Friday 26 February 2016

Udemy Free Course - Excel 2013 Intermediate - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

                                                 Course Description

This is a practical, hands-on course for Excel middleweights looking to gain more confidence in using the program. It provides step-by-step practice in building formulas with useful text functions like LEFT, RIGHT, MID, PROPER and CONCATENATE; conditional functions like IF, IFERROR, SUMIF AND COUNTIF; lookup functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH; and date functions like NETWORKDAYS. The course also covers charts, sparklines, conditional formating, and graphics. It then moves on to look at all of Excel's key facilities for working with tabular data: customized sorting and filtering, subtotalling and the use of Excel tables and pivot tables. All of the worksheets used by the trainer are available to students, enabling them to follow along and practice all of the techniques being demonstrated


2. Downloading the course files
GCS/01-1: Flash Fill Revision
GCS/01-2: Using the TRIM function
GCS/01-3: Changing the case of text
GCS/01-4: The LEFT and RIGHT functions
GCS/01-5: The MID function
GCS/01-6: The CONCATENATE function
GCS/02-1: The IF function
GCS/02-2: The IFERROR function
GCS/02-3: Nested IF statements
GCS/02-4: The OR function
GCS/02-5: The AND function
GCS/03-1: The COUNTIF function
GCS/03-2: The SUMIF function
GCS/04-1: VLOOKUP exact match
GCS/04-2: VLOOKUP approximate match
GCS/04-3: Using INDEX and MATCH
GCS/05-1: The TODAY and NOW functions
GCS/05-2: Inserting dates using AutoFill
GCS/05-3: The NETWORKDAYS function
GCS/06-1: Text alignment
GCS/06-2: Text wrap
GCS/06-3: Using the Format Painter
GCS/06-4: Conditional formatting
GCS/06-5: Creating cell styles
GCS/07-1: Setting the number of sheets in new workbooks
GCS/07-2: Working in group mode
GCS/07-3: Viewing multiple workbooks
GCS/07-4: Moving and duplicating sheets
GCS/08-1: Anatomy of an Excel chart
GCS/08-2: Creating a column chart
GCS/08-3: Creating a line chart.
GCS/08-4: Creating a pie chart
GCS/08-5: Creating a pie of pie chart
GCS/08-6: Creating a doughnut chart
GCS/08-7: Creating a bar chart
GCS/09-1: Creating sparklines
GCS/09-2: Using formulas with graphics
GCS/10-1: Benefits of using Excel tables
GCS/10-2: Creating an Excel table
GCS/10-3: Entering data into a table
GCS/10-4: Using a total row
GCS/10-5: Entering formulas in a table
GCS/10-6: Creating dynamic charts from table data
GCS/11-1: Sorting by a single column
GCS/11-2: Sorting by multiple columns
GCS/11-3: Using a custom list for sorting
GCS/11-4: Sorting columns instead of rows
GCS/11-5: Sorting data in a random order
GCS/12-1: Filtering specific values
GCS/12-2: Using the search box
GCS/12-3: Using text filters
GCS/12-4: Using number filters
GCS/12-5: Using date filters
GCS/13-1: Manually outlining data
GCS/13-2: Creating an automatic outline
GCS/13-3: Showing and hiding outline symbols
GCS/13-4: Creating single level subtotals
GCS/13-5: Creating multilevel subtotals
GCS/14-1: Pivot tables and subtotalling compared
GCS/14-2: Creating a pivot table - part 1 of 2
GCS/14-2: Creating a pivot table - part 2 of 2
GCS/14-3: Grouping pivot table data
Section 1: Getting started
Section 10: GCS/09: Sparklines and graphics
Section 11: GCS/10: Working with Excel tables
Section 12: GCS/11: Sorting data
Section 13: GCS/12: Filtering data
Section 14: GCS/13: Outlining and subtotalling
Section 15: GCS/14: Introduction to pivot tables
Section 2: GCS/01: Text functions
Section 3: GCS/02: Conditional functions
Section 4: GCS/03: Conditional number crunching functions
Section 5: GCS/04: LOOKUP functions
Section 6: GCS/05: Date and time functions
Section 7: GCS/06: Advanced formatting
Section 8: GCS/07: Managing multiple workbooks and worksheets
Section 9: GCS/08: Working with charts


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