Course Description
Learn about magic opportunity to earn on financial markets!
Reserve your seats at this course for really underpriced cost! Once course is finished - by April 30, the price will be set as $99 and go higher in the future!
This course provides complete information about commodity trading information! Using easy to understand words, pictures and examples I will show that trading is available for everybody!
people skip to study option because they difficult: all options books
have sophisticated charts and diagrams. Once they touch all those
volatility, delta, gamma and other Greeks and terminology they decide to
go to Forex, CFD and binary options, consistently losing money. But it is not that difficult at all, this knowledge is easy to understand and accept!
My 8 years of trading experience brought me to option selling as the only way to consistently make money,
in 90% of the time. I started with Forex and then switched to commodity
futures and now I have been trading options for 4 years. No secrets kept from you, I undercover how it works, and how to avoid beginner's mistakes.
Option selling utilize the time decay of sold options to gain profits. Trading creates money for you as the time goes! That's why many option sellers refer to a sentence: we sell the time, or exchange the time for money.
You won't need to catch any highs to sell or lows to buy. The strategy allows you to have profit in 95% of all your trades and to manage the rest 5%!
You don't need any specific knowledge or skills! All information, software and links are provided!
More than just a theory, I undercover practical questions – how to open, manage and close position.
As a super-proof, we'll have a 14 days practice run on a live account with real money which finished with $551 USD profit. You will see step-by-step how this result was achieved. Bonus lecture shows result in 30 days after start with profit of $969.67 USD!
Of course, this course will be fulfilled with fresh market examples, new live run and much more! This is underpriced course; the price will rise in future!
Every penny paid for this course worth hundreds of dollars and months of my experience; you receive it literally for free.
So roll in and enjoy!
Example of commodity future contract details
How to generate profit - selling or buying options?
How to profit from option selling - examples
How to profit from option selling - examples 2
How to trade commodities - commodity futures
Intro - this course may change your life
Option selling - job like an insurance company
Position opening
Positions and margins
Section 1: General concept
Section 2: Practice of option trading
Title - what is this course about
What is commodity future option
Why Commodities
World of commodities
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