application that will stand the test of time.


What Is A Table
Analytics 101
Answers to the Excercise
Basic Scalar UDF
Code For Delete Statements
Code: Creating Our First Stored Procedures
Code: Creating Our First View
Code: For Insert Statemetns
Code: For Update Statements
Course Slides and Material For Analytics And The Group By Feature
Course Slides and Material For Designing Your Database
Course Slides and Material For Joins
Course Slides and Material For Order By And Where Clause Lectures
Course Slides and Material For Primary and Foreign Keys
Course Slides and Material For Sub-Queries
Course Slides and Material For The Select Statement in MySQL
Creating Our First Stored Procedures
Creating Our First View
Deep Dive Into The Where Clause
Delete Statements
Designing Your First MySQL Database Creating Our First Table
Excercise on Select Statement
Full SQL DB Schema Is Avaialbe On This Link
Get To Know PHP MyAdmin
Getting Into More Detail About Tables
Group By The Power in Grouping Your Analytics
Importing Our Exported Data
Inner Joins
Insert Statements
Installing MySQL Locally And Exporting Your Database From PHP My Admin
Keys Both Primary and Foreign in MySQL
Left Outer Joins
Link to MySQL
Material For Section 1
More Great Examples Of Select Concat and Addition etc..
Section 1: What Is A Database
Section 10: Creating Our First Views And Stored Procedures
Section 11: Inserts Updates and Deletes
Section 2: Designing Your First Database
Section 3: Keys Both Primary and Foreign
Section 4: The Select Statment in MySQL
Section 5: The Order By and A Deep Dive Into The Where Clause
Section 6: Analytics With the Group By Feature
Section 7: Sub Queries
Section 8: Joins In MySQL
Section 9: Installing MySQL Locally
The Anatomy of the Select
The Order By Clause Almost As Cool As Santa
Update Statements
Useful Inner Join SQL Statements
Useful Left Outer Join SQL Statements
Useful Queries from this section
Useful SQL Statements for this section
Useful Sql Statments For Group By and Analytics
Useful Subquery Sql Statements
What Is A Database


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Udemy Free Course - Selenium Webdriver 2.0: Master Automated Testing - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Selenium WebDriver is one of the hottest skills a person can learn today. If you learn Selenium and this suite of tools you will be key to any team. In learning these skills you can be the person to deliver Continuous Integration to your team.
Continuous Integration is still not achieved in most companies today, and in this course you will learn the suite of tools that provide just that functionality.
Being a tester is one of the most important and rewarding jobs a person can imagine. Being an Automated Tester is 1 up from that. Imagine the mundane way that people feel every day running the same exact tests day in and day out from a test manual. Selenium removes the need for that to ever happen again. In this course you will learn the skills necessary to make you a key role in any company. We use Udemy as the website you are testing against so we know we are testing against something at a enterprise level.
In this course we talk about
  1. Selenium WebDriver 2.0
  2. JUnit
  3. Maven
  4. FireBug
  5. FirePath
And even more tools to help you get to the next level as a tester almost immediately. Having an automated tester changed my life and made releasing my application almost instant.


Xpath Introduction With Sample Project
Adding What We Got Into Serenity Steps
Advantages of JUnit
Annotations in Action Use For Next Lecture
Annotations In JUnit
Assertions in JUnit
Basic Assertions For Next Lecture
Code Sample 1
Code Sample 2
Code Sample For Xpath Intro
Code Steps: Hooking The Steps Up To The Test And Asserting A Pass And A Fail
Code Test: Adding Three More Login Tests
Code Test: Hooking The Steps Up To The Test and Asserting Pass and Fail
Code: for Adding What We Have Into Serenity Steps
Deeper Dive Into Why We Choose Selenium
Designing My First Test
Excel Spreadsheet To Fill out Xpaths
First Login Test With Locators
Full Install Of Maven
Giving The Best Service Possible
Hello World From Google
Hooking The Steps Up To The Test And Asserting A Pass And A Fail
I will upload Course Materials To This Site
Installing All The Necessary Components
Installing JUnit and Running Our First JUnit Test
Installing Serenity in Maven And Our First Serenity Test
Introduction To Serenity
Jenkins Course Material
Jenkins Setup And First Build
JUnit Slides and other Materials
Let's Add Three More Login Tests
Lets Create a Login Test Section Slides and Materials
Lets Install Maven
Locator Resources
Materials to Discuss Selenium
Maven Course Materials and Slides
Running Our First Test In Maven
Section 1: Introduction to Automated Testing
Section 10: How Do You Give The Best Service Possible
Section 2: Getting Your Development Environment Setup
Section 3: Our First Selenium Project
Section 4: Lets Create a Login Test
Section 5: JUnit
Section 6: Maven
Section 7: Serenity Plugin
Section 8: Continuous Integration With Jenkins
Section 9: Lets Create a Whole Test From Scratch
Serenity Slides and Course Materials
Setting up the POM file in Maven
Setting Up Your First Project
Setting Up Your Selenium Development Environment Course Slides and Materials
Turn On HD For A Great Experience
Working With Different Web Elements Some Common Methods Used For Each Type


