Friday, 17 April 2015

Udemy Free Course - Information Security Primer - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course you will learn to secure a network, weather it's Enterprise or SOHO.
The course in based on over my 20 years hands on experience in IT, as a security analyst and network engineer.Learn the 12 most important steps in securing you network, making sure you cover all the basics, but not wasting time on activities that contribute little.


What this course is all about
Basic Concepts
Section 1: Course Description & Basic Concepts
Section 2: The 12 Steps
Section 3: The Lab Demos
Step 1 - Write a Security Policy
Step 10 - Live VPN Demo
Step 10 - Secure Data in Transit
Step 11 - IDS & IPS
Step 11 Lab - Live IPS Demo
Step 12 - Backup Exec Demo
Step 12- Backup Your Data
Step 2 - Educate End Users & IT Staff
Step 3 Lab - inSSIDer Live Demo
Step 4 - Implement Perimeter Security
Step 4 Lab - Live Firewall Demo
Step 5 - Use Good Password Management
Step 6 - Eliminate Unnecessary Services
Step 6 Lab - Netstat Live Demo
Step 6 Lab - Nmap Live Demo
Step 7 - Implement Good Patch Management
Step 7 Lab - LANDesk Overview
Step 8 - Implement AntiVirus Measures
Step 8 - Live Antivirus Demo
Step 8 Lab - McAfee EPO Overview
Step 9- Implement Access Control
Step3 - Implement Physical Security


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Udemy Free Course - Social Media Marketing Mastery: Growing An Engaged Audience - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Out of all of the methods I used to grow my brand, social media marketing was by far the most effective method. In one year, my blog traffic increased 15 times over primarily because of social media. Just like anyone else, I struggled with social media in the beginning, but after learning a few game-changing tactics to grow my social media audience, I started to get the results that I now have today.
I currently have over 200,000 social media followers across all of my platforms and I interact with hundreds of people on them every day. It's fair to say I am living the advanced version of a teenage dream :)
In this course, I will share with you the methods I used to go from no audience to over 200,000 social media followers in a time effective manner. Since I go to school, write blog posts, and create products, I don't have much time to work on growing my social media platforms, but the time that I use on my social media platforms is spent very effectively. In fact, I gain hundreds of followers across these platforms every day.
All you have to do to get lifetime access to all of the lectures on my course and the lectures I add in the future is to click the "Take This Course" button. I look forward to serving you throughout the course and watching you grow on social media.


Your Reputation
Communicate With Individual Followers
Creating An Enchanting Profile
Creating Better Social Media Posts
Creating Your Strategy
Getting The Attention Of Influencers
How Many Social Networks To Use
How To Choose Your Niche
Maintaining Consistency
Measuring ROI
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2: The Strategy
Section 3: Building Relationships On Social Media
Section 4: Congratulations, You Reached The End Of The Course!
Sell With A Story
Social Media Pictures For Avatars, Backgrounds, and More!
Testing Variables
Time Management In Social Media Marketing
What To Market


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Udemy Free Course - Youtube Advertising Hack: Get Targeted Visitors And Clicks! - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Being able to drive targeted traffic to their website on demand is every internet marketer's dream.
Traffic is the difference between an amazing website that no one knows about and a crappy blog that keeps getting action.
Most people are clueless when it comes to paid advertising. They go out there and buy placements, lose it all then go home. Basically a trip to the casino.
What if I told you there was a little known -for now- hack that you could use to create trueview videos (these videos you can skip after five seconds), and get FREE targeted traffic to your website, product, or affiliate offer ?


Account Standing: Stay In The Green!
Billing Explained In Two Minutes
Characters And Animations
Creating Video Ads
Cutting Bad Placements
Different Types Of Ads
Example Of An Ad
Google Live Chat Function
Introduction: What's The Hack ?
Link In Description And Annotations
Little Known Benefit Of Trueviews Advertising
Making Your Video SEO-Friendly
Note: Future Course Updates
Note: Split-Testing Offers
Placements: The Greatest Tool For Profit
Powtoon: Intro
Props, Effects
Scaling Things Up
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2: Basic Setup
Section 3: Creating A Video Ad In 5 Minutes
Section 4: Launching Your Ad
Section 5: Optimization: Road To Amazing ROI
Section 6: Optimizing Videos For Free SEO Traffic
Slides & Transitions
Split-Testing Channels
Split-Testing From The Very Start
Successful Ad Blueprint
Talking Head?
Targeting: Get Laser-Targeted
VideoScribe: Part One
VideoScribe: Part Two
Warning About Adwords (Google Can Be Mean)
What To Advertise ? (If You Don't Have A Product)
Wrapping Up Your Videoscribe
Writing Effects

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Udemy Free Course - Twitter Marketing 101: Marketing Strategies That Work - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Learn how to promote brands, increase sales, engage customers, and drive site traffic using Twitter. This course helps marketers and business owners craft, implement, measure, and optimize a winning social media marketing strategy. Course starts with the best uses for social media marketing. Once viewers understand the conceptual underpinnings of social media marketing, Then they learn how to create Twitter profiles; write engaging, high-quality content that incorporates the unique features, such as hashtags and rich media, and maximize your reach by adding target followers. Finally, learn how to measure the results of those efforts using best twitter ads, and see how well your posts and tweets are performing.


