Course Description
Being able to launch a lean startup you are truly passionate about and that helps others is a superpower. Period.
Learn how to start your own business that creates a positive impact and completely changes the trajectory of your life vs. things remaining exactly how they are...
people are too scared to start their own social venture. They dream
about making a difference, having control of their own future, but don't
take the simple steps necessary to make it a reality. :(
if I told you that starting your own business wasn't scary? Wasn't
hard? And was something that you could do in the next 30 days without
quitting your day job?
Good news - This is the truth!
course provides the roadmap for you to follow so that you can overcome
your fears, start your own social venture and begin taking control of
your future.
The roadmap and all of the tactics,
scripts and techniques are the product of years of testing and rely
heavily on principles successful entrepreneurs have been using for
years. I have personally used the strategies in this course to launch 5
successful social ventures - all securing their first paying customers
within 30 days.
But don't just listen to me. Here's what other people have said:
helped me clarify the problem I was solving for my customers, test my
assumptions and validate demand. I'd recommend his course to anyone
planning on investing time in a new venture."
- Daniel Lafferty - Principal at Yesco BC
A few of the things you'll learn in this course
- What you can do each day to increase your likelihood of success and happiness
- How to brainstorm pains you are truly passionate about solving
- Tactics for picking the best pains to begin solving today
- Strategies for brainstorming solutions that your customers will love
- Scripts to secure your first paying customers
- How to continue to run a successful lean social venture
me, this is just a small sample of what you'll learn and by the end of
this course you'll have the ingredients to develop the superpower of
being a social entrepreneur.
No matter who you are, I guarantee you'll learn at least one thing from this class (see the testimonials above for proof).
I will personally respond to any questions you may have
as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure
how to take all of the information and apply it to your life. So sign up
Beliefs - How To Make Sure You Hit Your Goals
Brainstorming Pains You Want To Solve
Course Overview
Daily Pain Journal
Exercises To Analyze What You Learned In Homework 2
Exercises To Brainstorm Solutions
Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
How To Build A MVP
How To Make This A Habit
How To Research Customer Pains Online
How To Review Your Experiment After It Is Completed
How To Select The Pain You Want To Begin Validating
How To Take This Course
How To Tell If Your Pain Is "Validated"
Intermediate Customer Discovery - Getting More Information From Customers
Intro To Testing
Introduction To Solutions - How Do We Switch From Pains?
Lifestyle vs. Investor Funded Businesses
Morning and Evening Rituals
MVP Examples
My Story
Preliminary Customer Discovery - How To Learn About Pains From Your Customer
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2 - Simple Daily Habits
Section 2: Simple Daily Habits To Make You More Successful And Happy
Section 3 - Brainstorming Pains
Section 3: Brainstorming Pains You Are Passionate About Solving
Section 4 - Validating Pains
Section 4: Proving Customers Have The Pain You Want To Solve
Section 5 - Brainstorming Solutions
Section 5: Coming Up With Solutions You And Your Customer Will Love
Section 6 - Testing Solutions & Getting Paying Customers
Section 6: Testing Your Solutions With Your Customers & Getting Your First Paying Customers
Section 7 - Bonus Materials
Section 7: Bonus Materials To Help You Succeed
Section 8: Lecture Slides (And Images) For Sections 1 - 7
Selecting The First Pain You Will Look Into Solving
Testing Part 1: Hypothesis
Testing Part 2: Metric
Testing Part 3: Experiment
Thank You #1
Thank You #2
Thank You #3
Two Week Goal Setting
What Do You Do Next?
What Is A MVP?
Where Should You Find Customers?
Why Should You Focus On Pains?
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