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Udemy Free Course - Udemy MasterClass: With No Marketing Make Over 500$ A Day - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

You NEED more money every month Right? Udemy provides money who provide quality videos. Some people spend 170,000 to 300,000 to buy a house to rent and make $300 a month on. You will call those people suckers because you will learn Today how to do just that with the investment of a microphone. You can spend 5 hours making a Udemy course and turning a profit from it
You will learn everything that you need to start your first course today and turn a profit tomorrow. You will learn the secrets of the teaching other people things that you already know and getting money in your bank. You will learn
  • How to set up your videos
  • How to have Udemy market for YOU
  • How to market you videos yourself
  • How to price your course
  • What mic you should choose
You will learn how to stay on track making courses. This will become your new addiction making videos and getting the money out of your PayPal account and we can be best buddies.
If you want to make thousands of dollars a month selling what took you mere hours to make and sharing your knowledge with the world then this class is perfect for you.


Change Your Marketing Page To Really Grab Your Customer
First Secrets: Your User Profile Pointers
Get Your Image Made For You By Udemy
Getting Your First 1000 Students
How to Keep Track of Your Udemy Ideas to Release Courses Faster
Keep Your Udemy Course Fresh With New Content
Lets Go Through What I Do The First Week
Making Your Course Description Shine Like A Star
Pricing Your Course
Proof Of April Income
Proof Of My Income
Researching Your Next Course
Section 1: Making Money On Udemy
Section 2: Most Important Parts Of Your Course
Section 3: Lets Start Looking At The Details
Section 4: How To Research and Price Your Next Course
Section 5: What Should Your Udemy Course Contain And What Mic Do You Use
Section 6: What To Do The First Week After Your Course Is Created
The Real Science Of Making Money on Udemy
URL For The Magic Image Builder
What Are the Most Important Things In A Udemy Course
What is this Course On Udemy About and How Will It Flow
What Mic Should I Use
What Should My Course Contain


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Udemy Free Course - Photoshop / GIMP Spotlight: Top Image Hacks You NEED to Know - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Are you ready to take charge and learn simple, quick, and efficient methods for creating and editing powerful images for print and the web that enhance your brand and boost engagement, clicks, and sales?
Whether you are an employee, business owner, content creator, teacher, author, or social media maven, over the last few years it has become CRUCIAL to know how to do a little bit of everything online. With this course as your guide, you'll learn how to confidentially and professionally manage your OWN unique, original images for your website, blog, eCourse, eBook, presentations, or social media pages.
Save time, money, and sanity by learning how to finally choose, edit, and enhance your own images without having to always pay someone else to do the most essential tasks for you.
The techniques discussed in this course are software independent, meaning I can show you how to make better, more professional images regardless of which software programs you are using. You'll learn essential imaging do's and don'ts, tips about which images are safe to use regarding copyrights, how to properly save your images, and my very favorite "art school" hacks that will take your images from so-so to PRO in no time.
We'll then go through the most important imaging skills you NEED to know from the very beginning using Adobe Photoshop. Free 30 day trials of Photoshop are available from Adobe's website. I also show you the same imaging techniques in the FREE software program GIMP.
You can watch and follow along with me as I show you how to make the most essential image fixes in whichever program you have or feel most comfortable in. If you ever decide to switch, you'll have all the lessons available to you in BOTH programs as one go-to resource.
I'm a tenured Associate Professor of Digital Media and the Program Director of Film & Digital Media at The American University of Rome and a practicing award-winning multimedia artist.
I have 15+ years of experience teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately to your art, work, and everyday life.
New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely design advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP.


Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, Hue, and Saturation
Adjusting Your Levels: ALWAYS Do this first and EVERY time. (Be obsessive!)
Blurring Out a Face, Logo, or Background
Brighten That Smile and Just Add Lipstick (To a Horse of Course)
But PLEASE Never Do THIS When Searching For Images
Downloadable Resource: Important Principles To Consider When Making Images
Easy Resizing, Cropping, and Formatting For Any Situation (Including File Sizes)
From So-So to Pro: Follow These 8 Simple Rules For Better Images Every Time
GIMP Disclaimer and The Importance of a Flexible Mindset With Software
How to Get the Most Out of This Course
Image Credits For This Course:
Introduction to the Course
Let's Review Section Three
Let's Review Section Two
Lighting Is Key, Or... You Can't Fix Everything Later on the Computer
Meet Your Professor
More Resources and Special Offers (Freebies and Discounts)
More Resources for Getting Free and Royalty-Free Photos
New to the Udemy Classroom? Have a Quick Tour
Removing Red Eyes and Blemishes
Removing Red Eyes and Blemishes
Saving For Print VS. the Web: How Not to Shoot Yourself In the Foot Later On
Scaling, Rotating, Flipping, and Transforming
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: A Job Well Begun Is a Job Half Done: Essential Skills All Content Creators Need
Section 3: Ways to Go From So-So to Pro and Stand Out From the Crowd (In a Good Way)
Section 4: Making Essential Edits and Fixes in Photoshop
Section 5: Making Essential Edits and Fixes in GIMP
Section 6: Wrap-Up and Special Offers
Take Something Annoying Out of the Background
Thank You For Taking This Course. Please Review!
The Top Amateur Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Which Images You Can Use Legally Online and How to Protect Yourself
Why Filters and Effects Are NOT Your Friends


