Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Udemy Free Course - Expand Your Marketing Reach Without Writing a Word - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Increasing Your Marketing Power Without Writing a Word or Doing Anything Different Than What You are Doing Now (With One Easy Tweak!)
Everywhere on social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, G+ or LinkedIn, content, such as video, blog posts and images, is shared freely. No doubt you have shared lots of interesting information.
Did you ever consider the impact your shares (and those of your colleagues, friends and family had on the websites that the content resides on?
What if that content was legitimately on your site instead?
What would happen if all those videos, cute kitty images and thought-provoking blog posts/articles were accessed through your web site?
What if you are the gatekeeper of all the amazing content on the World Wide Web?
No Google duplicate content black marks. No copyright infringement. No stealing traffic from the original creators.
A true Win, Win, Win situation that Google loves! 
Affiliate Marketing can be a major income machine for you—if you do it right. Unfortunately, most online marketers fail to take advantage of the many massive marketing opportunities that are available to you when you promote other people’s products.
When you complete this course, you’ll know how to implement simple strategies and tactics that will jumpstart your business and give you huge competitive advantage, as you easily build a list, create your own branding and authority, and multiply your income.
You’ll learn how to use content to engage your prospects and how to keep them on your website, so that Google will be your partner, driving free, quality traffic to you—even though you may be brand new to this!
You’ll discover the 3-4 rule, that will guide you to long-term profits.
You’ll understand how to beat your competition on Facebook and YouTube—while they’re struggling with getting links approved, you’ll be sailing through with ease!
You’ll see how 99% of all affiliate marketers are unknowingly missing-out on tens of thousands of dollars, and how you will capitalize on their blind-spots.
Through concise, fast-paced videos and valuable checklists, Ken and Scott will guide you through the maze of online madness into the promised land of affiliate profits!
When you’ve completed the course, you’ll know exactly how to build your targeted list (so you’ll have your own online community—no more making others rich at your own expense!).
You’ll understand how to create your own brand—why it’s the key to your long-term success online—and how to leverage it so you can live the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
You’ll know what tools and systems to use so you can win affiliate contests, which means more cash and goodies to you (winning means cash bonuses, iPads, Drones, MacBook pros, Apple Watches and more cool stuff).

Course Details             

[Activity] Set up your lead magnets (at least one per niche)
[Bonus] Free Trial of iBoostify SiteWrap™
Building Your List The Right Way
Help Your Fellow Students
How To Harness the Power of YouTube
Introduce Yourself
Leveraging the Power of Retargeting and Why It’s Mandatory
Meet Your Instructors
Next Steps
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Unleashing Your Marketing Power: Content Marketing
Section 3: Content Marketing Wrap Up
The 3-4 Engagement Strategy that Creates a Love Affair with Google
The Facebook slap and how to overcome it
The Story of Guru Bob
Walkthrough of iBoostify SiteWrap™
Walkthrough of Perfect Audience
Your new identity: Expert/Guru/Mentor/Coach/Info Source
Your Website: Your Center Of Influence


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Udemy Free Course - Multiply your returns using "Value Investing" - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

       This course is about adopting a systematic, rational and analytical process of investing in stocks and generate decent returns. It is taught with the help of practical tips, illustrations, checklists, action points and test questions. Financial jargons and the entire investing process is explained in very simple terms and the course prepares you for your practical journey into the stock market.
It is a 4+ hour course divided into various modules. Towards the end of the course you will be equipped with all the tools and knowledge that will enable you to begin your journey into the stock market.  

Course Details             

3 golden rules for studying ratios
Analyzing high growth companies for investment
Analyzing medium growth companies for investment
Balance Sheet : Assets
Balance Sheet : Liabilities
Balance Sheet : Shareholder's Equity
Bonus material, tips and additional resources
Company Valuation : DCF method
Company valuation : PE method
Company Valuation : PEG method
Company Valuation : Price/ Book method
Course Outline
Difference between Technical Trading and Value Investing
Dividend Yield Ratio
Evaluation of the specific action items
Financial Health Ratio : Current Ratio
Financial Health Ratio : Debt Equity Ratio
Getting more kowledge about the sector
Growth Ratio : EPS
Growth Ratio : Revenue Growth Ratio
How does the stock market function ?
How to analye stocks without the help of stock screeners
How to analyze stocks using stock screeners
How to diversify these types of risks?
How will we study non financial factors?
Importance of Notes to Accounts
Income Statement : Expenses
Income Statement : Revenue
Key principle for success
Narrowing down further
Points to remember after the investment is made
Profitability Ratio : Gross Margin Ratio
Profitability Ratio : Net Margin Ratio
Profitability Ratio : Operating Margin Ratio
Putting it all together
Quick summary of the steps taken so far
Quiz on analysis of non financial factors
Quiz on post investment analysis
Quiz on ratio analysis
Quiz on stock investing risk
Section 1: Understand what is value investing
Section 2: Stock Selection Process
Section 3: Analyzing Financial Statements
Section 4: Ratio Analysis
Section 5: Analysis of non financial factors
Section 6: Company Valuation
Section 7: Putting it all together
Section 8: Post Investment Analysis
Section 9: Portfolio Diversification
Some important accounting concepts
Step 1: Stock Classification : why do we need it and how is it useful
Step 2 : Knowing, defining and understanding your circle of competence
Step 3 : Prepare a Checklist
Stock Selection Process
The first three types of stocks : Slow growers, medium growers and high growers
The next 3 types of stocks: Cyclicals, Turnarounds and Asset plays
Understand the principles of Value Investing
Understanding Balance Sheet
Understanding Cash Flow Statement
Understanding different types of ratios
Understanding Financial Statements
Understanding growth pattern of a company
Understanding non financial factors : Internal holding
Understanding non financial factors : MOAT
Understanding non financial fators : Management Quality
Understanding the Income Statement
Understanding the principles of value investing
Valuation of high growth companies
Valuation of medium growth companies
What are Financial Statements and what do they comprise of ?
What are ratios and why do we need to study them?
What are the types of risk undertaken as a equity / value investor?
What is company valuation?
What is portfolio diversification?
What is the rate of return which you can expect.
What is Value Investing ?
Why is analysis of non financial factors important?
Why is portfolio diversification necessary?