#Bonus Tips No.1 : Analyze and track your conversion
#Bonus Tips No.2 : How funny image and quotes bring you more engagement
#BONUS: 200+ Pre written tweets that instantly boost your twitter campaign
#BONUS: 8 Quick Tips Form This Chapter
#Tips No.1 : Follow only target audience
#Tips No.10 : Use this hashtag to get followers
#Tips No.11 : Auto follow is bad practice
#Tips No.12 : Ask question get noticed
#Tips No.13 : Post tweets on right time
#Tips No.14 : Link your other social media accounts together
#Tips No.15 : Right way to use hashtags
#Tips No.16 : Organize a tweetup
#Tips No.17 : Right way to respond to your customer
#Tips No.18 : Finding viral tweets that work for you
#Tips No.19 : Using direct message to engaged with your customers
#Tips No.2 : Make your profile picture natural
#Tips No.20 : Convert your website visitors to followers
#Tips No.3 : Write informative bio
#Tips No.4 : Difference between private and public profile
#Tips No.5 : Help your Followers
#Tips No.6 : Your tweet reflect your nature
#Tips No.7 : Headlines really matter
#Tips No.8 : Trading topic to get instant followers
#Tips No.9 : Control your tweet posting
20 Quick Tips Introduction
Always Engage With Your Audience
Direct Message
Promoted Accounts
Promoted Trends
Promoted Tweets
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Understanding Twitter
Section 3: Understanding Your Audience
Section 4: 20 Quick Tips to Get More Followers
Section 5: [Bonus] Boost Your Campaign Using Twitter Ads
Some Marketing Strategies That Work
Understanding Twitter Ads
Understanding Twitter language
Understanding Your Target Audience
Write Tweets That People Want To Follow


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Udemy Free Course - Become a Lie Detector Human - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Did you know that 93% of people regularly lie in your daily life?
This course will teach the methods and skills so you know when you are lying.
In an ordinary conversation with a person, he lies to you in 3-4 times on average. Show over 11 tracks, what the best way to spot a liar is.
How we can help this course? To improve our relationships in our work life, sentimental or professional.
Know the detail, body language techniques. 81% of language in a conversation takes place through body language. We may interpret when a person is lying to us when we are talking to her.
One of the most interesting topics within this course is the meaning of eye movement. Interpreting know perfectly that a person is thinking when we spoke to her, and if we're lying.
Not only can interpret lies in a social interaction, but we know when we are being lied when talking to a person whatsapp or email. This will help us to improve in the workplace, as we know when we are hiding the truth.
In recent issues, see which method in a job interview and how to detect lies in a relationship. In the first of these issues, see which the best way to a job interview is. In a study conducted in 2005 it was observed that 94% of respondents, human resources workers, rated as most important quality of a worker sincerity. We learn as we do a job interview and we must do to have more chances of being hired. In the second of this topics, we will see what are the methods to know when we lie within a relationship. Many people worry that your partner lie to them. In this course, we will appreciate and differentiate the types of lies that occur in couples.
This course is performed in order to be studied by anyone.
You do not need any prior knowledge. Only be eager to learn and know the intricacies of lie detection.
We firmly believe that you can become a human lie detector at the end of this course.


The Method In A Job Interview
Become A Lie detector Human
Caution With Detection Of Lies
Detecting Lies In A Romantic Relationship
Lie Detector By The Verbal Lenguaje
Lie Detector For Whatsapp
Lie Detector Via de Interrogation
Lies Detect Throught The Body Lenguage
Noting The Face Lie Detector and Motion Eye
Quiz body Lenguage
Quiz Cautions
Quiz Face and Eyes
Quiz Interrogation
Quiz Job Interview
Quiz Romantic Relationship
Quiz Verbal Lenguage
Quiz Whatsapp
Section 2: ¡¡¡ FIRST STEP !!!
Section 6: WARNINGS


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Udemy Free Course - The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In 2003 there was no Facebook. In 2005 no Twitter. In 2006 there were no iPhones. Marketing has had to change rapidly in order to keep up with technology and the new ways we communicate. Gone are the days of direct mail and billboard advertising - now is the time of email, social media and Apps.
Recent predictions suggest that global ad spend in 2015 will reach $540 Billion and that spend on digital media will make up just over 25% of that. In the retail sector - 55% of shoppers now research a product online while they are standing in a physical store. WhatsApp was sold to Facebook for $19 Billion because of the number of Users it had and SnapChat has become a marketing tool for savvy marketers. These things are all contributing to the way Marketers need to think about the world around them and how they engage with existing and potential customers.


What is SEO?
Advanced Email Marketing Automation
B2B Spam Filters
B2C vs. B2B
Basic Email Marketing Automation
Basic Marketing Automation Slides
Blogs, Whitepapers & Case Studies
Buying Personas
Buying Personas Slides
Email Marketing Slides
Facebook Re-Targeting
Final Course Quiz
Google Analytics
Keyword Research
Lead Scoring and Lead Nurturing
Looking at PPC
Looking at PPC Slides
Open Rates, Clicks, Bounces, Unsubscribes and more
Section 1: Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing
Section 2: Email Marketing
Section 3: B2B Marketing
Section 4: Content Marketing
Section 5: SEO / PPC / Analytics
Section 6: Re-Targeting
Section 7: Course Quiz
Section 8: Resources
Send Times, Burst Send, Repeat Sends
Split Testing, Variants and Dynamic Emails
The 3 Second Rule
The F'in Email - B2B Email Design
Twitter Re-Targeting
URL Builder
Useful Links
What is re-targeting?
What is SEO Slides


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Udemy Free Course - Ultimately Simplified Approach for Animal Cloning - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course is dealing with mammalian cloning in general, and with a special method developed by the author and his colleagues that makes the method simple, inexpensive, efficient, reliable, and applicable under compromised conditions, even - possibly - in your garage..
This is a special subject among UDEMY courses, hard to insert in any existing category, nevertheless, I think more and more similar courses will be produced and needed. Keywords for the subject include science, biotechnology, embryology, cloning, animals, agriculture, medicine, innovation.
The course consists of 8 sections and 13 lectures. The language is simple and easy to understand for laymen (once they understand my bad pronunciation due to my deafness...). First lectures prepare the audience to the main subject by stepwise introduction re. the author, the course itself, embryology, theory and traditional practice of cloning. The main subject, handmade cloning will be discussed in two long chapters with ample video illustration. Understanding of events on the video are facilitated by the previous explanation - and may also mean a kind of exam for the students. In the final lectures, the controversial situation of cloning is described. Hopefully students will understand the situation and support our efforts, or at least won't regard cloners as evil creatures any more.
Anybody who is interested in this subject (with controversial reputation, I admit) is encouraged to enroll. This is not a demanding scientific education, just an invitation to an excursion to see our world as it is. Sometimes funny, sometimes frustrating, but at least - authentic.