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Udemy Free Course - Forex Trading For Beginners - LIVE Fx Examples - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

A rare opportunity to start Controlled Leveraged Investing in the Forex Market today!
In this course you will discover everything you need to know to take advantage of currency price movements for profits. We will embark on a detailed exploration of the G7 world currency exchange rate fluctuations, price charts, buying, selling and much more for fun and profit.
I will show you how to bypass the Forex broker by trading through the screen. This will allow you to avoid misinformation and excessive fees. Remember those old bicycle training wheels? I will show you how to trade in live simulation for zero financial risk.
In this course you will learn why the big money is in the long term moves. Learn about the effects of inflation, interest and trade balance on fundamental currency pricing.
I will supply my diversified strategy that will allow you to ignore timezones and allow you to sleep soundly. That same diversified portfolio will also give you laser focused opportunities to scale up leverage.
Can you imagine making money while sleeping like a baby?
I give all my secrets away. I hold back nothing... I constantly add new lectures to this course — for no additional charge to you! This course grows and grows based on the kaizen philosophy of "continuous improvement."
Enroll now. Learn from my 46 years of international currency experience, my doctorate in finance and my prestigious financial research. I am a profitable currency trader and investor who can guide you by the hand around the most common dangers that befall 899 out of 900 beginning traders.
If you are a greenhorn beginner this course is for you! The only requirement is a little willingness to have an open mind and a sincere desire to better yourself!
Don't forget my standard policy:


“Isn’t This Risky?”
A Bit From A Bunch
A Perfect Business Gone Global
American Express
Bad Business
Basic Provisions
Be P.T. Barnum
Business Beatdown
Capital Punishment
Commitment of Traders
Con Jobs
Currency ETF Options
Currency Futures and Currency ETF Options
Currency Futures and Currency Futures Options
Daily Life Creates Global Profit Opportunities
Dream Big
Dumb Luck.
Einstein’s Most Powerful Force!
Even More Opportunities?
Exit the Rat Race
Fall of 2009
Family Cash Flow Ratios
Follow The Rules
Free Floaters
Funny Money
Giant Currency Centers
Glass Half Full
Global Profit Opportunities
Gone Global
Got Bank?
Got Business?
Hamburgers From Heaven
It's Zilch Until Somebody Buys
Learn to Spot Profit Opportunities
Little Moving Lines
Look For Extremes
Lots From Mini Lots
Make a List.
Making Bacon.
Mind Over Market
Momentum and Value Everywhere
More On Oscillators
More Opportunities?
Mountains From Mole Hills
Never Bet The Farm
Nothing In Life Is Guaranteed
Purchasing Power Parity
Replicating You
Safe is Risky
Section 10: CHAPTER NINE: The World’s Most Powerful Indicator
Section 11: CHAPTER TEN: Insurance
Section 12: CHAPTER ELEVEN: Putting it All Together
Section 13: CHAPTER TWELVE: “The Secret” To Success — Focus and Perseverance!
Section 14: CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Your Bright New World!
Section 15: CONCLUSION: A Question Only You Can Answer!
Section 16: LIVE Fx Examples
Section 2: CHAPTER ONE: It's Zilch Till Somebody Buys
Section 3: CHAPTER TWO: Einstein’s Most Powerful Force!
Section 4: CHAPTER THREE: Learn to Spot Profit Opportunities
Section 5: CHAPTER FOUR: A Perfect Business Gone Global
Section 6: CHAPTER FIVE: Daily Life Creates Global Profit Opportunities
Section 7: CHAPTER SIX: Little Moving Lines
Section 8: CHAPTER SEVEN: Sensible Account Funding
Section 9: CHAPTER EIGHT: The Big Mac Index
Sensible Account Funding
Silver Linings
Spotting Profits
Stinking Thinking
Stop Listening
Sunset Years
Supply & Demand
Supply Needs
The "J.O.B."
The 70/30 Rule
The Big Mac Index
The Bulls and the Bears
The Cable
The Commitment of Traders
The Cross Country Portfolio
The Cross Country Portfolio With Live Money
The Cross Pairs
The Crosses
The One Perfect Business
The Secret
The Tradable Eighteen
The World’s Most Powerful Indicator
The Worlds Most Powerful Force
To Be Do
Too Good To Be True?
What Now?
Win With The Weak
Your Leisure Class Onramp
Your New Life


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Udemy Free Course - Angel Financing: Find Investors & Funding for Your Start-Up - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