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Udemy Free Course - Country Guitar: Picking Exercises - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Have you ever wanted to play an extended guitar solo but you hands just weren't up to the task? These picking exercises should build that speed and flexibility you need.
The Country Guitar: Picking Exercises course based on a 25 minute workout designed to build chops, endurance and accuracy over the next 30 days. 

This workout is based on a 25 minute routine (although if your short on time, you can 
modify as needed). 

There's a series of 24 examples to be played along with the provided mp3 drum tracks. Use the Daily Practice Log to track your speed and playing time over the 30 day period. This easily allows you to see your progress as you move through the course. 
This course borrows concepts from fitness programs (consistency/tracking) as well as from productivity methods like the Pomodoro Technique to help you get the most out of this workout.

This is not a routine with just a bunch of boring scales, there are some really cool fun patterns that you can use to create your own licks and solos. 

Course Details             

Your Downloads
Alternate Picking
Extra: Lick
Hybrid Picking
Lick #1
Lick #10
Lick #11
Lick #12
Lick #13
Lick #14
Lick #15
Lick #16
Lick #17
Lick #18
Lick #19
Lick #2
Lick #20
Lick #21
Lick #22
Lick #23
Lick #24
Lick #3
Lick #4
Lick #5
Lick #6
Lick #7
Lick #8
Lick #9
Pomodoro Technique
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Downloads
Section 3: Pre-Workout
Section 4: The Workout
Section 5: Workout: Breakdown
Section 6: Conclusion
That's a Wrap!
Workout Introduction


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Udemy Free Course - Productivity Hacks for Freelancers - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

I will show you in 7 simple steps how also you can bring clarity to your inner and outer chaos!
This course helps all enterpreneurs
  • to get ahead of their every day to dos
  • and have clear priorities on what to do
  • and to develop a simple system in order to see the greater picture
  • and thus to work efficiently on the most important task (at any time)
A clear desktop and a clear mind are the direct consequences of this simple system!
- and lead to more leasure time and improved usage of all resources
This course addresses enterpreneurs but will also be of great help for employees or students and the llike.

No previous knowledge necessary.

Course Details             

Collect all To Dos
emails, a special inbox
How to use your calendar
I always get interrupted
I don't know how to start!
It's just too much!
Just do it!
Keep it simple!
Lists on Timejar
Lists simplify everything
Optimize everything all the time!
Review every day, week, year and your whole life!
Section 1: Welcome and thank you for taking this course!
Section 2: Step 1: Decluttering brings Clarity!
Section 3: Step 2: Planning brings Motivation
Section 4: Step 3: Collect all Yout To Dos
Section 5: Step 4: Process and File
Section 6: Step 5: Trusted and Simple Systems
Section 7: Step 6: Review and Optimize
Section 8: Step 7: Just do it!
See you soon!
Software Tip
Software Tip
TED-TAlk on Procrastination
The more in the head, the less done
The Stone Experiment
This gets you going!
Welcome and thank you for taking this course!
What to declutter
Why you cannot motivate yourself
Why you should declutter
Your rhtythm of life


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Udemy Free Course - Mastering Productivity Vol 1: Information Inboxes - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Eventually every life hacker realizes that productivity is about systems. 
The real "hack" is not a single app or a cool shortcut.
It's an elegant system that allows you to get more done in less time because it reduces the amount of time it takes to stay organized and get things done.
What isn't often talked about in productivity circles is the cost of making decisions.
It's easy to talk about saving time with this app or that plugin.
But what about all those friction points between apps, between tasks, that rob you of hours every day, a minute here, a minute there?
Those are what a system is designed to solve. 
The key to managing your information for productivity is reducing the decisions you have to make, and how long it takes to make them.
The way this course solves the problem is that you no longer have to make hard decisions about where to put new pieces of information.
What am I talking about?
Physical information is mail. It's stuff you print out. It's receipts. Packing slips. Magazines and books. Even golf score cards. A moleskine notebook or a loose leaf journal. Sticky notes and scraps of paper. Business cards.
Then there is Digital Information.
This is the real killer for a lot of people.
There is information that other people create: Emails. Web sites, articles, blog posts, forum threads (and QA sites/threads). There's videos and audios and PDFs that you download or stream. There's bookmarks and random open tabs. There's Word docs and Spreadsheets and PowerPoint files. 
Then there's information you create. Photos and screenshots from your phone. And videos. And voice memos. And maybe photos and videos from your DSLR. Notes-to-self in your phone. Papers that you scan into the computer.
You have a perfect storm of information overload coming at you everyday. 
And it probably feels like there is no way to stop it.
This system is the way. 
For each type of information, whether physical or digital, has an inbox. Each room where you do office work or learning has an inbox, a storage area and an outbox. You will learn how to create "Pipelines" for certain types of information.
You'll learn how to manage the backup of all your information in all your digital inboxes. Automatically.
The title of this  course says Volume 1. Why?
Because there is a course directly related to this course that comes next, in Volume 2. 
Volume two shows you how to batch process each of these inboxes. It shows you how on a daily (email), weekly (web pages) or monthly (files, photos, videos) basis you can batch process the contents of each of your digital and physical inboxes.
Batch processing vastly improves your productivity because you reduce the amount of task switching you do.
Volume two shows you how to do batch processing and gives you a full "Life System" that will teach you where to store all your information for long term storage, once you move it out of the inbox. 
The Life System categories are 1. Professional, 2. Personal, 3. Relationships, and 4. Health. The full system contains hundreds of sub folders and is 3-4 folders deep in most cases. You will get the full folder structure as a zip file in Volume 2 as well as a walkthrough of how to use the system. 
However, remember this ISN'T part of this course. This course is just about setting up all your inboxes, which is a prerequisite for Volume 2. 
Just this first step of setting up the inboxes will take you several hours to complete once you have watched all the videos, and to implement Volume 2 will take even longer. Because of the amount of information and time required to implement these have been split up into two volumes.

