Thursday, 26 March 2015

Udemy Free Course - Learn JavaScript Fundamentals for Beginners by Examples - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Regardless of your learning goals, whether it's to become a web developer, build an iPhone app, or automate some parts of your job, you should start with JavaScript. In this course, you will learn all you need to know to get started programming with this powerful language and the best thing is this course assumes no prior programming experience.
As you might already noticed, this course has only 2 hours, for one reason that we really like to give our students a high quality value without wasting time ( we're sure neither do you! ) and making things complicated just to make the course's length bigger.
Nevertheless, we're confident to say that our students should really expect some good extra content like jQuery as a bonus to expand your JavaScript's skills that you just earned from the course. ( and that's a Promise! )
  • #1 JavaScript Facts: JavaScript can be used to make sites pretty and to build crazy fast servers.
So let's see what you'll be learning in this course:
In part 1, we'll start with JavaScript Fundamentals, then we'll move on to the Program Flow module which contains If, If/Else, Break and Switch statements, as well as For, While and Do While loops.
Once we finish with that and everything is clear as crystal, we'll move on quickly to Truth module which contains Boolean Values and Truthyness.
  • #2 JavaScript Facts: JavaScript is easy to use and has an immediate payoff.
In part 2, we'll start with Functions module which contains Functions Basics and Returns, Functions and Scope, Nested functions, Hoisting, Closure and Recursion.
Once we finish with that, we'll move on to the last module which is Data and Objects which contains Objects, Arrays, Strings and Regular Expression.
  • #3 JavaScript Facts: There are currently over 54,886 jobs on Indeed advertising for JavaScript knowledge.
So are you excited as I'm now to learn JavaScript from scratch by Examples ? Let's get started !
Note again: We're very confident to give you a 30 days money-back guarantee, no questions asked. Price is monthly increasing, so make sure to Enroll Now!


While and Do While
Boolean Values
Break Statement
Demo: Arrays
Demo: Arrays Part 2
Demo: Strings
Demo: Strings Part 2
For loop
Function Basics
Functions and Scope
Functions Return
Fundamentals of JavaScript
If Statements
If/Else Statements
Introduction: Arrays
Introduction: Arrays Part 2
Introduction: Regular Expression
Introduction: Strings
Introduction: Strings Part 2
Nested functions
Section 1: Introduction to JavaScript
Section 2: Fundamentals of JavaScript
Section 3: Program Flow
Section 4: Truth
Section 5: Functions
Section 6: Data and Objects
Switch Statement


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