How would you like the insider secrets to finding, pitching and obtaining an angel investment...
...from a Silicon Valley venture capitalist who has actually invested in or advised 250 startups?
That's exactly what you'll get inside this course...
If you have a great business (or idea for a business) and need angel funding to help fund your startup, this is the course for you.
You'll discover insider secrets to obtaining angel financing as you walk through this course and learn:
  • Who are the angel investors and how much will they typically invest in a company?
  • What are the SIX most important criteria for angel investors?
  • What key traits are angel investors looking for in an entrepreneur?
  • What are the typical reasons you may be rejected for an angel investment?
  • The 8 additional benefits you can receive by working with an angel investor.
  • A variety of ways to find and contact angel investors
  • How to properly prepare for the pitch meeting with the angel investor
  • Questions an angel investor might ask - which questions to anticipate so you're fully prepared
  • Questions an angel investor might ask about marketing and customer acquisition
  • Common questions to anticipate about management and the founder team
  • 10 critical mistakes to avoid when meeting with the angel investor
  • The 10 commandments for obtaining angel funding
  • The key factors in setting the valuation and the terms for financing
  • Questions the CEO should ask of the angel investor
  • The correct legal documents an angel investor will ask you for when an angel reviews your company
  • How to get the angel investor's attention and admiration (From interviews with 12 angel investor / venture capitalists)
Bottom line, this is the perfect introduction to the world of angel investors and will give you the tools, strategies and insider knowledge you need to navigate the world of startup financing for your business.
If you've ever seen the hit TV show, Shark Tank, you know it can be a brutal process to obtain funding from an angel investor.
But when you're equipped with the strategies inside this course, you'll be able to walk in with confidence, knowing what to expect and knowing how to easily answer the angel's questions so that you walk out with a deal and the funding you need!
And, with your enrollment today, you automatically receive our 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee, so you have no risk in enrolling.
Imagine discovering the secrets to getting angel funding, from an actual venture capitalist who has participated in 250 deals?
This is the unprecedented, exciting opportunity you have in front of you, right now...
Enroll today and you can begin finding and pitching angel investors immediately after taking this course.


What Do Angel Investors Like To See And Common Reasons For Rejection.
12 Angel Investors Describe What They Look For In An Investment / Startup / Team
25 Frequently Asked Questions On Starting A Business (Downloadable PDF)
28 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Pitching to Investors (PDF Download)
65 Questions Venture Capitalists Will Ask Startups (Downloadable PDF)
Conclusion And Introduction To Supplementary Materials
How To Find Angel Investors And What To Include In Your Email To Angels.
How To Prepare For Your Pitch Meeting And Financial Questions To Anticipate
Introduction And Course Content Overview
Key Valuation Principles. Typical Terms And Legal Documentation Needed
PDF Of The Presentation Used In This Course (Downloadable)
Questions To Anticipate About Marketing And Management. Common Errors Made.
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Angel Investing Overview
Section 3: Contacting Angel Investors
Section 4: Preparing For The Meeting With Angel Investors
Section 5: 10 Commandments For Obtaining Angel Financing
Section 6: Setting Valuation And Terms For The Investment
Section 7: What Gets The Attention Of Investors
Section 8: Conclusion
Section 9: Supplementary Materials & Downloads
The Ten Key Principles That Will Help You Obtain Angel Investment
What Are Angel Investors And What Are Their 6 Most Important Criteria?


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Udemy Free Course - 8 hour Udemy Course Creation Challenge - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course came about when I decided to set myself a challenge which was to create a course for Udemy in the space of just 8 hours !!
You will see whether I succeeded or failed miserably. You'll get to learn about the problems I came across on the challenge and how / If I resolved them. Watch over my shoulder as I create courses live in front of you. You will also learn about:
  • Course creation in a short space of time
  • Course structure
  • How to Improve your audio on presentations using Audacity
  • Where to get free graphics and images to use in your course creation process
  • How to use green screen to improve your course videos.
  • The correct way of shooting a talking head video.
This is a warts and all look at the course creation process. The good, the bad and the downright ugly. The course sections have been left untouched from the moment they were uploaded to Udemy.
If at the end of this, you come away thinking are now more motivated to get your courses out there and published quickly and efficiently , then I have succeeded. Ultimately, you will need both quality and to take action to be a success on Udemy.


6 hour update
8 hour course quiz
After the event.....
Almost half way through the 8 hours
Audio Quality and using Audacity
Before we start......
Course Structure
Free graphics and pictures
How to choose which course to film?
How to create the bare bones
Lessons learned and FAQs
Section 1: 8 Hour Udemy Course Creation Challenge
The wrong way to shoot a talking head Video- If you hate heights look away!!
Uploading and publishing lectures
Uploading video from my phone to use on Udemy
Using Camtasia for Green Screen Effects


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Udemy Free Course - Passive Income From Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

You've probably seen videos or products from Millionaires showing you how to make money on-line. They live in the biggest Mansions and drive cars like Ferraris and Lambourghinis or one of the other top-end Sports Cars. Their products proclaim how if you buy them then you can earn money over-night and join them in the Jet-set lifestyle.
But you've probably tried one or two products and failed ! The truth is the Millionaires you see on You Tube make their money by selling these products and others to you! So, how do you cut through all of the Bull**** you are constantly being fed by these self-proclaimed gurus?
Join me and I will show you step-by-step how to make a start in the world of Affiliate Marketing. It's not easy and certainly won't be overnight, but, if you follow the instructions in the course and apply what's being taught, then there is no reason why you cannot be selling the products you see these Millionaires selling.
This course is about an hour long, but, will teach you the basics of Affiliate Marketing .It's produced in 18 easy-to-follow lectures and anyone who takes the necessary action can make money-on-line.
Subscribe today and improve your life! The only certainty is if you do nothing you'll never succeed.


