Sunday, 12 April 2015

Udemy Free Course - Udemy, Camtasia Studio 8 & PowerPoint: Screencast Mastery - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Want to Make $10,000 Or More per Year Authoring Udemy Courses?
The udemy team recently announced that 1/4 of its instructors make more than $10,000 per year selling their Udemy courses online. More than $10,000. That's a lot of passive income to simply watch pass you by without acting. Maybe it's time you considered taking your piece of the pie.
Learn What it Takes to Produce and Sell a Udemy Course
This course explains how to create Udemy courses using PowerPoint and the Camtasia Screen Recorder and Video Editing software. It includes everything you need to know to create stunning screencast based presentations on your PC or Mac. The course concludes with information on pricing and marketing your course that will set you well on the path to becoming one of the Udemy $10,000+/yr elite.


Working with Multiple Tracks
An Aside on Video Quality
Becoming a Paid Instructor
Camtasia Library Canned Music and Video
Capturing PowerPoint Presentations
Capturing Your First Screen Cast
Category and Search Results
Course Production Requirements
Course Wrapup
Creating a Course
Creating a Udemy Account
Day 2: Status Update
Day 3: Status Update
Day 4: Course Approved! 
Finishing the Written Content
How udemy Works
Importing Media to the Clip Bin
Installing the Software
Introduction to PowerPoint
Monitoring Sales
Organizing Your Stuff
Other Sources of Information
Outlining Your Course
Overview of the Course
Polishing and Submitting Your Course for Review
Producing a Video
Promo Video
Scoping Out the Competition
Section 1: Course Introduction
Section 10: Conclusion
Section 11: Bonus Material
Section 2: Initial Setup
Section 3: Finding Your Niche
Section 4: Creating a Course Image
Section 5: Camtasia Video Recorder
Section 6: PowerPoint
Section 7: Camtasia Video Editor
Section 8: Udemy Publication
Section 9: Promoting Your Course
Setting Your Price and Coupons
The Cursor and Zoom
The First One is Free - The Next One is On Sale
The Whole Enchilada
Timeline Play and Editing Features
Tour of the Camtasia Screen
Update on Image Text Ban
Using Callouts
Using PowerPoint to Animate Course Logos
Using PowerPoint to Animate Lecture Slides
Using PowerPoint to Animate Production Logos
Using PowerPoint to Create a Course Image
Using the GIMP to Create a Course Image

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