What is needed for HMC?
Course summary and call for contribution
Expectations: the realistic perspectives to benefit from animal cloning
Foreword. Mammalian embryology: a handicapped branch of science
If yes, why not? Reasons of controversies; responsibilities and consequences
Key steps of traditional cloning - on pictures
Overview of the course
Realization: What has been achieved?
Section 1: Welcome to the course
Section 2: Are we, cloners, Gods?
Section 3: What is happening?
Section 4: Handmade cloning (HMC). The principle and the first steps
Section 5: Handmade cloning (HMC). The last steps and conditions to accomplish
Section 6: Expectations and realization
Section 7: If yes, why not?
Section 8: Summary and perspectives
The first cloner, and the best ones
The flowchart of cloning
The last steps of HMC: fusion, activation and embryo culture
The principle of HMC and the first steps: oocyte recovery, bisection, maturation


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Udemy Free Course - The Complete Guide to Video Marketing - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

The days of boring websites are gone forever. In the past, the technical limitations of HTML coding and the slowness of most Internet connections made it impractical to provide web users with any serious audio-visual experience. A page might have featured an interesting table-based layout, an animated gif or two, a link to a RealAudio file for background streaming, or a few stray flashes of Java. For the most part, however, audio-visual techniques were used as novelties, signs to the browsing public that the site coder was technically savvy and that the site was cutting-edge.
Audio-visual techniques still indicate that your site is cutting-edge and that your coders know what they're doing. But it's no longer possible even to argue that audio-visual content is a novelty. With modern connection speeds, coding options, software packages and plug-ins, it's now possible to record sophisticated video and audio presentations, to show them to your site's audience without breaking up their browsing experience, and to do all of this without incurring prohibitive bandwidth or hosting space costs. The technology has become sophisticated enough, in other words, to let you use audio-visual techniques for their traditional purpose. You can let your customers hear your product, see your product, and form emotional connections to your product. The result? You'll not only impress your customers, but you'll sell more products.
Video marketing is one of the most powerful ways to advertise and market on the web. It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or if you're a seasoned pro; you can break through or bolster your business with an effective video marketing campaign.


**Special Guest Lecture** Create a Video Intro with Windows Movie Maker
**Special Guest Lecture**Create Clickable Links in Your Videos
**Special Guest Lecture**Editing with Youtube's Video Manager
**Special Guest Lecture**Overview of Youtube Video Editor
*Activity Time* Complete Activity 7 and Activity 8 in your workbook
*Activity Time* Complete Activity 9 in your workbook
*Activity Time*: Complete Activity 1 in your workbook
*Activity Time*: Complete Activity 2 in your workbook
*Activity Time*: Complete Activity 3 in your workbook
*Activity Time*: Complete Activity 4 in your workbook
*Activity Time*: Complete Activity 5 in your workbook
*Activity Time*: Complete Activity 6 in Your Workbook
Add Transcript Captions
Background Reading: Getting Your Videos Seen
Background Reading: Measuring Your Video Marketing Success
Background Reading: The Power of Video Marketing
Background Reading: The Psychology behind Video Marketing
Background Reading: The Qualities of a Great Video
Background Reading: Tips & Tricks for Creating Professional Quality Videos
Background Reading: Tips on Outlining and Planning Videos
Background Reading: Types of Video Content That Work
Background Reading: Use Video Marketing to Help You Reach Your Business Goals
Background Reading: What is Video Marketing and Why Does it Work?
Course Overview
Course Structure and How You Should Approach This Course
Course Workbook
Distribution with HeySpread
Distribution with TrafficGeyser
Editing and uploading files
Final Video Production
Five Reasons Why Videos Are So Effective
Getting the settings right
Introduction to SEO Video Marketing
Keyword Market Research
Keyword Market Research 2
Keyword Research
Kickstart Your Youtube Video Marketing
LSI: Expanding on the main keyword
Manual Video Rewriting
Monetising the Emotion Strategy
Online Video Marketing Tips
Ranking Research
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Part I: Youtube Video Marketing with a Twist
Section 3: Keyword Research
Section 4: Edit & Upload
Section 5: Social Traffic
Section 6: Part II: SEO Video Warrior
Section 7: Checklists, Guides & Tools
Section 8: **Bonus eBooks**
Section 9: Conclusion
SEO Resources
Social Signals
The Emotion Strategy
The Pros and Cons of Video Marketing
The Tools You Need to Get Started with Video Marketing
Titles, Descriptions & Tags
Tools and Resources for Video Creation & Editing
Transcribing Audio
Until next time..
Video Marketing Checklist
Voice Overs
Youtube Kickstart Checklist
Youtube SEO - Part 1
Youtube SEO - Part 2


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Udemy Free Course - Confessions Of A New Dad - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

When you've just become a dad for the first time, everything is new. This course will give you a run down of what to expect when you're a new father and how to come out on top.
Learn From My Mistakes And Be The Best Dad And Partner You Can Be
  • Learn about the emotions you will experience as a new dad,
  • Why staying healthy is so important and how to manage it,
  • Time management tips to help you not only spend more time with family, but on yourself too.
My Confessions Will Guide You On The Right Path From Square One
Maybe you weren't fortunate enough to have guidance from your own father. Perhaps you want a second opinion from someone who's going through exactly what you're going through at the same time. Whatever the case, my lessons expose the truth about fatherhood for you to learn from.
Confessions Of A New Dad details my experience as a new father, my mistakes and trials by fire along the way. I don't claim to be a perfect father, but I'd like to share what I've learnt so far with you. If you have any uncertainty about fatherhood and don't know who to turn to, let me be your guide.
Content and Overview
11 short and straight-forward lessons on fatherhood are in this course. No BS, no fluff. Just the truth about my experience. Us guys are renowned for not talking. It's just something we don't do. I'm going to put that aside to help as many new dads as possible on their mission to be the best father and partner possible.
This is followed by 3 quizzes (and counting) to help you consolidate your knowledge. This course is built for you guys. If there's anything else you want me to write about, let me know in the discussion section. My goal is to make it the biggest community of new dads as possible. The more new dads on the right path, the better it is for everyone.
Will you accept the mission?


