Thursday 6 August 2015

Udemy Free Course - How to Be Insta(gram) Famous - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

When I was entering college Facebook was the coolest website in existence. Everyone was dying to get a .edu email address so they could get an account.
Today everyone has Facebook and a new titan of social media has emerged. That titan is Instagram. Which is why it makes perfect sense they've been acquired by Facebook.
Imagine if you had know exactly how to become one of the most popular people/pages on Facebook when it first began. After a decade of compounded traffic and retargeting you would be EVEN MORE popular on the network.
This is the current opportunity you have with Instagram. Sure it's already popular, but an entire new generation of social media users are about to explode its growth. There is still plenty of room for the platform to grow.
Those who have a solid footing now will have a lion's share tomorrow, and this course will teach you exactly how to gain that foothold.
Most people on Instagram are just there to look at what everyone else is up to, and post when they want to brag about their life's experiences.
While this isn't necessarily "wrong" it doesn't provide any value for the hours you spend double tapping photos and scrolling through the feed.
This course will show you exactly how to leverage Instagram as a platform to grow your influence, increase your businesses brand, and even introduce you to an entire Instagram subculture you probably didn't even know existed.
There will be no guesswork here and you won't finish this course feeling like you have no plan. We're going to show you the EXACT strategies that have worked for us, our friends, and others that we've taught how to explode their Instagram following.
The principles in this course took David (the main subject of our course) from 0 to 67,000 followers in a few short months, and there's nothing special about him. If he can do it you can do it all the more.
When you're done with this course you'll know the secrets of Instagram and how to use them in your favor.
You'll watch your Instagram following magically increase with each post and your average likes per post will rise as well.
People will eventually notice and will start asking you how you got so good at taking photos even though you don't need to know anything special.
You don't need any special equipment or software. If you have a camera phone and an Instagram account you can get 100,000 followers or more.
You're already spending tons of time on Instagram, you might as well use that time to help you accomplish your goals. Whether you own a business or just want to have more friends, your Instagram following will transform from just a number to a useful asset.
When you purchase this course you'll receive lifetime access, so as Instagram changes and the landscape evolves you'll stay up to date with all the latest tips and tricks.
This course is a no brainer for anyone who wants to get more followers on Instagram.


Boost Your Business and Brand
Boost Your Own Personal Influence
Choosing Your Niche
Closing Thoughts
Coming Up in Module 2...
How to Dominate this Course
Instructor Introduction
It's Only Getting Bigger
Section 1: Module 0 - Course Introduction
Section 2: Module 1: Why Be Insta(gram) Famous Anyway?
Section 3: Module 2: The Instagram Mindset for Success
Section 4: Module 3: Collecting/Creating Content
Section 5: Module 4: Editing/Refining Content
Section 6: Module 5: Sharing/Posting Content
Section 7: Module 6: Exploding Your Following – The Insta Community
Sharing Best Practices
The 3 Areas You Can Use Instagram
The Importance of a Mindset
The Photo Editing Flow
The Two Rules for Instagram Success


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