About me
Affiliate Marketing Quiz
Building a list
Buying Advertising
Domain names and web hosting
Hello from me
How to find your Niche
How to find your niche- check list
Introduction to Passive Income from Affilliate Marketing
JV Zoo
List of the best Affiliate Marketing Sites
Section 1: Our journey begins here
Section 2: Ways to promote
Section 3: Summary and FAQ's
Set up a website on wordpress
Use forums to promote products
Use Pinterest to promote products
Use SEO to promote products
Use video to promote products
Using Autoresponders


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Udemy Free Course - The Success Formula: How to Succeed at Anything - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Everyone wants to be successful. It's in our DNA. But many of us fall short of our goals and dreams. In this course, you will learn what success is really all about, and how successful people think and act. You will learn the simple, but powerful 4 Steps to Success, set SMART goals, and create a plan to get on the road towards making your dream a reality.
This course is meant to motivate you, and give you strategies for buckling down, pulling up your bootstraps, and making things happen. It's not a puff and fluff, pie in the sky, money making, unicorns and rainbows course. It's a realistic course for real people with attainable dreams.


What is True Success?
End Note
How to Use the Udemy Platform
Motivate Yourself to Success
Overview of The 4 Steps to Success
Section 1: Introduction to the Course
Section 2: The 4 Steps to Success
Section 3: Input Success
Section 4: Bonus
Success Images
The 4 Steps to Success Think Sheet
The Price of Success
The Ultimate Success Rule
Thoughts and Words
Welcome to The Success Formula: How to Succeed at Anything


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Udemy Free Course - Amazon Seller Masterclass: Easily Sell Anything Like a Pro! - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Learn A Skill That Will Change The Way You Sell Any Product, Anywhere!
Do you want to learn the secrets of how to sell on Amazon and make astonishingly easy money doing it?
There are millions of people all over the world that are making easy money by selling and running their businesses through Amazon.
If you already have your own business, sell part time or are looking to start up there has never been a better time and the best thing is, once you know how, its very easy to make good money.
Please be aware that this is not a 'get rich quick' scheme, it will take work and you will have new skills to learn. But once you have mastered them you will be able sell your products from anywhere in the world!
When you learn to sell on Amazon you don't have to keep any inventory leaving you free to expand your business to any size. Amazon stores all your inventory!
As you have no inventory - Amazon will also take care of the picking, packing and posting of all your orders. Yes that's right you never have to see, touch or handle any items. Amazon does it all for you.
In this course I will take you by the hand step by step through all you need to know in selling and shipping your items with Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Just some of what you will learn:-
  • How to 'piggy back' off other peoples listings for quick results.
  • The process of creating a unique killer listing for your product.
  • How to create amazing product photos.
  • Amazon keyword research, what are people typing when looking for your product?
  • How to create a awesome product description then converts like crazy!
  • Become an Amazon FBA Master.
You can start today for pennies as Amazon does not charge listing fees and within a couple of months its very realistic that you can give up your job… work for just an hour or two a day… and earn an amazing income with unlimited potential.
Is this you:
  • Got a low income?
  • Just need more money?
  • Have a family to support?
  • Want to get involved with something that is huge and rapidly growing, like Amazon?
  • Want to start your own business and are not sure where to start?
  • Need a part time income?
  • Looking to start your own private label product and want to learn how to sell on Amazon like a pro?
If you fall into one or more of these categories then the chances are you need or want to learn how to sell on Amazon.
The thing is that Amazon does the selling part by putting your products on the biggest busiest market place in world. But its up to present them correctly and give the customer what they need to be able to make the right decision. BUY!


**VERY IMPORTANT** Additional Course Resources
Amazon Pricing
Arranging Pick Up For Your FBA Shipment
Awesome Description Checklist
Awesome Headline Creation
Call To Action
Co-Mingled Inventory / Normal Inventory - Whats the difference?
Converting a Product to be Fulfilled by Amazon
Course Introduction
Creating a Rockstar Title
Creating Max Impact Bullet Points That Sell!
Deliver Your Products To Your Customers
FBA Pricing
Getting Prepared
Getting The Most From Your Camera
Gimp Photo Editiing - Step By Step
Hazardous Materials Identification
How FBA Works
How to Label Products for FBA
How to Label Small Parcel Shipments
How to Prepare Baby Products
How to Prepare Case Packed Products
How to Prepare Fragile Products
How to Prepare Liquid Products for FBA
How to Prepare Loose Products for FBA
How to Prepare Products With Expiration Dates
How to Prepare Small Items For FBA
How to Prepare 'Sold as Set' Products for FBA
Introduction To Amazon
Introduction to Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA)
Introduction to Product Descriptions That SELL!
Keyword Research
Killer Listing Creation: Introduction
Make A Unique Product Listing On Amazon
Making A Quick Listing On Amazon
No1 Marketing Tool For Massive Sales!
One European Account
Other Websites and Services
Please Help Me!
Product Images: The Good & The Bad...
Product Photography Equipment Guide
Product Titles & Bullet Points: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!
Section 1: Hello and Welcome
Section 2: Amazon: The Basics
Section 3: Killer Listing Creation
Section 4: Killer Listing Creation: Titles & Bullet Points
Section 5: Killer Listing Creation: Stand Out Product Images, Product Photography & Editing
Section 6: Killer Listing Creation: How To Write Awesome Product Descriptions!
Section 7: Fulfilment by Amazon
Section 8: Course Conclusion
Section Conclusion
Sell a Little Pricing Fees
Sell a Lot Pricing Fees
Stand Out Product Images: Introduction
Step By Step Product Photo Shoot
Summary & Top Reasons to Join the Amazon Marketplace
Thank you! Hope You Liked It! :)
The Benefits To selling on Amazon
The World Revolves Around The Customer
We Always Start Our Descriptions With a Headline
What Other Equipement Do I Need?
What Packing Material (Dunnage) Should I Use?