Course Details

Web Pages
Books and Discs
Current Papers
Email Inboxes
Files Downloaded
Mail, Newspapers and Magazines
Misc Paper
OneNote Inboxes
Photo, Video and Audio Inboxes
Printed Files and Files to Scan
Random Idea Inboxes
Screen Capture Walkthrough of Digital Files inbox System
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Digital Inboxes
Section 3: Physical File Inboxes


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Udemy Free Course - Mastering Planning Vol 1: Hourly and Daily Planning - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course is the first in a series of courses on planning and scheduling. 
You will learn the PAMeLa model for planning as well as a system for managing your time and your calendar on an hourly and daily basis. 
The courses that follow this one focus on the larger scale units of time: Weekly/Monthly, Quarterly/Yearly, Multi-Year, Lifespan/Legacy planning.
This course is design to solve the paradox between spending most of your time in the a flow state and being able to schedule your time down to the hour and half hour-- and be accurate with your time estimates.
For a long time I was a go with the flow type planner. Meaning I tried my best to have zero items on my schedule each day. I loved having the total freedom to work on whatever I wanted to work on and do whatever I wanted to do.
This works for many years. Then I started asking some tough questions.
I wanted to know how I was spending my time.
And how much of it I was wasting.
I figured I wasn't wasting much, but I knew there had to be some. I just had no idea whether it was 2 hours a week or 20. 
I was spending so much time in the "flow" I had no idea where my time was actually going, and if it matched up with my long term priorities and plans. 
So I decided to do a complete 180 and start planning out EVERYTHING. 
Literally every 30 minute block of my day. Just as an experiment to see what would happen.
Plus, I learned that there were certain projects and areas of my life that I was chronically neglecting, and I wanted to use an hourly planner to make sure I gave those areas the time they need to really make some progress where I had been falling behind.
I did this for a week, not expecting much.
It turned out there was a wealth of information in the data I collected. I kept track both of what I had planned to do and what I actually did for an entire week on a single piece of 8.5x11 paper.
You'll see how to set this up in the course.
I did some simple metrics and learned some interesting facts, like on average I was only getting 4 hours of deep, productive work done each day.
I learned there were certain people in my life that were taking up a lot more of my time than I thought, and often with things that I wasn't really enjoying or where I wasn't the best person for them to be doing that activity with.
I also identified a handful of bad habits or consistent time wasters that were adding up to 10-20 hours each week.
I learned that I was a lot worse at estimating how long things would take that I originally thought. I had a couple projects that started as 1 hour time blocks and ended up taking up entire afternoons, 5-6 hours each.
After doing this for a few more weeks I started seeing big improvements.
I started cutting out the time wasters one by one and re-deploying that time where it was more needed.
I started getting a lot more done and streamlining my life.
And it was all because of this small experiment. 
What you get in this course is the process for how to do your hourly and daily planning, at a highly granular level. All the details and how-tos are spelled out.
You also get a comprehensive introduction to the PAMeLa Model, which is the framework for understanding how the planning process (which is really a cycle, because it repeats over time) works. 
The innovation with this model is that it takes into consideration the most recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and the planning that robots and Artificially Intelligent Agents use to plan optimally.
It also places a higher value that any other time management or planning system on the market does on learning.
Meaning, your planning process is really a learning process.
Every time you make a plan you are making a prediction about how things will turn out, and what the right way to do something is. You could be right, you could be wrong.
Then you act. Trial and error. And you see what happens. You get results, either good or neutral or bad.
That's where most people stop. They just go back and forth with very little improvement. 
Those two steps are the P and A of the PAMeLa model. For Plan and Act.
The next two steps are critical.
First is Measure. You have to measure your results. You have to write things down. Or type them in somewhere. You have to have metrics, or record things in your journal, or say them into your phone, or record a video journal. You can't trust your memory to keep these "measurements" retained long term.
And even if you do record what happened, that's not enough. Most people who take their learning or planning half way serious have some sort of journal or diary or log that they make entries in daily or at least a few days a week.
But most of these people never go back and actually use these records. They just sit there. Unused. No learning ever happens. Or very very minimal.
That's why the last stage is learning.
You have to go through your measurements and records and look for patterns. You have to learn from your mistakes. You have to find solutions and dig into the problems to figure out what is really going on. 
You have to figure out what you will do differently next time, or better yet, how to create a system so that the problem never even shows up again in the future. 
You aren't really an accelerated learner if you don't have a PAMeLa type planning system in place. Because if you don't you are missing out on a gold mine of information about how inefficiently you are learning and behaving on a day in, day out basis. 
I guarantee you, if you just do the calendar system for a single week you will identify enough inefficiencies that you will save over $1,000 over the next year in saved time, which you can then better spend elsewhere.
Lastly, you may be wondering why I am teaching this course first, instead of starting with long term planning and then moving down to short term. It's a fair question, and one I thought a lot about. The answer is that for the first few weeks of using this system, you really shouldn't be DOING anything different. It's mostly about learning where you are now, getting a really accurate baseline for how you are currently planning out and living your life. 
Once you have that information, then you can start making intelligent decisions. But not before then. 
Re-arranging your life is HARD to do. Not easy. And you will get the biggest bang for your buck by changing your daily habits, because you will see changes happen fast and it will give you the motivation to tackle the more long term planning projects, which take more time to think deeply about. 
You have to have a stable foundation on the day to day level before you can feel comfortable thinking long term. You won't make smart long term decisions if you have an empty stomach and are sleep deprived with no roof over your head. You have to have the basics down first. That means not in an overwhelmed, stressed out state because you can't handle your current schedule. 