Anger Quiz
Health Quiz
Hi, Welcome To Confessions Of A New Dad!
Not Caring Anymore
Section 1: Welcome and Goals
Section 2: My Confessions
Section 3: Thank You!
Section 4: Extra Resources
Setting An Example
Strength Quiz
Thank You!
Time Management


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Udemy Free Course - Efficient Studying Techniques - Save Time and Learn More! - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course will enable you to be more efficient when studying.
No matter if you are a student, life long learner, entrepreneur or life hacker, the techniques in this course will benefit you in the following ways:
  • You will be able to spend less time studying, while retaining much more of the information
  • You will become a much better reader
  • You will learn how to combat fear of tests
  • You will learn how to motivate yourself to want to do even unappealing tasks that most people procrastinate on.
The course can be finished within a week, but the techniques take a couple of months to become habits.
It is structured into 6 main modules and 2 bonus modules. After each main module there is a review quiz.


Why Planning Is Important And How To Do It Right
Aquire Typing Skills In Under 5 Hours
Control Fear of Tests
Duolingo - Language Learning Optimized
Introduction - What Awaits You
Introduction To Memory Techniques
Khan Academy - Learn Math, Physics And Much More For Free
Learning The Basic Vocabulary Of Any Language Within Six Months
Memrise - Suck Up Knowledge Like A Sponge
Motivational Techniques - Visualization of Success and Affirmations
Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise and Alcohol
Open Culture - Free Lectures From Top Universities
Preparing A Studying Session
Reading Techniques And Their Appropriate Uses: Close Reading
Reading Techniques And Their Appropriate Uses: Skimming and Reading for Leisure
Review Session Planner - How To Plan Your Review Sessions And Remember Them
Section 1: Introduction
Section 10: Bonus Module 2 - Resources For Smart People
Section 2: Planning - Setting Up Your Path To Success
Section 3: Reviewing Techniques - Maximize Your Knowledge, Minimize Your Studying Time
Section 4: Reading Techniques - Instantly Become A Better Reader
Section 5: Memory Techniques - Become A Memory Master
Section 6: Motivational Techniques - Master Focus And Motivation
Section 7: Physical Techniques - Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise and Alcohol
Section 8: Conclusion
Section 9: Bonus Module 1 - Touch Typing - Become A Quick Typist In Hours
Spaced Repitition - The Most Efficient Way To Make Material Stick
Study Groups, Visualization, Exploration and Remembering Lists
Timed Studying And Breaks
Understanding Difficult Subjects and SQ3R
What Most People Do Wrong When Reviewing And How To Do It Right


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Thursday, 16 April 2015

Udemy Free Course - Web Accessibility: Learn Best Practices, Tools & Techniques - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

As website designers/developers and UX designers, website accessibility is often something that is pushed to the bottom of the pile. The guidelines can be tricky, clients don't always appreciate the reasons behind it, and, to be honest, in the absence of an informed argument other competing factors always win out.
But what if you could stand out from the crowd? UX, and more specifically, accessibility is becoming more and more important, and in some industries it's a legislative requirement.
We've created a simple and easy to follow course which holds your hand through the accessibility process.
During 2003 the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that one in five people had a disability. Can you really risk marginalising up to 20% of your website's visitors with an inaccessible website?
Why this course?
U1 Group's unparalleled accessibility expertise and face-to-face teaching experience not only demystifies website accessibility, but allows you to put it into practice on your website.
You'll see how we practically apply guidelines to many common aspects of websites, which dramatically benefits your learning process.
After completing this course you will hold a competitive advantage over other designers and will be able to add tremendous value to your clients.
What will I learn?
This course comprises of 12 modules, 10 downloadable 'cheat sheets', and will provide you with meaningful tools which will allow you to confidently develop accessible websites.
Topics covered in this course include:
  • A crash course in to accessibility.
  • Ensuring your website is navigable by all users.
  • Creating accessible text content.
  • How to apply accessibility techniques to multimedia content.
  • How to optimise the use of colour to enhance accessibility.
  • How you can create more accessible forms.
  • Guidelines for creating accessible images and non-text elements.
  • How to design and implement accessible HTML tables.
  • How to enhance the accessibility of dynamic and rich internet content, and
  • Guidance on selecting an accessible content management system (CMS)
If you have any involvement in UX design or website development, then this course is for you.
Without this knowledge you run the risk of losing work to more qualified professionals, or worse yet, leaving your clients open to litigation due to having an inaccessible website.


Accessibility & Authoring Tools
Accessibility & Dynamic Content
Accessibility & the Use of Colour
Accessibility Course Recap
Accessibility Fundamentals
Accessible Audio, Video & Multimedia Content
Accessible Forms & Controls
Accessible Images & Non Text Elements
Accessible Navigation & Focus
Accessible Tables
Accessible Text
Section 1: An introduction to accessibility
Section 2: Practical guides to understand & attain accessibility
Section 3: Accessibility Tools
Section 4: Summary


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Udemy Free Course - Remove Fear Of Flying With NLP Techniques - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

In this course titled - Remove Fear Of Flying With NLP Techniques by Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn many simple and powerful NLP and self hypnosis techniques to overcome Aviophobia - The fear of flying in an Airplane.You will be able to remove those negative blockages from your mind and overcome the phobia of flying.