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Udemy Free Course - Learn to Speak: Conversational Spanish - Complete Edition - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

The course is designed to help everyone from the ab initio stage - those who have never learned Spanish before - to those wanting to brush up in preparation for an upcoming holiday or business trip. The course is audio based using an experienced bilingual speaker, with the content created collaboratively by both instructors, and it will be supported with on-screen transcripts for easier learning and better retention. There are also printable vocabulary guides to take with you wherever you go!
Latest Update: June 2015
Just look at what our students have to say!
'I have bought a few courses in the past that have been a heavily weighted towards grammar. When I stumbled upon the other titles in the Learn to Speak range it was amazing how fast I learned. Highly recommend this course to everyone!' Frances Phipps
'Great course - really enjoyed the experience. All was very well presented and engaging. I found it great value for money as there is loads of material for what you pay. I hope to put it all into practice in the near future!' Laura Lucas
'Really informative course. The language is relevant and is definitely going to be useful when I visit Spain next year' Raymundo Martín Gutiérrez
'Enjoyed the course a lot. Useful language tips and very good for going abroad, well done!' Peter De Voorts
The course is designed as an easy access into the world of Spanish and has been laid out in such a way that students can go at their own pace. Don't forget, you are covered by a MASSIVE 30-day no-quibble money back guarantee, so if you don't love the course then you can get a refund with no questions asked!
If you have always been fascinated by people who speak another language and want to pursue it as a hobby, or you simply need to brush up on your spoken Spanish before you head off on a trip, this course will help you to achieve your goals and open up new avenues and experiences for years to come!


Age, Location and Where You're From.
At the Café: Ordering Food.
Body Parts and Common Ilnesses.
Body Parts and Ilness Quiz.
Conclusion and Further Learning
Countries of the World.
Directions and Landmarks.
Emergency Situations.
Food and Drink.
Full Course PDF to Print
Getting Around Town Quiz.
Greetings and Personal Profile Quiz.
Likes, Dislikes and Hobbies.
Meeting up with Friends.
Much more than just Hola!
Numbers 1-1000.
PRO Tip to Boost Your Learning Potential
Section 1: Why Choose to Learn Another Language?
Section 2: Greeting and Personal Profile.
Section 3: Getting Around Town.
Section 4: Social Life and Dining Out.
Section 5: Body Parts and Illness.
Section 6: Conclusion and Further Learning.
Section 7: Useful Extras - Printable vocabulary with simplified phonetics.
Ser and Estar - The Two Verbs Meaning 'To Be' - IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Size and Weight Vocabulary.
Social Life and Dining Out Quiz.
The Benefits of Learning Another Language.
The Spanish Language.
Transport and Times.
Useful Connective Words.
Useful Verbs.


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Udemy Free Course - Elixir craft: Powerful nutrition - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Elixir craft is next level smoothie making, using both superfood nutrition and Herbalism to produce incredibly effective and delicious beverages that support good health.
This is class leads the participants through 7 exciting and nourishing recipes deigned with specific health purposes in mind.
You will be blown away by how addicting elixir crafting is and will soon be craving an elixir instead of desert.
This class will share recipes for improving sleep, losing weight, building lean muscle, detoxifying your body, maximizing nutrition, building a powerful immune system, and fueling your body before a physical activity.
Elixir crafting makes getting healthy easy, fun and rewarding. Each recipe creates a positive reinforcement immediately with taste and later with results.
The amazing flavor of each elixir will get you hooked on a good habit. Once you taste one, you will continue making them for taste alone and over time will notice a dramatically positive effect on your health.