Course Details

Applying the Advances in AI to Planning Part 1
Applying the Advances in AI to Planning Part 2
BONUS What to Do When You Realize You Are Out of the Flow
Brainstorming Tasks During Planning
Conclusion and What to Do Now to Get Started
Constraints in Planning
Daily Planning
Establishing Priorities When Planning
Introduction to Hourly and Daily Planning
Introduction to PAMeLa Part 1 - Plan
Introduction to PAMeLa Part 2 - Act
Introduction to PAMeLa Part 3 - Measure
Introduction to PAMeLa Part 4 - Learn
Lead and Lag Measurments
Learning From and Improving Your Routines
Learning From Mistakes and Accomplishments
Learning to Improve Your Time Estimates
Managing Your To Do List
Planning for Distraction with Back-On-Track Routines
Qualitiative Measurements - Mistakes and Accomplishments
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Hourly and Daily Planning System
Section 3: PAMeLa Part 1 - Plan
Section 4: PAMeLa Part 2 - Act
Section 5: PAMeLa Part 3 - Measure
Section 6: PAMeLa Part 4 - Learn
Section 7: Conclusion
Summarization and Visualization for Planning
The 3 Big Ideas to Remember When Planning
The One Day Per Week Routine System
The PAMeLa Planning Model
The Scheduling Phase of Planning
Tips for Using Your One Page Calendar
Using Checklists to Build New Routines
Your Evening Routine
Your Morning Routine
Your Time Block Micro-Routines
Your Workday Routines


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Udemy Free Course - Accounting: Get Hired Without Work Experience - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

"You can't get the job without experience and you can't get the experience without the job" The Permission Paradox
In this course, you will learn
  • How to achieve success
  • Basic Accounting
  • How to identify Key Performance Indicators
  • How to prepare cash flow forecast
  • How to prepare budget
  • How to implement balance scorecard
  • How to analyse financial performance
  • The basic Tax & VAT
  • How to learn accounting packages and payroll
  • How to use LinkedIn to get a job
  • The importance of networking to get a job
  • How to write a winning CV
  • How to face Interviews with confidence
  • How to answer top 30 Interview Questions

Course Details

What is Stopping Your Success
Accounting Packages
Balance Scorecard
Balance Scorecard Challenge
Basic Payroll & HR
Basic TAX and VAT
Business & Finance
Cashflow Forecast
Cashflow Forecast Challenge
CV Writing Challenge
CV Writing Techniques
How to answer Top 30 Interview Questions
How to Take this Course
Interview Challenge
Interview Strategies
Introduction to Accounting
Key Performance Indicators
LinkedIn Challenge
Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis Challenge
Section 1: Introduction to the Course
Section 2: Get Ready to Get Hired
Section 3: Basic Accounting for Business
Section 4: Managing Company Performance: Practical Training
Section 5: Accounting System: Practical Learning
Success Challenge
Test Your Knowledge
Thank You & Good Luck
Top 30 Interview Questions
Welcome to the Course


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Udemy Free Course - Learn Complete WordPress for Building a Professional Sites - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course will give you all the best information to learn WordPress and how to use it and how it works, we offers practices in editing for contents and managing  for the site and how to customize it. by the way you will learn how to create and manage hosting package on the server to setup the word press then you will be able to start learning how to customize your web site by WordPress, then you will be able to manage and create the contents of your web site likes pages and posts   with categories and tags you will take all information to add menu and widgets for the site then you will be able to choose the theme of the site which will provides how the web site looks and feel will be, you will be able to customize the theme will all activities and parts , well will discuss for 5 different themes in this course to see the variety of web site tasks and faces, so that  you  will be able to do the web site of blogs, newsletter, magazine, company, restaurant and media web sites, in addition you will learn how to add functionality to the site by using plugins like multilingual plugin , photo album plugin and social media plugins and poll plugins  at your site to get by the last a professional web site . in some section you will learn how to provides the user rolls for your web site as administrator , editor and other privileges , finally you will learn more about settings of the site, how it work and how it managed, that is all for this course be patient to see all of features of this course when you enroll this course.   

