Friday 26 February 2016

Udemy Free Course - Elixir for Beginners - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

                                                     Course Description

Do you want web sites that can easily scale to millions of users?
Or build a system to reliably handle the coming Internet of Things (IoT) future?

Perhaps you just want to learn a programming language, which will teach you the techniques for building concurrent, functional, and fault-tolerant software.
Elixir is one of the fastest growing programming languages, for all of these reasons.
Created by José Valim, one of the Ruby on Rails core team members, Elixir is built on the tried and tested Erlang Beam (Virtual Machine). With cherry picked features from other modern languages such as Clojure, Ruby and Python, etc. it's a joy to use, and makes functional programming much more accessible.
Erlang was built from the ground up, to get distributed, and fault-tolerant computing "right". Elixir inherits these qualities, and packages it up in a beautiful modern language, with excellent tooling and access to all the existing Erlang libraries.
If you want to understand how Whatsapp, with less than 60 engineers, can send double the text messages of all the Telecoms companies put together, then come and learn Elixir. It'll be fun!


Testing & writing code
About this course
Atoms, Booleans and Strings
Basic types: numbers
Basics of anonymous functions and tuples
Configuration, documentation and doctest
Elixir introduction resources
Function captures and references
Hello World x2
Immutable Data
Interactive Elixir REPL (iex)
Introduction to Elixir
Introduction to Elixir files
Keyword lists
Make a command line executable with: escript
Mix and project dependencies
Named function basics
Pattern matching basics
Pattern matching further concepts
Process ping pong example
Recursion and pattern matching
Reduce & Map a recursive example
Section 1: Welcome to Elixir
Section 2: Introduction to Elixir
Section 3: Basic types
Section 4: Basics of functional thinking
Section 5: Complex types
Section 6: Modules & Functions
Section 7: Recursion
Section 8: Processes
Section 9: Caesar Cipher Project
Spawning processes, sending/receiving messages and Tasks
Tail call optimisation


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