Thursday, 26 March 2015

Udemy Free Course - Eliminate Chronic Pain Forever with Foam Rolling - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

 *Have you been suffering from chronic low back pain?
*Do you have tight calves or shin splints?
*Do you have knee pain when squatting and lifting
*Are your feet constantly in pain from standing at work all day?
*Is your lack of flexibility limiting your physical activity?
*Are you constantly getting injured from simple, everyday activities to intense physical exercise.
If you have had any of this kind of pain, stress, knots, or have had muscular tightness anywhere in your body for months or years, foam rolling is the solution for you!
Foam rolling (and myofascial release) and are the most effective methods used to relieve tightness and tension in the body. When you use a muscle or muscle group frequently, your body breaks down muscle fibers so that they can adapt and grow stronger.
Fascia is the tissue that surrounds our muscle fibers and organs so that they may glide smoothly past each other to reduce friction in the body.
An unfortunate and inevitable side effect of frequent muscle use during exercise or other repetitive movements, is the development of knots, adhesions, and scar tissue around the fascia. This causes tightness and soreness in the muscle.
Using a foam roller and other myofascial release devices properly on the muscles allow you to break down the scar tissue, knots, and adhesions. Regular use of a foam roller and other SMR (self myofascial release) techniques over time will
-Improve flexibility
-Increase circulation
-Increase kinesthetic awareness
-Reduce injury
-Reduce recovery time between workouts
Foam rolling is beneficial for anyone who has muscular tightness, stress, knots, or chronic pain ANYWHERE on your body. This course extremely beneficial for both active and inactive, athletes and non-athletes.


Always Wanted to Do the Splits? How to Loosen up Your Tight Thighs
Does it Hurt to Stand? How to Treat Chronic Feet Pain
Foam Roller Safety 101
Foam Rolling and SMR FAQ
How to Cure Your Shin Splints Forever and Alleviate Calf Pain
How You can Prevent Joining 80% of The Population that Suffers from Back Pain
How You Can Save Thousands of Dollars to Treat Your Chronic Pain
How you Can Stop Suffering from Tight Shoulders NOW
Introduction to Foam Rolling
Is Sitting at Work Killing You?
Loosening up Your Legs to Treat Joint and Muscle Pain
Notes in Closing
Saving Your Knees With A minute or Less, Per day
Section 1: Introduction to Foam Rolling
Section 2: Rolling the Lower Body
Section 3: Rolling the Upper Body
Section 4: In Closing
Sources and Additional References
The Foam Roller and SMR Buyer's Guide
The One Sheet for Foam Rolling
Why Using a Foam Roller is a Great Option for You
Why Working at a Desk is Killing Your Chest

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