Elixir # 1 immune elixir
Elixir #2 detoxification
Elixir #3 Pre-Workout
Elixir #4 Deep sleep
Elixir #5 Post workout
Elixir #6 weight loss
Elixir #7 Super Green
Elixir craft quiz
Final words
Introduction - What is an elixir?
Learning resources
Section 1: Introduction to elixirs
Section 2: Boost your immune system
Section 3: Detoxify your body
Section 4: Increase athletic performance
Section 5: Deeper sleep
Section 6: Fuel muscular recovery
Section 7: Hacking weight loss
Section 8: Maximizing nutritional intake
Section 9: Course wrap up


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Friday, 26 June 2015

Udemy Free Course - Sketch 3 - Mobile App Design (UI & UX Design) - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

To help you become a Professional Mobile App Designer to design any mobile app you want!
Whether you are - A total newbie on Mobile App Design and clueless on how to get started:
You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs to designing your very own Mobile App. This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to design your own mobile apps from scratch that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own.
About this course
  • Over 43+ Lectures and 5 Hours of Content
  • Full, free lifetime access
  • All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free
  • 30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!
  • Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills!
  • 24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help you
After taking this course, you'll be able to...
  • Design Your Own Mobile Apps from Scratch using Sketch 3
  • Build A Working Mobile App Prototype that you can show to everyone!
  • Learn How To Design Using Sketch 3 -- No Experienced needed!
  • Learn UI/UX Design Principles
  • Build Practice Mockups and Templates to enhance your design skills
By enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.


You Section
Activity Following Screen
Activity Following Screen Finishing Touches
Blending Tool
Build the Command Buttons
Creating and Using the Symbol Tool
Creating the other Boxed Icons
Creating the Profile Section
Home Screen - Making the Top Logo and Mail Icon
Home Screen - Profile Pic and watch Icon
How to Download Sketch 3
How to share and download your Prototype
Image Placements
Importing Image and Masking
Loading Screen
Log in Screen Final Part
Log in Screen Part 1
Log in Screen Part 2
Making the Heart/Like and Word Bubble/Comment Icon Part 1
Making the Heart/Like and Word Bubble/Comment Icon Part 2
Making the Home Icon and Search Icon
Map Icon
Pencil Tool
People like button Part 1
People like button Part 2
Photos and People Title
Profile Icon and Image Placement
Saving your files and Exporting your works
Search People Screen
Search Screen
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Introduction to Sketch 3
Section 3: Mobile App Design - Loading , Log in , Sign up Screen
Section 4: Mobile App Design - Home Screen
Section 5: Mobile App Design - Search Screen
Section 6: Mobile App Design - Activity Screen
Section 7: Mobile App Design - Profile Screen
Section 8: Mobile App Design - Building the Prototype
Section 9: Conclusion
Sign Up Screen
The Work Space
This is just the beginning
Tour in Invision
Type Tool
Upload Icon and Finishing Touches
Use Invision
Vector Tool
Where to download Fonts


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Udemy Free Course - Hypnosis: Learn to astral travel for a hypnotic Adventure - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

How would you like to travel anywhere you wanted to without leaving the comfort of your own home and experience astral travel.
Astral travel is usually only something you can experience by practising mediation for years but now with this course and using hypnosis you can be guided on a hypnotic adventure beyond your body and beyond everyday reality.
When you move your awareness beyond your body you are still always connected to your body by a golden energy chord as it is your awareness that travels on this hypnotic adventure.
Imagine being able to float and move through walls fly and visit any land, town or country any time you wish.
Astral travel will give you a real experience of being a spiritual being having a human experience as you move to a different realm of existence and discovery.
What I will teach you in this course
1. You will begin by creating an image in your mind of what you want so that you will know where you are going and what it may be like to astral travel.
2. Learn a secret feel good trigger that will help you through any bad times or set backs on your way.
3. learn how your mind and body work together with some fun but important lessons that will improve the results of this hypnotherapy session.
4. Learn how you naturally resist changes even changes that can be very good for you
5. Learn just how powerful words can be and their effect on you physically even if they are only self talk.
6. Learn who can and cannot be hypnotized
7. Learn how you can feel amazing any time you want to
8. A bonus section
Angel Meditation MP3 Download
Energy Protective Bubble MP3 Download
How to use and apply EFT in the bonus section an amazingly powerful technique that can eliminate any limiting bad feelings that have been stopping you from feeling great


Astral travel hypnosis session
Bonus resources MP3 and PDF Downloads
But I dont Visualize yes you do
Feel good trigger
Instructions for best results from your Hypnosis session
Mind Body
Power of your imagination Balloon and book
Power of your imagination Finger magnets
Power of your imagination Hand magnets
Section 1: Have your end result in mind to begin making the changes
Section 2: Proof that mind and body communicate
Section 3: Resistance is what stops you making changes
Section 4: Language has the power to harm or heal
Section 5: Your Hypnotherapy session
Section 6: Bonus Resources
Section 7: Well Done
The opposition response
The power of words
Well done you have completed your course
What you want to get from this course
You cannot be hypnotised against your will