Course Details             

A Review of User Roles
Add Facebook Plugins to WordPress
Adding Images to a Post or Page in WordPress
An Overview of User Roles in WordPress
Categories and Tags in WordPress
Comments in WordPress
Common Customizer Options
Custom Content Types in WordPress
Custom User Roles in WordPress
Customize And Manage Advanced Contact Form Plugin
Customize And Manage BresponZive Theme
Customize And Manage FoodyMagazine Theme
Customize And Manage Karo Light Theme Part 1
Customize And Manage Karo Light Theme Part 2
Customize And Manage Mediaphase WPlift Theme Part 1
Customize And Manage Mediaphase WPlift Theme Part 2
Customizing the WordPress wp-config.php File
Default Contents in WordPress
Default User Fields in WordPress
Embedding External Media in WordPress
Finding and Installing Plugins
Gallery and Photo Album Plugins in WordPress
Getting Started with WordPress
How Content Management Systems Work?
How to Create Image Gallery in WordPress
How to Create Your Data Base in the server?
How To Manage Menus in WordPress
How to Upload and Install WordPress on the web? Part1
How to Upload and Install WordPress on the web? Part2
Installing and Activating Themes Part1
Installing and Activating Themes Part2
Introduction to Plugins in WordPress
Introduction To WordPress Customizer
Introduction to WordPress Settings
Introduction to WordPress Themes
Logging In to a WordPress Site
Managing User Roles in WordPress
Native Audio Files Support in WordPress
Native Video Files Support in WordPress
Pages in WordPress
Poll, Survey, Quiz & Form Plugins in WordPress
Posts in WordPress
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: WordPress OverView
Section 3: How To Install WordPress On Your Web Site?
Section 4: Learn WordPress Basics
Section 5: WordPress User Roles
Section 6: WordPress Admin Settings
Section 7: Conclusions
Super Admins and Administrators in WordPress
The Author Role in WordPress
The Contributor Role in WordPress
The Editor Role in WordPress
The End .. Conclusions 
The Subscriber Role in WordPress
Themes and Templates
Using Media in WordPress
What Is WordPress?
When and Why To Use WordPress?
When The WordPress Not The Best Solution?
WordPress Discussion Settings
WordPress General Settings
WordPress Media Settings
WordPress Permalink Settings
WordPress Plugin Settings Pages
WordPress Reading Settings
WordPress Writing Settings
Working with Widgets in WordPress


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Udemy Free Course - Building Games with Phaser - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

By taking this course on building Phaser games, you'll build 3 html5 games. If you know a little bit of Javascript and have a big passion for games, this is the course for you!
  • You will learn how to set up games to run on desktop computers and mobile devices
  • You will be able to turn your imagination into exciting games!
  • I will show you some of the tricks and techniques that I have picked up over the years, such as showing you how to copy your own code to reuse.
  • Code Templates and all resources you need to complete the games are included!
I love talking about game development, especially where it comes to building Phaser games, and am happy to answer your questions and discuss any ideas you may have!

Course Details             

Working with groups
Adding a Timer Bar
Adding a Virtual Gamepad
Adding Animation to the Start Screen
Adding Background Music to the Template
Adding Buttons
Adding Collisions to the Monsters
Adding Events to the Gamepad
Adding Fancy Text
Adding Game Over
Adding Gravity
Adding Images
Adding Instructions
Adding Monsters
Adding more levels
Adding Sounds
Adding Sounds to the Template
Adding Text
Adding the Game to Template
Adding the Start Screen
Adding the Tile Map to the Game
Adjusting the Game for Tablets
Background Music
Backgrounds for Large Tablets
Building the Game Over Screen
Controlling Movement
Creating Copies of Objects
Debuging Physics in Phaser
Defying Gravity
Detecting Clicks on Sprites
Final Code
Final Thoughts
Game Balancing
Game Difficulty
Handling Collisions
Image Positioning
Introduction to Physics
Jumping on Monsters
Making the blank game
Moving a Group
Multiple Animations
Music Buttons
Picking Up Items
Preparing for Desktop
Preparing for mobile
Quick Orientation Set Up
Quick Set Up
Random Numbers
Scoring Logic
Screen Orientation
Scrolling Backgrounds
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2: Color Zap
Section 3: Hungry Dragon
Section 4: Robot Bomb Squad
Set Up Physics
Setting up
Setting up a Local Server
Sprite Frames
Terms used in this course
The Games we will be building
The Mega Template
Toggling the Sound
Tools used for this course
Tweaking the Game
Using a basic template
Using Sprite Sheets
Using the tile maker
Using the update loop


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Monday, 27 June 2016

Udemy Free Course - Amazon Video Direct: Create and Sell Videos on Amazon - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Everybody knows that Amazon is one of the world's largest online retailers and that they have a HUGE Markeplace offering countless opportunities for people who are selling products from all over the world. 
Imagine that the people that first published their digital books on Amazon using their Kindle platform still make tens of thousands of dollars in passive income every month. 
Video is the new trend online and Amazon knows it. More than 70% of all online traffic will come from Video by the end of 2017. That is why they recently, in May 2016, launched their NEW SERVICE, Amazon Video Direct, where they allow YOU, an independed publisher, to monetize your videos through theri databes of over 240 million users!
Can you imagine what type of opportunity is this? You know have the chance to jump on a GROUND 0 Opportunity with one of the World's Largest Online Retailers.
In this course you will learn exactly the steps you need to follow to launch your online business with Amazon Video Direct.

