Sunday, 29 March 2015

Udemy Free Course - Dog Training - Learn Easy Methods That Stop Dog Aggression - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This course has just launched at the special price of $19. The price will increase to $49 at midnight on the 7th April 2015 PST. I'll be adding additional content at that time which you'll get for no extra cost. Click on the 'Take This Course' button now and don't miss out on this low price.
You'll learn simple methods that integrate dogs who are aggressive with other dogs, be able to recognize dominant and submissive signals and prevent attacks from happening.
Learn the Simple, Clear and Concise Communication Which Dogs Love that Stops:
  • Dog aggression with other dogs.
  • Dominant and challenging behaviour.
  • Lunging, growling and barking.
  • Dog attacks.
You Can Teach Old Dogs New tricks, And Young Ones Too.
Dogs live in the present moment which means when given the right information their behaviour changes fast, even if they've been behaving a certain way for a long time.
Once you've learned what dogs are looking for you'll know what to do for life. Dogs speak the same language regardless of age or breed. The methods you'll learn will work with your dog, your friend's and family's dogs and any other future dogs you may get.
Dogs are not like computers they do not require constant updates or develop new programs once you know what to do, you've got it!
What You'll Get From This Course.
This course is designed for any dog owner, regardless of their experience, who would like help with their dog's aggressive behaviour towards other dogs. This could be 'dominant aggression' where dogs charge at other dogs with intent to harm, 'fearful aggression' where dogs lunge, bark and show teeth but then go backwards and try to avoid conflict, or dogs who simply snap as if to say 'get out of my personal space.'
The course focuses on empowering you, the dog owner. You're given the tools, knowledge and methods in order to get your dog to listen to you and respond favourably to what you say. You're shown exactly how to do this through step-by-step video demonstrations using the pack leader theory combined with positive reinforcement techniques.
You'll learn how to recognize dominant and submissive signals so that you can avoid a potential dog attack from happening, techniques that integrate aggressive dogs with other dogs as well as the crucial part you play in your dog's aggressive behaviour - when you are nervous and fearful of what might happen you are transferring that anxiety to your dog and setting yourself up for what you don't want to happen! I show you how to create good expectations instead.
You'll also find out why getting your dog to walk by your side first is vital to your success and step-by-step demonstrations of how to do this.
You'll also learn how to convince your dog, in a kind and confident way, that you are in charge, the one that is making all the decisions and that it is not their job to protect you.
You'll discover why dogs attack some dogs and are fine with others, why some dogs are 'picked on' and why some dogs don't like black dogs. As well as why some dogs don't like certain breeds, why some dogs don't like dogs that have not been neutered and why some dogs are aggressive on the leash and are good-natured when off the leash.
By the end of this course you'll have the knowledge and confidence you need to make a positive difference to your dog's aggressive behaviour. You'll also know how you can become your dog's Pack Leader without shouting, hitting or using force in this area. As well as confirmation of where you are already doing things right and suggestions where some 'fine tuning' may be beneficial.
Imagine going on a walk feeling calm and confident with your dog responding favourably to you, following your lead and being focused on you rather than another dog. That's what you can look forward to after completing this course.
Sign up today for this easy, fun and informative course that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - both you and your dog will be pleased that you did!


How To Get Your Dog To Walk Calmly On The Leash And Integrate Aggressive Dogs
How To Recognize Challenging And Submissive Signs In Order to Stop an Attack
Important - Please Read This First
Section 1: This is What You'll Get from This Course
Section 2: The Proof Is In The Pudding - This Is What People Say
Section 3: Important - Please Read This Before Starting The Course
Section 4: Challenging And Submissive Signals In Dogs
Section 5: Pulling on the Leash and Dog Aggression
Section 6: A Dog Attack
Section 7: Thank You And Questions
Thank You For Taking This Course And Questions
The Missing Part of Dog Aggression - You Must Get This Right First
This Could Be You!
This Is What People Say Who've Learnt My Methods
This Video Shows You How To Get An Aggressive Dog To Relax Around Other Dogs
What A Dog Attack Means And How To Stop It Happening Again
Why Getting 2, 8 Week Old Parson Terrier Puppies Changed My Life And My Career!
You'll be Able To Do All This After the Course...


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