Course Description
Selenium WebDriver is one of the hottest skills a person can
learn today. If you learn Selenium and this suite of tools you will be
key to any team. In learning these skills you can be the person to
deliver Continuous Integration to your team.
Integration is still not achieved in most companies today, and in this
course you will learn the suite of tools that provide just that
Being a tester is one of the
most important and rewarding jobs a person can imagine. Being an
Automated Tester is 1 up from that. Imagine the mundane way that people
feel every day running the same exact tests day in and day out from a
test manual. Selenium removes the need for that to ever happen again.
In this course you will learn the skills necessary to make you a key
role in any company. We use Udemy as the website you are testing against
so we know we are testing against something at a enterprise level.
In this course we talk about
- Selenium WebDriver 2.0
- JUnit
- Maven
- FireBug
- FirePath
even more tools to help you get to the next level as a tester almost
immediately. Having an automated tester changed my life and made
releasing my application almost instant.
Xpath Introduction With Sample Project
Adding What We Got Into Serenity Steps
Advantages of JUnit
Annotations in Action Use For Next Lecture
Annotations In JUnit
Assertions in JUnit
Basic Assertions For Next Lecture
Code Sample 1
Code Sample 2
Code Sample For Xpath Intro
Code Steps: Hooking The Steps Up To The Test And Asserting A Pass And A Fail
Code Test: Adding Three More Login Tests
Code Test: Hooking The Steps Up To The Test and Asserting Pass and Fail
Code: for Adding What We Have Into Serenity Steps
Deeper Dive Into Why We Choose Selenium
Designing My First Test
Excel Spreadsheet To Fill out Xpaths
First Login Test With Locators
Full Install Of Maven
Giving The Best Service Possible
Hello World From Google
Hooking The Steps Up To The Test And Asserting A Pass And A Fail
I will upload Course Materials To This Site
Installing All The Necessary Components
Installing JUnit and Running Our First JUnit Test
Installing Serenity in Maven And Our First Serenity Test
Introduction To Serenity
Jenkins Course Material
Jenkins Setup And First Build
JUnit Slides and other Materials
Let's Add Three More Login Tests
Lets Create a Login Test Section Slides and Materials
Lets Install Maven
Locator Resources
Materials to Discuss Selenium
Maven Course Materials and Slides
Running Our First Test In Maven
Section 1: Introduction to Automated Testing
Section 10: How Do You Give The Best Service Possible
Section 2: Getting Your Development Environment Setup
Section 3: Our First Selenium Project
Section 4: Lets Create a Login Test
Section 5: JUnit
Section 6: Maven
Section 7: Serenity Plugin
Section 8: Continuous Integration With Jenkins
Section 9: Lets Create a Whole Test From Scratch
Serenity Slides and Course Materials
Setting up the POM file in Maven
Setting Up Your First Project
Setting Up Your Selenium Development Environment Course Slides and Materials
Turn On HD For A Great Experience
Working With Different Web Elements Some Common Methods Used For Each Type
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