Circle Of Confidence Technique
Fast Phobia Cure Theater Technique To Overcome Phobia
Introduction To The Course
Mind Trigger Techniques For Relaxation
Removing Fear Using Anchoring
Removing fear Using Reverse Spinning Techniques
Review Of All Techniques
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Remove Fear Of Flying Using NLP Techniques
Section 3: Summary
Simple Relaxation Techniques Using NLP
Summary Of The Course


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Udemy Free Course - Amp Your Ask: How to Get Big Names to Say Yes to You - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course is for entrepreneurs who want to connect, collaborate and make asks to grow their business effectively. I published my first book, got major influencers to endorse my work, created a world wide known campaign, End Sex Trafficking Day, raised over $40k and had big names like Seth Godin say yes to writing for my book all by utilizing the power of connecting. Connecting isn't just about communicating - it's about showing up in a smart, passionate and authentic way to the people who will resonate with your vision and help you move it forward toward your business dream.

This course can be broken down into 4 core objectives:
  1. Get clear on your business goals and fears around connecting.
  2. Recognize who you should be connecting with to achieve your goals.
  3. 3. Learn how to effectively connect to build relationships with heart.
  4. 4. Learning how to create the 3 asks every entrepreneur should know how to make

-I show you all of the techniques I use including scripts that allowed me to create mutually beneficial relationships that substantially grew my business.

-You can move through this course in a day if you want, but I suggest you take at least 3 so that you can let the material sink in.
-All lessons are taught via screen share and video.
-You should take this course if you have a vision for a business or project that's a world changer. There are so many people that are willing to help your dreams move forward, you just have to connect with them first.


Welcome to Amp Your Ask
[Exclusive to course students] Amp Your Ask Scripts
[Exclusive to course students] My most successful ask
3 Things to Expect from this Course
Additional Resource Recommendations 
Aligning Your Goals with your Asks
An Inside Look at How Following Up Paid Off
Busting Your Asking Fears
Creating a People Bucket List
Eli's Recommended Resources + Media List Offer
Email Asks Every Entrepreneur Should Know How to Make
How to Ask with Heart
Inside Look: How I Chose Who to Ask
Inside Look: How I Got Big Yes's
Inside Look: How I Got Started
Inside Look: How I Mastered the Art of the Ask
Interview with PR and Crowdfunding Expert Eli Regalado
Learning this Process is a Must
Leveraging Social Media to Amp Your Ask
Preparing Your Online Image for Amping Your Ask
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2 Overview
Section 2: Getting Clear & Busting Your Asking Fears
Section 3 Overview
Section 3: Who to Ask
Section 4 Overview
Section 4: How to Ask
Section 5 Overview
Section 5: Asking time baby!
Section 6 Overview
Section 6: Following Up
Section 7: **//// BONUS RESOURCES ////**
The Art of the Follow Up


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Udemy Free Course - Famous 5 Step Guide: Getting More Customers With Local SEO - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Objectives Of The Course:
This course is a guide to getting your business on the front page of Google using Google+ Local so that you can impact local search results and get more customers on your website and through your door.

What You Will Learn:
This course will teach you the exact steps on how to leverage Google and get thousands of people on your website and through your door each year.

Who Is This Course For:
If you are a business owner, that serves a local area or a website owner that wants to get more customers in their local region, then this course contains essential information.
It is also useful if you are running a marketing business as it will give you very specific SEO training on how Google+ can help your clients impact their position in search, which will deepen the strength of your service offerings.

The Guarantee:

So sign up for the course and learn what has taken us over 12 months to learn about Google+ and local SEO.
It comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee, backed by Udemy, if you are not happy with it for any reason, just get a refund! It's as easy as that.


What Is Google Business?
Behavioral and Personalization Ranking Factors
Bonus: How To Set Up And Optimise Your Email Marketing
Content Generation - What Is It And Why Is It The Best?
Content Marketing - Keeping It Consistent!
Content Marketing How To Decide On Topics
Mobile Friendly
My Busines Page Signals Ranking Factors
Off-Page Ranking Factors
One Last Awesome Things About Local SEO
On-Page Ranking Factors
Optimising your Google Business
Review Signal Ranking Factors
Section 1: Step 1: Introduction To Local SEO
Section 2: Step 2: Getting On The First Page
Section 3: Step 3: Content Marketing - Your Ticket To Thousands Of Clients
Section 4: Step 4: Search Engine Ranking Factors
Section 5: Step 5: BONUS Tips, Tricks and Hacks For Your Website
Section 6: Conclusion
Social Signals Ranking Factors
Summary and Final Words
The Power of Local SEO
The Power of Local SEO Part Two
Website Speed
What Is A Keyword?


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Udemy Free Course - Easy Wordpress Security - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Learn the Latest Wordpress Security Strategies and Concepts From a Leading Expert with Years of Real World, Hands On Experience.
Keep Your Wordpress Website Safe and Secure With Simple, Practical Techniques that Anyone Can Implement.

Every hour of every day 30,000 Wordpress sites are being attacked by people who want to either damage those sites or take control of them.
And the worse part is... 99% of all Wordpress Security incidents are entirely preventable.
How do you keep your Wordpress site secure?
In this course, I'll teach you the most effective things you can do to keep out the bad guys without having to become some kind of a security guru or spend tons of money for someone to do it for you.

