Monday, 23 March 2015

Udemy Free Course - Android Multilingual Applications Development From Scratch - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Learn how to build an android application in multiple languages and get the following skills under your belt :
  • Understand Multilingual Application Development Process.
  • Configure android app and activate the multilingual feature.
  • Assign default application language.
  • Associate Specific UI to a certain language.
  • Support both LTR And RTL Languages.
  • Dynamically change the application language in Runtime.
  • Monetize your application with ads.
  • Publish, design and manage multilingual app on Google Play Store.
In this course you will learn how to setup and configure a list of languages using the Android Studio and Android SDK.
I’ll walk you thru the process of installing and activating the Multilingual feature. We’ll connect the app with option theme settings and associate the application UI in different languages and we’ll look at the settings and configurations that give you complete control over your Multilingual android application.
In the end you will know the step-by-step process of how you can have your app seamlessly connected between all your preferred languages.


Working With RTL And LTR Multilingual Styling
Activate Spinner And Change Android App Language In Runtime
Adding First LTR(Left To Right) Language
Adding Languages Spinner
Adding More LTR Languages
Configure pricing and adding support for more listing languages
Create a new android project
Definition of I18n, L10n, G11n
Generate The Signed APK
Google Play Store Demo
Online Translation Tools
Planning And Design For Localizable Items
Prepare Your Multilingual Android Application Icon
Preview and Monetize your mobile apps with Ads
Resources Types Providing
Section 1: Introduction
Section 10: Resources
Section 11: Bonus Material
Section 2: Multilingual Background
Section 3: Preparing Android Application For Multiple Languages
Section 4: Supporting Different Languages
Section 5: Multilingual In Runtime
Section 6: Prepare Your Multilingual App For Publishing
Section 7: Publishing Multilingual Application To Google Playstore
Section 8: Your App After Publishing
Section 9: Course Recap
Source Code & Course Slides
String Theory
The Overall Process
Upload and design the listing graphic assets
Upload apk and configure title and description
What Is The Android Multilingual Application?
Working With Multilingual Drawable Items

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