Sunday 13 September 2015

Udemy Free Course - AngularJS for the Real World - Learn by creating a WebApp - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

AngularJS is a high demand javascript framework used by an increasing number of companies: Mastering this framework is a great opportunity that will help you in getting a new and better job in the frontend development industry.
In this AngularJS course you'll learn how to speed up your development by 10x times.
AngularJS is a Javascript framework used to create Single Page Application (SPA) using a declarative approach. This means that Angular is completely extensible: you can define, for example, your own DSL (Domain Specific Language) and services.
AngularJS is totally free and it was originally created by a Google team of developers. At the minute there are more then 1.3K contributors on GitHub and the community is really wide. There are a plenty of documentation, tutorials, examples and fiddles in additions to discussion groups, specialized sites and forums where you can find inspiration or solutions to common problems.
If you are new to AngularJS, no worries. I will drive you through the main topics and will not assume that you are already familiar with the framework.
On the other hand, If you already know AngularJS, you know that it can be as sweet as a rainbow unicorn or as bitter as your worst nightmare: this is why we will teach teach you a few best practices as well as examples of patterns and anti-patterns all over the course, so that you'll learn a more efficient and clear way of coding your NG apps.
Content and Overview
In this course you'll find 5+ hours of video content; source code is provided for each lesson and in general there will be 2 downloadable attachments per lesson: the start and final source code; this will let you double check that your changes are correct as long as you proceed throughout each chapter. Links to external resources are also provided where useful. Last but not least, I will support you with each question you might have.


$http and Promises: Fetching our events by using a GET request
4 Useful directives: ng-show/ng-hide and ng-minlength/ng-maxlength
A quick look at scopes in Angular
Accessing objects without global variables and rootScope
Basic filtering in Angular
Best Practice: ControllerAs Syntax
Best Practice: The correct way to Declare a Module
Checkboxes in Angular
Controllers in AngularJS
Cosmetic Changes: Angular CSS for Validations & ngClass
Course Outline
Create Events via $ refactor our function to use our new APIs
Deal with duplicates in ng-repeat: track by explained!
Deleting Events: $Index or Object?
Directive Controllers: Let's build a directive for our homepage
Dynamically display content: the NgIf directive
Environment Setup
Exploring the input 'date' directive
Highlighting our events with a custom directive: The linking function
How to make a directive reusable in ANY AngularJS application
Implementing Custom Filters in AngularJS
Implementing our Business Logic with Angular Services
Inline Editing and UpdateEvents
Introduction & App improvements
Introduction and App improvements
Introduction to Custom Directives: A simple implementation
Introduction to Validation
MVW: Model - View - Whatever
NgForm: How to quickly "Angularize" a bootstrap form
NgInclude: Templating in Angular
ng-messages - Improved Validation message management
NgMock in Action
NgMock: Introduction
NgRepeat: Repeat multiple DOM elements with ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end
NgRepeat: The event list
NgSelect: How to set a Default option by using the track by property
Our First Angular Application
Prevent invalid form data from being submitted: 2 different methods
radio buttons and ng-value
Refactoring and Annotation
Routing: Fundamentals
Routing: HTML5 Mode
Routing: Route Controllers and the $routeParams service
Scope and Directives: Isolated Scope and others
Section 1: Course Overview
Section 10: Custom Directives: Let's teach some new tricks to our DOM
Section 11: Conclusion and what's next
Section 2: AngularJs - Let's see what this is all about
Section 3: Routing and Templating in AngularJs
Section 4: Forms in AngularJS: Let's build an Event Form
Section 5: Angular Form Validation!
Section 6: AngularJs Filters: Let's make our events searchable!
Section 7: Services: Interacting with REST APIs and Promises
Section 8: BONUS: NgMock: How to simulate backend functionalities in Angular
Section 9: Building our Events CRUD APIs with $http and ngMock
Select Controls in Angular: Ng-Options and grouping
Strict search and OrderBy
The $filter service
The $q Service: Process promises and chaining
The ngPattern Directive: RegExp driven validation
The NgSubmit Directive (and a quick look at angular.copy)
Tracking a Form validity
Using filters inside controllers (and services, and directives)
Using the "resolve" property to initialize data
Why AngularJS?


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