Course Description
This course will teach you step by step how you can use
Origami to create prototypes and add animation to your designs. If you
already tried to read the documentation on the website and you find it
quite confusing, then this course is for you.
With this
step by step course with full explanation on how you can use the
different patches and how you can combine them to create the animation
or the interaction you were looking for. All the lessons include
downloadable material that you can download and play with.
Forget about other tools or about coding, Origami and Quartz Composer are the tools to use if you are a visual person.
how to quickly use Origami by following my method and be ready to
create designs, interactions and animations fast and in a very easy way.
Join the new era of designers, start showing your designs with interactions and animations and look at your clients reaction!
The course includes all you need to know from start to end.
course is targeted for designers, UX, freelancers, developers or all
kind of people that would like to design, prototype or add interaction
in an easy and up to date way.
Adding a border to a layer
Adding scroll interaction to big designs
Animating our transitions with a classic animation
Application parallax effect
Connecting app screens to show user flows
Connecting multiple outputs to one input
Course overview and thank you
Creating a lightbox exercise explanation
Creating a lightbox solution
Creating a reusable keyboard patch
Creating fast buttons for adding interaction
Delaying your animations in time
Exporting your designs and updating them real time
From Origami to Code, exporting to code
Get to know your patches
Interface and exporting/importing your designs
Learn how to export the right assets for your compositions
Learn how to use new Origami Quartz Composer features
Lightbox solution, dismiss the lightbox
Note on patches
Origami Keyboard shortcuts
Origami live and presentation mode
Presenting the content to the user with an animation
Section 1: Get to know the tool and how you can benefit from Origami additions
Section 2: Origami Patches
Section 3: App flows and real use cases
Section 4: Exercises and challenges
Section 5: Course conclusion and extras
Showing and hiding your keyboard when needed
Sliding menu animation
Spring animations and code export
Switching states to create animations with a transition
The basic layer, knowing the most useful patch
Welcome to the course
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