If you're like most Wordpress website owners, security is a complete mystery. You want to keep your site secure, but your primary focus is on creating great content for your visitors.
You probably also have seen and read reports about internet security breaches that occur, but you probably think that your site is too small to have a serious problem.
The truth is, you couldn't be more wrong!
Wordpress powers just over 20% of all websites on the internet today and staggeringly, 70% of those site, 140m sites, have exposures that could make it easy for an unscrupulous individual to hack their site.
Modern security attacks aren't confined to defacing websites and stealing information, sophisticated groups of professional hackers are actively building up networks of millions of compromised websites. They collect these sites to use as large scale attacks and cause serious damage.
And if you're site is compromised, it could be contributing to this problem!
Having your site compromised could result in:
  • Loss of income
  • Damage to your reputation
  • Stolen data or information
That's not even considering the cost and effort required to clean up a security problem.
Wordpress Security doesn't have to be that hard. With just some simple understanding of the risks and steps that you can take to mitigate them, you can prevent over 99% of all potential attacks.
This course will help you put those numbers in your favour!
I am going to share with you my 10+ years of hard earned, battle tested experience in managing Wordpress sites so that you can start making your websites more secure in minutes right away.
But Wordpress and security in general are a moving feast and it is very hard to keep up to date on everything that's happening.
And that's something that I'm going to solve for you by regularly updating this course with new videos. As changes happen in the Wordpress landscape or something big occurs in the security world, I'll break it down for you in simple and easy to understand ways.
This course is backed by Udemy's 30 day guarantee and my personal promise that for just a small investment of your time, you'll be shocked at just how easy it is to rapidly improve your Wordpress site's overall security posture!
Every second you delay creates risk for you and helps tilt the odds in favour of your Wordpress site becoming one of the 30,000 sites that get attacked every hour, of every day.
Enroll now and put the odds back in your favour!


Denial of Service Attacks
How To Get My Easy SEO For Wordpress Course For Just $10
Installing Wordpress With Good Security By Default
Managing Wordpress Sites With an Eye on Security
Managing Wordpress User Security Permissions
Password Vulnerability Exploits
Section 1: Course Overview
Section 2: Wordpress Security Overview
Section 3: Types of Common Wordpress Security Attacks
Section 4: Security Hardening on Your Wordpress Site
Section 5: Advanced Wordpress Security Topics
Section 6: Conclusion
Security is Hard and Complex
Server Software Exploits
The Basics of Good Wordpress Security
The Importance of Backups
The Scope of the Security Problem with Wordpress
Two Factor Authentication to Enhance Wordpress Security
Using a Wordpress Security Plugin
Using SSL Across Your Entire Wordpress Site
Welcome To Easy Wordpress Security
Who is this Course for? Who is this Course not for?
Wordpress Code, Theme and Plugin Exploits
Wordpress Security and Webhosting
Wordpress Security Plugin Setup: Sucuri Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening


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Udemy Free Course - Social Entrepreneurship: Launch A Lean Startup You Love - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Being able to launch a lean startup you are truly passionate about and that helps others is a superpower. Period.
Learn how to start your own business that creates a positive impact and completely changes the trajectory of your life vs. things remaining exactly how they are...
Most people are too scared to start their own social venture. They dream about making a difference, having control of their own future, but don't take the simple steps necessary to make it a reality. :(
What if I told you that starting your own business wasn't scary? Wasn't hard? And was something that you could do in the next 30 days without quitting your day job?
Good news - This is the truth!
This course provides the roadmap for you to follow so that you can overcome your fears, start your own social venture and begin taking control of your future.
The roadmap and all of the tactics, scripts and techniques are the product of years of testing and rely heavily on principles successful entrepreneurs have been using for years. I have personally used the strategies in this course to launch 5 successful social ventures - all securing their first paying customers within 30 days.
But don't just listen to me. Here's what other people have said:
“Kevin helped me clarify the problem I was solving for my customers, test my assumptions and validate demand. I'd recommend his course to anyone planning on investing time in a new venture."
- Daniel Lafferty - Principal at Yesco BC
A few of the things you'll learn in this course
  1. What you can do each day to increase your likelihood of success and happiness
  2. How to brainstorm pains you are truly passionate about solving
  3. Tactics for picking the best pains to begin solving today
  4. Strategies for brainstorming solutions that your customers will love
  5. Scripts to secure your first paying customers
  6. How to continue to run a successful lean social venture
Trust me, this is just a small sample of what you'll learn and by the end of this course you'll have the ingredients to develop the superpower of being a social entrepreneur.
No matter who you are, I guarantee you'll learn at least one thing from this class (see the testimonials above for proof).
I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your life. So sign up now!


Beliefs - How To Make Sure You Hit Your Goals
Brainstorming Pains You Want To Solve
Course Overview
Daily Pain Journal
Exercises To Analyze What You Learned In Homework 2
Exercises To Brainstorm Solutions
Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
How To Build A MVP
How To Make This A Habit
How To Research Customer Pains Online
How To Review Your Experiment After It Is Completed
How To Select The Pain You Want To Begin Validating
How To Take This Course
How To Tell If Your Pain Is "Validated"
Intermediate Customer Discovery - Getting More Information From Customers
Intro To Testing
Introduction To Solutions - How Do We Switch From Pains?
Lifestyle vs. Investor Funded Businesses
Morning and Evening Rituals
MVP Examples
My Story
Preliminary Customer Discovery - How To Learn About Pains From Your Customer
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2 - Simple Daily Habits
Section 2: Simple Daily Habits To Make You More Successful And Happy
Section 3 - Brainstorming Pains
Section 3: Brainstorming Pains You Are Passionate About Solving
Section 4 - Validating Pains
Section 4: Proving Customers Have The Pain You Want To Solve
Section 5 - Brainstorming Solutions
Section 5: Coming Up With Solutions You And Your Customer Will Love
Section 6 - Testing Solutions & Getting Paying Customers
Section 6: Testing Your Solutions With Your Customers & Getting Your First Paying Customers
Section 7 - Bonus Materials
Section 7: Bonus Materials To Help You Succeed
Section 8: Lecture Slides (And Images) For Sections 1 - 7
Selecting The First Pain You Will Look Into Solving
Testing Part 1: Hypothesis
Testing Part 2: Metric
Testing Part 3: Experiment
Thank You #1
Thank You #2
Thank You #3
Two Week Goal Setting
What Do You Do Next?
What Is A MVP?
Where Should You Find Customers?
Why Should You Focus On Pains?