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Udemy Free Course - Amazon FBA: Earn a Full Time Income in Just 3 Months - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Amazon FBA: Earn a Full Time Income in Just 3 Months!
Are you tired of trying to make money online or on Amazon and can't seem to find a way to sell your products over your competition?
Learn my SECRETS of success and get the edge over your competition!
Stop wasting your time trying to sell your products on Amazon and get an easy to follow blueprint for success from someone who has consistently made over $3,000 per month selling just ONE product on Amazon!
Click "Take This Course" to Get Instant Access . . .
Learn how I went from ZERO to generating over $3,000 per month in net profit selling just ONE product!
This Course is Updated as of JUNE 2015.
Join over 1,400 students and learn how to sell on Amazon FBA using my secret methods for finding and selling a $3,000+ per month product to generate you sales month after month and year after year.
"Best Online Course I Have Ever Taken! I really appreciate how open and honest the instructor is. I'm glad to have taken a course from someone who has been where I am starting out and has achieved success. You can tell right away that he really knows his stuff! Thank you for sharing your first hand experience!" - Tessa
It took me over a year and a half of trying to be successful selling physical products on Amazon FBA. Let me help you expedite the process and learn from my personal experiences . . .
  • I will show you an easy to follow step-by-step how I personally find, source, and sell a profitable product on Amazon. Anyone can do this if they follow this course!
  • I will show you how to KNOW that your product is going to sell at least 100 units per day or at least a 40% sell through rate well before you even buy your product from suppliers.
  • I know many of you are worried about the risks of fraud when importing. I will show you the 3 things that allow you to eliminate fraudulent suppliers from taking your hard earned money and eliminate your investment risk!
  • Learn not just one, but 4 methods to easily find a high demand product that you can easily add more value than any of your competitors.
  • Learn how you can assess your competition and KNOW you have an edge before making any inventory investments
  • Learn how to invest in inventory on "shoestring" or "bootstrapped" budget!
  • Learn how to gain a unique competitive edge and angle that allows buyers to choose you over competitors time and time again!
  • How to create a real long-term business from home! I was able to generate over $3,000 in net profit my 3rd month of selling my very first private label product!
Have You Tried Countless Courses on How to Make Money on Amazon and Feel Like They Are Leaving SECRETS Out?
"A perfect guide. This is a perfect guide to establishing a profitable business selling on Amazon. It identifies the key points to watch for when selecting a product, and how to take advantage of other's missed promotional opportunities, as well as key tips to getting the sales ball rolling." - Stan Golob
That's because they are. YOU CAN MAKE A FULL-TIME INCOME ON AMAZON . . . if I am able to, you can as well. I make over $3,000 in NET PROFIT per month selling just ONE single product. Don't just take my word for it, watch the PROMO Video at the top of this page for my proof of earnings where I let you into my Amazon account and accounting software to prove it to you.
Are you sick of your current job? I was too, it took me over 3 years to learn and perfect a system that has allow me to quit my job for a more rewarding and profitable career by creating a home business. Let me show you HOW I was able to do it and WHY you can too.
Is this method easy to scale? YES. You can easily add more products to generate even more income.
In this course, I reveal my product and lay down the foundational success factors that you can easily follow to learn from my experiences.
Like many of you, back in 2012 I tried to sell online and on Amazon with very limited success of making only a few hundred dollars per month. I then came up with and discovered a few details that make the difference between $100 per month and $3,000 per month selling ONE product from the comfort of your own home!
You don't have to hire employees, you just need a detailed road map that will get your where you want to go from someone that has been in your shoes.
Star selling on Amazon FBA and earn more money than you ever have online working part-time hours from home!


2 Advanced Tools To Analyze Your Product That No One Knows About!
2 SECRETS That Will FORCE Amazon Sell Your Product For You
Amazon Professional (FBA) vs Individual Account
BONUS: Calculating Net Profit Per Unit on eBay
Calculating Net Profit Per Unit on Amazon
CHEAT SHEET: Contacting Suppliers
CHEAT SHEET: How to Find a Successful Product
Create Captivating Photos That Converts Customers Into Buyers!
Easily Find & Deliver More Value to Your Customers Than Your Competitors
Finding Profitable Products That Sell: Method 1
Finding Profitable Products That Sell: Method 2
Finding Profitable Products That Sell: Method 3
Finding Profitable Products That Sell: Method 4
Getting Inside the Mind of Your Customer
How I Analyzed & Beat My Competition!
How Much Money Should I Expect To Invest in This Business?
How to Know Your Product Will Sell BEFORE You Even Buy!
Make Amazon Listings That Convert 180% More Than Your Competitors!
My Secret to Getting Unlimited High Quality Reviews for Your Product!
My SECRET To Maximizing The Review Process
MY SECRET: Find the EXACT Amount of Daily Sales From Your Competitors
My Success Story & Proof of Earnings
Negotiating Prices & Communicating Effectively with Suppliers
Online Business Start Up Basics
Questions, Improvements, Updates, & FAQs
Section 1: Introduction to Selling on Amazon From Home
Section 2: How to Easily Find & Choose A Successful Product To Sell on Amazon
Section 3: Analyzing Product Research & Estimating Potential Income
Section 4: Communicating and Contacting Suppliers For Your Product
Section 5: Marketing: How to Sky Rocket Your Conversion Rate
Section 6: Final Thoughts & Summary
Section 7: BONUS! Advanced Strategies for Success
Should I Choose A Profitable Niche or Product?
The Blue Ocean Strategy: Leave Your Competition In The Dust!
The Worst Products You Can Possibly Sell!
What Makes A Successful Product?
Why & When You Should Private Label Your Products


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