Thursday, 9 April 2015

Udemy Free Course - Android Lollipop 5.0 : Ultimate Tutorial for App Development - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

The Ultimate Android App Development Course is here. With the latest edition of our Android course we bring together a curriculum and pedagogy which will be help a beginners and an intermediate developer alike. In our course we have tried to present the concepts in such a way that you will be able to understand and use them quickly first using our lab exercises and then in your own practical projects. It is aimed to hold your hand all the way to make sure all the APIs and their usage is clear to everyone.
You will start from the basic Android architecture and ecosystem and follow it up with simple APIs and then graduating to complex and latest APIs such as Sensors, Material Design and Data Storage.
Why this course is for you?
  • Focus on Practical App Development Concepts
  • Tips to make your App more professional
  • Learn to monetize your apps
  • Prepare yourself for an Android Job Interview
  • Through discussion on important Android APIs
Some of the Concepts Covered in the Course:
Android tools and Ecosystem - Get to know the Android Ecosystem and tools and SDKs you will need to get started on Android Development.
Android UI - Learn about Views, view groups, layouts, listeners,Margin and Gravity. Learn to create cool and immersive UI for your apps.
Activities and Intents - Learn about Android control flow and user interaction using Activities and Intents.
Adapters and Dynamic Views - Master the concepts behind creating dynamic views consuming web services. learn to create custom Adapters for your apps
Fragments and User Navigation - Learn about the use of fragments and how to use standard navigational APIs with them.
Data Storage and Web Services - Learn to implement persistence and make your app talk to web services. Create mobile apps which connect seamlessly to enterprise backend systems.
Lollipop APIs - Get to work on new Android Apis and learn new concepts such as Material Design on Android. Master the Apis that are new and powerful.
Google Play and Best App Development Practices - learn to make killer apps and make money by integrating ads. Prepare yourself for an Android job Interview
Learn all this and much more in the transformative course which will turn a rookie into a professional developer. So get started and see you on the other side.


Action Bar and Navigation - Lab Exercise
Action bar in Android
Activity Class
Activity Lab Exercise
Activity Lab Solution
Android SDK and Ecosystem
Android Studio and Eclipse
Animations in Android
Audio-Video in Android
Best Practices for Android Development
Building UI for Multiple devices
Cards and Recycler View
Custom Adapters
Custom Views in Android
Data Storage - Lab Exercise
Data Storage in Android
Design UI using XML
Dynamic Views - List View
Event Listeners
Fragments -Lifecycle
Grid Views
Hello World using Android Studio
How to score in an Android Job Interview
Integrating Ads
Intents and Data Bundling
Intents Lab Exercise
Intents Lab Solution
Introduction to Android
Introduction to Fragments
Introduction to Material Design
Lab Exercise - Dynamic Views
Lab Exercise - Fragments
Lab Exercise - Fragments Solution
Lab Exercise - Section 2
Lab Exercise - Section2
Lab Exercise Solution
Lab Exercise Solution
Lab Exercise Solution
Lab Solution
Lab Solutions
Location Services
Margins Padding and Gravity
Material Design - lab
Material Design lab solution
Mobile Design Principles
Multimedia - Lab Exercise
Sample Audio Program
Section 1: Introduction
Section 10: Graphics and Multimedia
Section 11: Material Design in Android
Section 12: Google Play and App Development
Section 13: Summary
Section 2: Introduction to Android Development
Section 3: Android UI Concepts
Section 4: Activities and Intents
Section 5: Dynamic Views
Section 6: Android Fragments
Section 7: User Navigation
Section 8: Data Storage in Android
Section 9: Sensors and Location APIs
Sensors - Lab Exercise
Sensors in Android
Shared Preferences in Android
SQLite in Android
Submit App to Google store
Tasks and Back Stack
Views, View Groups and Layouts

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