Saturday, 5 September 2015

Udemy Free Course - C++ Better Explained - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

If you have been struggling to learn object orientated programming in C++, this video course is finally going to help you understand it.
This video course is taught by someone who once had no idea what he was doing when he first started learning how to program in C++. It will save you hours of frustration as most other C++ resources assume you know everything about object orientated programming.

How is this course different from other C++ video courses and books
  • The concepts are explained as simply as possible in plain English where most other C++ video courses and books get far too technical with concepts
  • Visual Diagrams and flowcharts are included to intuitively understand what is happening instead of lines of example code and paragraphs which beginners cannot understand
  • Straight to the point code examples that are clearly documented and broken down step by step instead of complicated examples that barely explain anything


Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
Basic input and output
Breaking down a C++ program
Control Structures Part 1
Control Structures Part 2
File I/O
Lesson 5 Operators
Section 1: Introduction to C++ Better Explained
Section 10: Pointers
Section 11: File I/O
Section 12: Structures
Section 13: Functions
Section 14: Classes
Section 15: Inheritance
Section 16: Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
Section 17: Templates
Section 2: Setting up Visual Studio
Section 3: Breaking down a simple C++ program
Section 4: Syntax Errors
Section 5: Variables and Data Types
Section 6: Operators
Section 7: Basic input and output
Section 8: Control Structures
Section 9: Arrays
Setting up a C++ project in Visual Studio
Syntax errors
Variables and Data Types


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