Friday 26 February 2016

Udemy Free Course - Limitless: How Nootropics Can Enhance Your Brain Function - 100% Off

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                 Course Description

Limitless: How Nootropics Can Enhance Your Brain Function
  • Imagine living in a state where you experience limitless energy throughout the day,
  • Imagine possessing laser sharp focus and the ability to concentrate at will,
  • Imagine experiencing twice the productivity in half the time,
  • Imagine remaining ten steps ahead of everyone else and your decision-making is instant, clear, and free of doubt or second-guessing,
  • Imagine a state where creativity expands allowing you to see things from a limitless perspective
Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not.
You’ve probably seen or at least heard of the movie Limitless. It's not just a's a real possibility. You can expand your potential infinitely and essentially become limitless. And I’ll show you how. In this course, you will learn about Nootropics--supplements, functional foods and drugs that can enhance your brain function in ways that you cannot even imagine. Join me to explore this exciting world of nootropics where you will discovers ways to optimize your brain’s performance, expand your capacity to focus, increase your creativity and create an epic, supercharged life!


Why do Nootropics matter and how will they benefit me?
All about stacking including different stacks
Ampakines: Find out why these are popular with college students
Anti-anxiety and vivid dreams with Aniracetam
Are you producing enough nitric oxide? Beetroot can help with that.
Bacopa Monnieri: One of the oldest, most ancient Ayurvedic herbs
Check out the cool-looking Lion’s Mane Mushroom and learn about its properties
Creatine: The bodybuilders and athletes’ favorite
Eugeroics: Discover the interesting history of this well-known Nootropic
Find out about one of the coolest benefits of taking Galantamine
Find out which commonly consumed beverage contains L-Theanine
From Board Certified Surgeon to Human Potential Physician
Gotu Kola: Did you know it can help relieve panic attacks?
Holy Basil’s Magical Properties (one you’ve probably never heard about)
Huperzine A known for being able to give your brain a boost
Important notice for your health and safety!
Learn about Carnitine, an every day Nootropic I recommend for everyone.
Learn why Choline is one of the most important Nootropics to know about
Learn why Sulbutiamine is called the “party” Nootropic
Love Caffeine but don’t like the jitters? Find out how you can remedy that with.
Mood boosting, calming, plus euphoria. What not to love about Phenibut?
Neurotransmitter 2
Neurotransmitter 3
Neurotransmitter Outline
Neurotransmitter Review
Noopept: One of the least expensive but one of the best cognitive enhancers
Nootropic Introduction PDF
Optimizing brain function and performance with Racetams
Phenylpiracetam: Learn why this Racetam is one of my favorites
Phosphatidylserine: A perfect remedy for our stressed-out world.
Piracetam: Meet the most common Racetam and what it does
Pramiracetam: The most potent and tolerated Racetam (and least likely to have s
Section 1: Let's Get Started
Section 2: Racetams
Section 3: Ampakines
Section 4: Eugeroics
Section 5: Herbals
Section 6: Additional Nootropics
Section 7: Stacking Nootropics
Section 8: Conclusion
Sensory enhancements with Oxiracetam
Some things you may not know about the Ginkgo Biloba
Sunifiram: Learn why this is known as “the get things done” Nootropic
The amazing Ayurvedic miracle Ashwagandha
The popular and favorite Adrafinil
Trouble sleeping? Try Lemon Balm
Vinpocetine: A good stacker
What’s the science behind Nootropics?
Where did this all begin?


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