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Udemy Free Course - Twitter Marketing Blueprint: The 23 Minute Formula - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Top-Selling Social Media Udemy Instructor - Over 1,000 students & 30+ Five Star Reviews!
Named Among Top Instructors by Udemy
1,000 Targeted Twitter Followers Guarantee: Commit to following the step-by-step course & I personally GUARANTEE you will reach 1,000 TARGETED Twitter Followers within the next 60 Days with my "Twitter Jumprope Blueprint", otherwise I will personally train you.
I have consistently applied the Jumprope Blueprint and have generated over 1,000 targeted followers in just 30 days! In fact, proof of that is included as a FREE lecture at the beginning of the course. What's more, I didn't spend more than 23 minutes every day doing this. Can you do it in 60 days?
From 0 to 1,000 followers in about 60 days. Real results achieved following the blueprints outlined in this course.
Wondering what are the potential benefits of Twitter? Well, real-life examples show that you can …
  • Build a 2,000 subscribers email list through traffic generated on Twitter in just a few months
  • Earn $100 per tweet as an Influencer from tweeting sponsored messages to your large following
  • Rack up $7937.85 in Revenues and a 198% ROI through the clever use of Twitter Ad Campaigns
Many people expect that a Twitter Marketing course will give them an easy & automatic way to exponentially grow their follower base with minimum effort - say 10 minutes a week. If that description fits you, then this course might NOT be suitable for you.
Only continue to read & take this course if you aren't looking for fake shortcuts such as buying 1,000s of worthless Twitter followers off of Fiverr, using robots or posting dozens of irrelevant day tweets resulting in absolutely zero engagement from your followers. We will only focus on REAL results that take you to the next level.
In this course you will learn:
The Twitter Jump Rope Blueprint: How to attract hundreds of real, targeted followers every week and engage with them on a daily basis
Twitter Performance Tracking Template: Keep track of these key indicators to evaluate your engagement levels and take action to progress further
The Corporate Twitter Blueprint: Network with Influencers in your field, communicate with anyone, establish valuable leads and...
Twitter for 6-Figure Entrepreneurs: Exploit Twitter's "hidden" features such as packing events with 100s of people, driving Twitter traffic to local businesses, setting up profitable Twitter Ad campaigns, automating your company's Customer Service with an edge and many many other future BONUS lectures.
Have a look right now at the Course Trailer and Preview lectures. The course is full with:
- Engaging videos with a production quality that is top notch for Udemy standards
- The step-by-step Twitter Jumprope Blueprint to facilitate your progress on the platform
- A variety of PDFs and Screenshares to further your learning process and help you achieve the outcomes you desire
I will be consistently introducing BONUS videos to add to the existing content. Some of the topics I will cover in the near future include:
  • Networking in 140 Characters
  • How to Retarget potential leads with Twitter
  • Outsource your Twitter Jumprope routine
The 1,000 Targeted Twitter Followers Guarantee
I am extremely confident that if you follow my guidelines you will achieve this mark in less than 60 days! What's more, I'll guarantee it. If it doesn't happen, I will personally commit to training you to achieve your objectives which can include:
  • 1 to 1 Skype conversations to see your objectives and determine your overall strategy
  • I will teach you how to find quality content specific to your niche and show you how to tweet it with the least amount of effort
  • I will identify the people you should be targeting on Twitter and generate a significant increase in the following of your account by minimum 200 new followers/week
Are you ready to jumpstart your Twitter evolution? Can you commit to consistently take action?
If yes, then TAKE this course NOW and get ready to achieve significant and measurable results in no time!


10 Awesome Twitter Bios
2 Creative Ways to Automate Content
2 Smart Tools to Schedule Content
2 Ways to Declutter your Following List
20 Most Retweetable Words
3 Essential Aspects of your Twitter Account
5 Tricks When Writing a Tweet
9 "Fill in the blanks" Tweet Templates
9 Steps for Excellent Twitter Customer Service
Beginner's Guide: Twitter Ads
Beginner's Guide: Twitter Terminology
Connect with me on Social Media!
Course Promo
Do You Know the 5 Steps to using Twitter for Events?
Epic Formula to Optimise your Tweet Times
Getting Smart with Targeting your Followers
Here's my 1,000+ Follower growth in a month!
How To Build a Following the Right Way
How to Effortlessly Find Content to Tweet
How to Get Your First 100 Followers
How to Make a Strong Sales Pitch: Your Bio & Cover Photo
How To Rock Hashtags
How to Stop People from Unfollowing You
How to Win Friends on Twitter
How to: Automate content with Twitterfeed & IFTTT
How to: Create & Manage Twitter Lists
How to: Evaluate Progress with Klout & Twitter Analytics
How to: Optimise tweet times using SocialBro
How to: Schedule Tweets using Hootsuite & Buffer
How to: Using
How to: Using Pocket
How to: Using Topsy & Twellow
Introduction to Twitter Basics
Introduction to Twitter for Business
Making your Blog/Website More Interactive
Measuring your Progress
My 3 Part Formula to Twitter Automation
Objectives & Expectations
Recap Video
Section 1: Introductory Section
Section 2: Twitter Basics - What You Really Need to Know
Section 3: Twitter Behaviour & Nuances
Section 4: This is The Right Approach to Building a Following on Twitter
Section 5: Twitter Jumprope Blueprint
Section 6: Twitter for Business
The Art of Retweeting
The Twitter Jumprope Blueprint
This is Not How You Should Automate Twitter
Twitter & Local Businesses
Twitter 3rd Party Tools
Twitter Equilibrium: The 80-20 Principle
Twitter Jumprope Blueprint
Understanding Favourites
Warning: Do Not Buy Followers
What Everybody Should Know about Social Media
What to do with Twitter Lists


