Course Description
Make Your Web Page Shine
If you've always wanted to snaz up your web pages with some fancy
graphics but couldn't afford the software licensing fees, image costs,
or consulting service expenses, then let me show you how to get the
project done simply and with little or no expense. This course combines
the free GIMP image editor with a free HTML aware text editor to show
you how to produce professional looking web pages on a budget.
Create Free and Inexpensive Web Graphics
In this course I'll teach you how to use the free Gnu
Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) to produce stunning web graphics on a
PC or a Mac. Learn to produce common web graphics such as bullets,
logos, banners, separators, and buttons. Learn where to find free and
inexpensive images on the Internet.
Display It All on Your Web Page
In the second half of the course I'll show you how to use HTML
and a browser to display and animate those images. Learn to use table
and div tags to position graphics and text on the screen in order to lay
out entire web pages. Learn how to use mouse events to make pages
react to the user’s actions.
It’s the Ultimate Web Graphics Course
The course begins simply enough with how to install the GIMP and
then includes suggestions on selecting a user friendly HTML language
editor. It ultimately leads you step-by-step through how to create each
graphical element in the course and how to display those elements on a
web page.
This Course Is Not For The Absolute Beginner
This course assumes a glancing familiarity with the GIMP and
HTML. This is effectively an intermediate course on both topics. If
you’re ready, come with me on a graphical journey of discovery.
Accessing the Online Examples
An Introduction to CSS
Course Overview
Course Wrap-up and What Now
Creating 3D Sphere's and Bullets
Creating Banners and Overlaying Images Pt. 1
Creating Banners and Overlaying Images Pt. 2 ("div" Tag Positioning)
Creating Banners Pt. 1
Creating Banners Pt. 2
Creating Button Effects
Creating Company Logos
Creating Graphical Horizontal Rules and Separators Pt. 1
Creating Graphical Horizontal Rules and Separators Pt. 2
Creating Graphical Horizontal Rules and Separators Pt. 3
Creating Image Maps
Cutting Out Images
Downloading, Installing, and Running the GIMP
Finding an HTML Editor
Image Manipulation
Inserting Images Using the HTML "img" Tag
Obtaining Free and Inexpensive Images
Review of "table" Tag Based Positioning
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: The GIMP and Web Graphics
Section 3: Adding Image Effects with HTML
Section 4: Conclusion
Touching Up Photos and Adding Effects
Using Background Images
Writing Well Formed HTML
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