Course Details

BONUS - The BIG Surprise for YOU!
Chosing your Prices and Monetization Method
Create your Captions for your Videos
Get your Key Art done
Section 1: Introduction to the Course
Section 2: How to use Amazon Video Direct
Section 3: Conclusions
Sign up for your Amazon Video Direct Account
The Dashboard
The Marketplace
Things you need to know when starting
What types of Videos you can use
Why Amazon Video Direct?


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Udemy Free Course - Remove Your Mental Financial Success Blocks With EFT - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course covers what Emotional Freedom Techniques are and how to apply EFT to blocks to success.
It is taught through course lectures teaching what Emotional Freedom Techniques are and tapping sequences for ways people can move forward towards financial freedom.
Benefits: Individual results will vary, however this course teaches how to attract greater financial freedom.
When you complete this course, you will have:
  • A tool for removing fears of financial success.
  • A tool for removing self-sabotaging choices.
  • A tool for ending procrastination on their action plan.
  • And much more...
In this course, you will participate in the following EFT sessions for each fear of attracting money:
  • “I don’t deserve to be rich.”
  • “It isn’t possible to be rich.”
  • “It is evil to be rich.”
  • “I am not worthy of success”
  • “I was taught it is not possible to succeed. This is our life.”
  • “My spouse will be jealous if I am more successful that they are.”
  • “My family will be angry if I am successful.”
  • “My friends will be jealous and angry if I am successful.”
  • “My life will change with success.”
  • “It isn’t safe to be rich.”
  • “There isn’t enough for everyone. If I attract more money I will take it away from someone else.”
  • “I am too overwhelmed to proceed.”
The course is a living course, which means that as you ask questions or give us suggestions for EFT sessions, we will add more video lectures to cover those topics.

Course Details

Who is Joan Kaylor?
“It is evil to be wealthy.” Session
“It isn’t possible to be wealthy.” Session
“It isn’t safe to succeed.” Session
“My family will be angry if I am successful.” Session
“My friends will be jealous and angry if I am successful.” Session
“My life will change with success.” Session
“My spouse will be jealous if I am more successful that they are.” Session
1 page
All my unconscious blocks.
All the blocks I have inherited from my parents and ancestors.
EFT Tapping Foundation
Help Your Fellow Students
How EFT Works
I am afraid to fail.
I am afraid to succeed.
'I don’t deserve money' Session
Introduce Yourself
Money blocks can be inherited or learned
Money Quiz
Next Steps
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: The EFT Process
Section 3: EFT For Each Fear of Attracting Money
Section 4: Wrap up
Tapping Points
The Basic Recipe
The Energy of Money
The Six Steps
What is EFT?
What is EFT?
What is Your Money Vibration?
What to do with all this money. Your Plan.


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Udemy Free Course - Learn How I Make Extra Income Online Selling My Art on eBay - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course was last updated on 
Looking to make some extra money selling your artwork? Or maybe you would like to be selling your artwork full time! In any case you've come to the right place.
The eBay Art Selling Course will show you how to start selling your artwork and build your eBay art business. The techniques taught in this course can also be translated into selling other products on eBay. This course will equip you with the knowledge needed to become profitable selling your art on eBay - or your money back!
The course is your track to building an amazing art business and ultimately - make you money!
This course will take you from a complete beginner in internet art sales to an expert with years of knowledge and experience in as little as 1 week! You will have an eBay seller account up an going in just the first day of the course.
So what else is in it for you?
You’ll gain instant access to all three sections of the course including the bonus section where I show you how to sell reproductions of your artwork online as pillows, mugs, prints, and much much more! You’ll also gain access to my excel art tracking spread sheet as well as my package messages that I mail with every piece of art work.
The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of listing your artwork on eBay, shipping, and running your eBay business. Once you finish the course you will be equip with the knowledge to start being profitable selling your artwork online.
Don’t believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.
Here’s what you get with the course:
You’ll get access to the three sections of the course that will show you how I've successfully sold $1,000's of dollars of art on eBay. The course also teaches you how you can get commissioned work from selling your artwork online. The course is supported with over 2 hours of clear video content that I walk you through each step of the way.