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Udemy Free Course - Reinforced & Prestressed Concrete for Construction Managers - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world. In addition to understanding concrete, today's construction professional needs to understand the principles of concrete reinforcing and how prestressed concrete works. This includes both pre-tensioned concrete that is typically manufactured in a precast plant, and post-tensioned concrete that is cast-in-place. Post-tensioned concrete is being used more and more throughout the world to build multi-story structures, slabs-on-ground, and bridges, while precast prestressed concrete continues to be used in rapidly built structures like parking garages. Understanding how and why reinforcing and prestressing works in a concrete structure.
Gain a better understanding of the principle and theory behind concrete reinforcing and prestressing to help you be a better construction management professional.
After completing this course you will be able to...
  • Explain the meaning of passive reinforcing versus active reinforcing and list examples of each
  • Discuss the effects of adding rebar to a concrete element
  • Explain how the change in location of the rebar within the concrete effects its performance
  • List advantages of prestressed concrete
  • Describe the difference between pre-tensioned and post-tensioned reinforcing
  • Describe the precast concrete process
  • Explain how post-tensioned concrete works
  • List common examples of prestressed concrete structures
Learn from a professional
My courses have been created as a place where everyone, whether you are an experienced professional, a young project engineer, new to a trade or a seasoned journeyman, can come to learn more about the industry that we have chosen as our profession. That's what this platform is about. These courses are meant to be a way for you to increase your knowledge of the construction industry in a variety of cutting edge topics from concrete reinforcing and prestressing, to micro trenching, to safety management systems. This is not a course that teaches you how to install rebar or prestressing steel. It is a course that educates you on why we reinforce concrete and how it works. This is information you need as a construction professional in order to talk to designers, owners and subcontractors.
This course is a great way for you to increase your knowledge about concrete reinforcing and prestressing.


What is Concrete?
Active Reinforcing
Advantages of Prestressing
Check Your Knowledge #1
Check Your Knowledge #2
Check Your Knowledge #3
Compression versus Tension
Course Goals and Objectives
Examples of Prestressed Concrete Srtuctures
Getting the Most from this Course
How much do you already know?
Layout and Stressing
Managing Cracking
Passive Concrete Reinforcing
Prestressing Safety
Putting It All Together
Reference Material
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: An Introduction to Concrete as a Building Material
Section 3: Stresses Effecting Concrete - Compression, Tension and Shear
Section 4: Passive Concrete Reinforcing
Section 5: Active Concrete Reinforcing
Section 6: Strengths of Materials
Section 7: Conclusions
Strengths, Advantages and Limitations
Summary and Conclusion
Summary of Uses
The Basics
What Causes Cracking?


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Udemy Free Course - How To Build An Awesome Review Site From Scratch A-Z - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Not Just Another Wordpress Course!! Learn so much more useful information.
Get Five Years of Secrets for getting FREE Tech items to review. We share our closest contacts and emails in this course. That's worth more than the cost of the course.
Running a review site is very exciting and rewarding. It's a place where others come to find out which item is best for them to purchase. The best way to run a review site is 100% honestly. Money can never effect your reviews or people will stop visiting your site. Always be sincere with your reviews.
This course will teach you how to run a review site the correct way. I will walk you through each step you need to understand how to effectively accomplish this task. I have been running my own review site succesfully since 2011 called iPhonecaptain. We review iOS accessories and a few Mac items on our site. Go check it out and leave a comment so I know you been there.
You will learn the best way to start earning revenue and which affiliate companies are the best. This will save you lots of headaches. I wish I had been exposed to content such as this when I was starting out. This is definitely a No B.S. course. If you don't feel the same you have 30 days to get a full refund no questions ask.
One of the great things about having a review site is getting all the Free items to review. You will start to feel like it's Christmas seven days a week. You will also enjoy seeing the little brown truck everyday almost :). So hit the enroll button and let's start the journey now.


A Look At Some of The Forms of Income For iPhonecaptain Site
Alternatives to Google AdSense Advertising
Best Afflilates Programs For Blogging
Best Web Host Providers for Wordpress Sites
Choosing A Blog Topic or Niche
Course Introduction
How To Choose Your Domain Name
How To Install Wordpress
How To Monetize Your Blog
How To Monetize Your Blog Best
How To Monetize Your Blog Using Direct Ads
How To Submit SiteMap to Google
How To Submit Your Site To Top 3 Primary Search Engine Directories
How To Use Google Alerts As Additional Help
How To Use Google Webmaster Tool and The Importance
Look inside the Dashboard of Google Adsense
OutSourcing For Help
Section 1: How To Setup Blog or Niche Site
Section 2: How To Best Monetize Your Blog
Section 3: How To Improve Blog Traffic
Section 4: How To Use Wordpress For Blogging
Section 5: How To Advertise On Your Blog
Section 6: A Look At Some Of The Tools For Blogging
Things Needed To Start Blog Correctly From The Beginning
Tips For Getting Traffic Right From The Beginning
Tips For Improving Traffic
Tips For Monetizing Your Blog Quickly
What is a Blog?
Which Platform Will You Use For Your Site (ex. Wordpress, HTML, CSS)
Why its important to Brand your videos and Blog
Why its so important to keep a schedule when posting to your blog
Wordpress Walkthrough of the Dashboard
Yoast Plugin is The Best Wordpress Plugin for SEO purposes
Youtube Channel Adds Additional Revenue Sourse To Blog


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