Course Description
What is holding you back from learning faster?
Is it you?
Is it your technology?
Is it your overall learning system?
You've probably heard it before: “a bad craftsman blames his tools."
I wouldn't disagree.
But when is the last time you saw someone building a house with a hammer, a hand saw and some 2x4s?
Now it's all about technology:
Air guns.
Buzz saws.
Power drills.
When you build a house, you need the right tools and materials to build a house.
When you build a skills, there are a different set of tools and materials.
The basic ingredients for learning are neurons and myelin.
Each time you fire a set of neurons while learning, they get wrapped
in another thin layer of myelin, which is like insulation on an electric
The more the neurons get wrapped up, the faster the neurons can send signals.
And that all means faster learning.
So what does that have to do with this course?
The other half of learning is the tools.
The tools you use to get the raw ingredients, which are the books,
courses, Youtube videos, coding sites, forum threads, whatever….to turn
into real skills that you have mastered.
That's where these accelerated learning machines come in.
Can you imagine what it was like before Page and Brin invented Google?
Before Gutenberg invented the printing press?
Before Berners-Lee invented the internet (with some help)?
It's like living in the stone ages.
The problem is, there isn't a big market right now for tools that help you learn faster.
Because there isn't demand for it yet.
And what that means for us is that it's hard to find technology that
helps us learn faster beyond the basics of speed reading apps and flash
card tools...the ones that have been around in one form or another for
What you get in this course isn't just a list of tools for you to install on your computer or phone.
You get 50+ programs, apps and online services along with a bonus
section on hardware that contain the top machines out there that the
fastest learners in the world are using to speed up their learning
Most people using these machines will use a
few and get impressive gains. But the magic happens when you are using
all of them as part of a larger learning system.
In each video you will learn why the software, app or service is the
best in it's category and how to use it for it's stage in the learning
But, you might be thinking, what makes this different from the other lists or guides for learning out there?
Fair point.
Here's the thing. Most of the programs in here were never designed
for accelerated learning. That was never the intention of the developer.
And that's what makes these so valuable.
Because you would never find out about them any other way except stumbling upon them while trying to do something else.
There's two ways of looking at learning faster.
1. Take something you already do and make it a little faster.
2. Do something you were never able to do before because of new technology.
It's the old story of Ford's Model T:
"If I'd asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster horse" - Henry Ford
Right now, you may be thinking about the areas of your learning you could do faster…
But don't forget the other part...the part where you do something you
could never dream of before because you have a new technology…
A New. Learning. Machine.
The Course Project
Free Bonus
Hardware 1: The Biggest Productivity Booster
Hardware 10: The Essential Big Tool for Keeping Your Offline Learning Organized
Hardware 11: This Is Your Ticket to Meeting The Top Experts Around The World
Hardware 12: You Can Never Unsee This Red Nipple (NNSFW)
Hardware 13: Load Your Brain With The Best New Ideas Even If You Have No Time
Hardware 14: This is a Super Cheap Way to Keep All Your Printed Stuff Organized
Hardware 15: What I Use For Daily Hand Written Notes
Hardware 2: The Big Hack Learned From Computer Gaming World Champions
Hardware 3: Feed This Beast And Never Scan the Old Way Again
Hardware 4: This Will Change How You Read Books Forever
Hardware 5: How I Save Hundreds a Year on Printer Ink/Toner
Hardware 6: Never Pay Retail on Dead Trees Again
Hardware 7: The Humane Way to De-Spine Books For Scanning
Hardware 8: This is How You Annotate Multiple Passes on a Book or Other Document
Hardware 9: Carry This Around and You Will Get a New Level of Respect
Hardware Introduction
How to Use This Course
Machine 1: Download Entire Youtube Channels in a Click
Machine 10: Totally Control Your Videos and Audios With This Free App
Machine 11: The Best eBook Converter, Manager, Plus Works With All eReaders
Machine 12: Very Few Know About This Advanced System Building Tool
Machine 13: The Best Picture Manager Plus Batch Printing With Footers
Machine 14: The Batch Image Editor That Will Make Scanning a Breeze
Machine 15: The Quick Draw Screen Capture Tool (Under 1 Second)
Machine 16: The Free Pro Video Editor That Cuts Clips Without Re-Rendering
Machine 17: The Ultimate Screen Dimmer for Your Desktop, Great For Eye Strain
Machine 18: The Best Tool for Searching Your Entire Computer Instantly
Machine 19: The Best Source for Podcasts and Manager
Machine 2: Convert Your Videos to Other Formats and MP3
Machine 20: Key Tool For Connecting to Famous Experts Easily and Free
Machine 21: Ultimate Batch Thumbnail Creator For Video to ThumbSheet
Machine 22: The Best Video Screen Capture Tool (Used for This Course)
Machine 23: This One Tool Will Change How You Browse The Internet Forever
Machine 24: The Easy Way to Save Web Pages as PDF Without Ads
Machine 25: Save a Web Page as a Single File (No More File/Folder Twins)
Machine 26: The Ultimate Gmail Hack for Finding Emails and Getting Info Fast
Machine 27: The Best Password Manager For All Your Learning Forums and Sites
Machine 28: Sync Your Bookmarks Between All Your Computers
Machine 29: Record Audio on Your Phone and Instantly Sync to Your Dropbox
Machine 3: The Ultimate Audio Converter and Joiner
Machine 30: The Best Media Player For Your Phone
Machine 31: Turn Your Phone Into a Scanner (Really HQ results)
Machine 32: The King of Flashcard Apps
Machine 33: The New Way to Manager Your Mentor and Mastermind Relationships
Machine 34: Get Your Amazon Book Scanned and Sent as a PDF To You
Machine 35: How to Outsource Your Learning and Grunt Work
Machine 36: The Best Way to Find Rare Documents (Even Unbuyable Ones)
Machine 37: The Second Largest Search Engine Online That You Aren't Using Right
Machine 38: The Way to Maximize Facebook for Accelerated Learning
Machine 39: Twitter for Accelerated Learning
Machine 4: Speed Up Your MP3s to Learn 2x Faster
Machine 40: The Yahoo Answers For Smart People
Machine 41: The Best Place to Find Pre-Made Flashcard For Anything FREE
Machine 42: Why You Should Drop Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
Machine 43: The Cloud Tool That I Recommend
Machine 44: The Learning Project Management Tool Everyone is Using
Machine 45: The Other Best Note Taking App and The Big Debate
Machine 46: The Book Site For Reviews and Secret Knowledge
Machine 47: How to Use LinkedIn for Learning
Machine 48: This Google Technique Will Change How You Learn Forever (No Joke)
Machine 49: RSS Feeds and The Google Reader Replacement
Machine 5: Advanced MP3 Tool
Machine 50: Getting Rare (Unbuyable) Documents on eBay
Machine 6: The Best Note Taking and Organization Machine
Machine 7: The Best Mind Mapping Tool
Machine 8: A Batch Renaming Tool Anyone Can Use to Build Strong Learning Systems
Machine 9: The Unlimited Tool for Backing Up Your Learning Projects and Library
My Story
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2 Introduction
Section 2: Software
Section 3 Introduction
Section 3: Browser Extensions
Section 4 Introduction
Section 4: Mobile Apps
Section 5 Introduction
Section 5: Services and Websites
Section 6: Bonus: Hardware
Section 7: Bonus: Student's Recommended Machines (Add yours in the discussion section)
Section 8: Conclusion
Student Machine 1: Be In a Cafe No Matter Where You Are in Meatspace
Student Machines Introduction
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