Course Details

A system for selling full time or part time on eBay using excel spread sheet.
Answering buyer questions quickly and building relationships with them.
Auction or fixed price?
Building an inventory is the way to sell!
Case study inside my eBay account
Creating .png files of your art work for society6 T-shirts
Don't forget to ask questions and let every one know how your sales have been!
Doubling down on what is selling.
Download printable packing message slips
Excel spread sheet download
Finding niches and weird sells best!
Finishing up your listing and making it live!
Getting Commissions on eBay and charging more!
Getting reviews with a single piece of paper.
Getting your first 1000 paintings out!
Global shipping program, ship from anywhere in the world!
How eBay saved my skin financially and skill wise!
How selling on eBay works and why sell on eBay?
How to get started with no seller reviews.
How to list your artwork on society6 and reformat your artwork images
How to manipulate your image to society6's format specs
How to reach out and get help from eBay?
How to research art markets on eBay so you can be the most profitable!
How to respond to a negative review.
How to search what other sellers are selling and see past sold items
Introduction and what is in this course for you?
Introduction to selling on
Its all about the tittle and thumbnail image.
Landing your fist sale on eBay and how to ship your art.
Learn how eBay's shipping system works.
Learn what subject matters have been profitable for me.
Lets create your first listing!
Lets get your eBay & Paypal accounts linked so you can start making sales!
My complete money making system laid out.
My efficient streamlined shipping system and where I get my supplies!
Packing tutorial video!
Pricing and evaluating the quality of your art.
Section 1: Thank you for getting started with the Selling your artwork on line course!
Section 2: Creating your first listing
Section 3: Running your eBay business
Section 4: Bonus Section! Learn how to sell reproductions of your artwork online!
Taking your photos and how to professionally touch them up.
Using your internet presence to boost sales!
What are you allowed to sell on eBay?
What art are you creating & why do you want to sell? Motivation is critical!
What can you do to get a guaranteed win out of this course now!
what do you do if you get a return or a refund?
What to do now that you have your first live listing?
What will you learn from this course/overview!
What's next?
Why am I so passionate about teaching this course?
Writing a search optimized description that sells your art!


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Udemy Free Course - Get Virtual Assistance: How to Delegate & Grow Your Business - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Save Time, Be More Productive & Grow Your Business While Working Less
  • Do you have too much to do and not enough time to get it all done? 
  • Are you stressed, burnt out, and overwhelmed by your ever-growing to-do list? 
  • Does your business run itself, or do YOU work for your business?
If you're an entrepreneur, self-employed professional, or small business owner, then (like most people), you probably got into business for yourself to enjoy more time and freedom, only to quickly find yourself with more tasks on your plate and less time to pursue the life that matters most to you. 
If that sounds familiar, I know exactly how you feel because I was there too! But I'm here to tell you that you don't have to keep spinning your wheels because there's a solution! And it's called delegating!
This course is designed to help busy people who want to achieve more while working less, free up their time and energy by learning to master the skill of outsourcing and delegating to high-quality virtual assistants and skilled freelancers on just about any budget.
Discover the Power of Delegation & Learn How to:
  • Eliminate low-value, low-priority tasks that waste your time
  • Tap into the brain-power of other people to get more accomplished in less time
  • Communicate clearly to avoid confusion and maximize efficiency
  • Grow your business and create new opportunities for yourself and others
  • Reduce stress and improve your overall experience and quality of life
  • Gain more energy to focus on what you love and what you do best
  • Maximize your overall freedom and happiness in life
By learning to master the skill of outsourcing and delegating to a virtual assistant, not only will you save countless, priceless hours, but you can also save tens of thousands of dollars when compared to hiring an in-house employee.
However, if don't learn how to delegate successfully, then you'll get stuck trying to manage your life and business all by yourself, and you'll limit your own ability to grow and achieve the next level of success.

Course Details

What's the Bottom Line?
80/20 Principle
Accepting Fear
Answers Before Questions
Asking for Feedback
Assigning Your Tasks
Be the Captain of Your Ship
Bridging the Gap
Closing the Loop
Communicate Clearly & Specifically
Course Layout
Course Overview
Course Review
Dealing with Problems
Defining Delegation
Defining Virtual Assistance
Different Types of Virtual Assistants
Email Management
Evaluate Your Personal Worth
Evaluate Your Workload
Everything is a Test
Expectations & Deadlines
Granting Authority
Handling Secure Data
Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses
Independent Virtual Assistants
Opportunity Cost
Practice Makes Perfect
Prepare to Share
Questions to Ask Your Prospective VA
Questions to Ask Yourself About Each Task
Recurring Tasks
Review & Prioritize Your Tasks
Section 1: Course Introduction
Section 2: The Power of Successful Delegation
Section 3: Develop the Delegation Mindset
Section 4: The Benefits of Virtual Assistance
Section 5: How Can a Virtual Assistant Help You?
Section 6: How to Find & Hire Your Own VA
Section 7: Determine What You'll Delegate
Section 8: How to Delegate Effectively
Section 9: Course Review
Section Outline & Preview
Selecting the Right VA For You
Signs You Need to Start Delegating
Social Media
Start with the End in Mind
Staying On Course
Switching Cost
Team Mentality
The Critical First "Meeting"
The Power of Delegation
Virtual Assistant Companies
Virtual Assistants versus In-House Employee


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Udemy Free Course - WordPress Development For Beginners - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Do you want to create a web site or blog using WordPress in no time?
Learn the basic concepts of HTML and CSS, and become skilled in working with WordPress themes. No coding - No programming!
Build a strong foundation in HTML and CSS with this hand on-tutorial course.
  • Fundamental difference between CSS and HTML
  • WordPress Theme Customization
  • Working with WordPress Plugins
  • Widgets and Menu customization
The internet is full of amazing looking web sites. This course does not require any programming or coding.
By means of working with WordPress and customizing themes, you will be able to create a web site in no time. Maybe you wish to create a blog site!
So, Are you looking for the easiest and fastest way to learn how to build your own beautiful websites with WordPress? As a bonus lesson, I will show you how to create a responsive Website.
This course teaches you behind the scenes of website creation and theme customization and with little innovation and few techniques, you can build outstanding Website design using WordPress.
At the end of the course, you will have a complete, ready-to-launch outstanding WordPress website that looks great on any desktop computer, tablet and smartphone. You will also get FREE web hosting at ClayDesk hosting service once you enroll

