Saturday, 12 September 2015

Udemy Free Course - Purposeful Goal Setting - Turn Your Dreams Into Reality - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Success doesn't happen by accident, it's intentional. 
This course will teach you to create intentional goals that set you up for success and significance. 

Design Your Life - the blueprint to successful goals was created by three people that were tired of the same old goal setting process. We had tried some of the biggest and best programs out there, but they all had two things in common.
1. They didn't teach us HOW to execute. All the information in the world won't help us if we don't know how to strategically apply it to our everyday lives.
2. They weren't sustaining. They got us excited and motivated for awhile, but that didn't last long. Pretty soon it was back to reality and we were struggling to stay on track towards achieving our goals.
So we decided to put our noggins together and come up with our own system... and what do you know, we did it!
All three of us have used this system over the last year to accomplish more than we ever have in any prior year. No joke, this has been absolutely amazing. We knew that if it was working for us, then it would work for others as well. That means you! And you... and you... and all of you.


Where Old Meets New
Better Together
Blast from the Past
Celebration Station
Course Overview
Crafting Your Future
Design Your Life Course Feedback
Diamonds in the Rough
Get Equipped
Greenlight Your Blueprint
Habit Forming - Part 1
Habit Forming - Part 2
Hitting the Bullseye
Meet the Instructors
Module #1 Feedback
Module #2 Feedback
Module #3 Feedback
Module #4 Feedback
Module #5 Feedback
Module #6 Feedback
Moving Towards Action
Name Your Goals
Obstacle Course
One Ring to Rule Them All
Promo Video
Section 1: Introduction to Design Your Life
Section 2: Module 1: Journey
Section 3: Module 2: Define
Section 4: Module 3: Strategy
Section 5: Module 4: Resources
Section 6: Module 5: Execution
Section 7: Module 6: Movement
Section 8: Module 7: Starting Line
Suit Up
The Amazing Race
The Missing Link
The Rhythm of Life
Total Recall


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