Course Details

Creating a Web Page
Creating Database and Downloading WordPress
Extracting WordPress Files
FREE ClayDesk Hosting 
HTML Revisited
Installing and Customizing Theme
Installing WordPress
Installing XAMPP Server
Introduction and Course Agenda
Logging Into WordPress Dashboard
Practice Task #1
Practice Task #2
Practice Task #3
Responsive WebSite
Section 1: Module : Course Introduction
Section 2: Module 2: WordPress Fundamentals
Section 3: Module 3: Conclusion
Section 4: Module 4: Bonus-Bonus-Bonus
Understanding HTML and CSS
Widgets and Menus
WordPress Dashboard
Working With WordPress Plugins


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Udemy Free Course - Learn Photoshop : Basics to Advanced (13 projects included) - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Perfect Delivery.
If I were to re-title this course for you I would call it “Photoshop Made Easy". The instructor has designed and taught the course in an easy step by step method that made understanding very easy. For someone sitting through an application for the first time, I think the course was delivered perfectly. Learnt a lot!
Awesome place to start!
Been looking for a photoshop course that really covers the basics! I've found some youtube tutorials, but nothing that really puts everything together like this one! Loved every minute of it! Thanks Supriyo!
The comprehensive Photoshop course! Every popular photoshop function is described and shown how to use! Saves days of studying the software manual!
Make photoshop your friendly software by learning it step by step . We will cover everything , starting from basics to advanced projects.

Course Details

Blur , Sharpen and Smudge Tool
Blur and Distort Filters
Brush Tool
Clone Stamp, Pattern Stamp and Eraser Tool
Colors and Swatches
Converting a Low Resolution Image to High Resolution
Creating a Pattern in Photoshop
Creating Ellipse and Circle
Creating New Document in Photoshop
Creating new Text Layer
Creating Rectangle and noticing important stuff
Creating Square and Rounded Rectangle
Crop and Eye Dropper tool
Destructive vs Non-Destructive Effects
Direct Selection and Path Selection tool
Dodge , Burn and Sponge Tool
Effects using Layer Style
Exploring Character and Paragraph Palette
Exploring Custom Shape Tool
Exploring Line Tool
Exploring Polygon Tool
Exploring Selection tools
Filters basics and exploring Filter Gallery
Gradient and Paint Bucket Tool
Healing Brush , Spot Healing Brush and Patch Tool
Importance of Photoshop
Layers Basics
Lets play Memory Game
Move tool and Transformations
Noise and Pixellate Filters
Opening an existing file or document in Photoshop
Pen Tool
Photoshop Interface
Project : Blending two images
Project : Creating Awesome Text Effect
Project : Creating Blur Backgrounds
Project : Creating Bokeh Effect
Project : Creating Cloud Effect
Project : Creating Pixel Perfect Design
Project : Creating Polygon Background
Project : Creating Rain Effect
Project : Creating Reflection Effect
Project : Creating Stem of a tree
Project : Creating Whirlpool Effect
Project : Decorating an Image
Project : Increasing Height of Building
Render ,Stylize and Sharpen Filters
Resources links
Saving Document in Photoshop
Section 1: Introduction
Section 10: Request Lectures Section
Section 2: Creating Shapes inside Photoshop
Section 3: Tools in Depth
Section 4: Working with Layers and Colors
Section 5: Working with Text
Section 6: Working with Filters
Section 7: Working with Rulers , Guides and Grid
Section 8: Additional Projects
Section 9: Conclusion and Resources
Type Tool
Working with Grid
Working with Guides
Working with Rulers
Zoom tool and Hand tool


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Udemy Free Course - In one hour learn how to study to become “A” student - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course will make you learn how to use your full brain power to study effectively, retain information and utilize the latest proven study techniques to achieve great results.
The lesson you never got taught in school is How to learn. On the other hand we all thought that achieving good results is related to our IQ level, but actually we all have unlimited brain capabilities and power that we never use. This course is designed to teach you how you can utilize your full brain power with effective study techniques used by all top achievers to achieve great results and become successful in simple four steps as follow:
1.     Increase your self-motivation.   
2.       Learn effective study techniques and tools
3.       Build your integrated study system
4.       Provide additional modern tips to boost your productivity
This course is for you if you want to stop:
·       Study struggling.
·       Procrastination and wasting time.
·       Forgetting information.
·       Getting low grads.
·       Stress and tension feelings before exams.
·       Making study plans that doesn’t work.
·       Reading slowly.
The course was designed to be very simple and based on actionable steps and all the proposed tools that will be used in this course are free tools and can be easily found and used.

Course Details

How to motivate yourself - Action 1
How to motivate yourself - Action 2
How to motivate yourself - Action 3
How to motivate yourself - action 4
Method - 1 learning pyramid
Method 2 Beat forgetting curve
Method 3 Focused and diffused modes
Method 4 - mind mapping - How to draw Mind map part 1
Method 4 - mind mapping- How to draw a Mind map part 3
Method 4 mind mapping - How to draw Mind map part 2
Method 4 Mind mapping intro
Method 5 Study planning
section 1 part 1 why we don't achieve high grades
Section 1: Section 1
Section 2: section 2
Section 3: section 3
The integrated study system
The procrastination process
Tip 2 when to study
Tip 3 Know how you will be evaluated
Tip 4 during exams
Tip 5 Healthy life balance
Tip 6 Speed reading
Tip 7 Nothing wrong with you 
Tip-1 where to study


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