Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Udemy Free Course - Why Have a Business - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

Entrepreneurship. It’s a big word that is being used by a lot of people, many of whom have never really created a business, but would love to try. What holds them back from starting a business? We believe the answer to this question has three parts.
First, they fear failure. An entrepreneur is someone who has learned to succeed by first failing in order to learn what doesn’t work. Unless you are willing to risk failure, you are not willing to risk success. An entrepreneur realistically considers the costs, but at the end of the day is willing to assume the risk of failure.
Second, people lack a realistic understanding of what entrepreneurship and starting a business is all about. They think they need to learn about business – which they do. But, they also need to learn about themselves. This leads to the third and final reason why few people become entrepreneurs.
Third, they do not have a realistic understanding of who they are, their spiritual gifts, and the personality traits that makes them who they are.
The first key to being a successful entrepreneur is to know WHY you want to have a business in the first place. If you can’t answer this question – if you cannot identify what your passion is – then you will lack that all important self-motivational factor that keeps you moving forward despite seemingly overwhelming odds. Clearly understanding WHY you want a business will provide you the intrinsic motivation you need to persist. It will give you the reason to ACT to accomplish your goals, and it will motivate you to ACQUIRE the knowledge you need to act wisely.


Accessing Course Materials
Assignment for Session 3
Because the World is Starving for Your J.O.B.
Case Study: Creating a Sole Proprietorship in Indiana
Case Study: Creating an LLC in Indiana
Case Study: Creating an S Corporation in Indiana
Choosing Your Business Structure
Course Outline and Syllabus
Creating A Mastermind Group
David and Scott Talk About their Vision for Generation Self Employed
Did You Know?
Facing Your Crisis of Commitment
Filing as a Corporation: The LLC
Filing as a Corporation: The S Corp
How Does A Mastermind Group Operate?
How Government Regulations Are Affecting Jobs
How to Order Uniquely You's DISC and Spiritual Gifts Assessment
Introducing the Course Creators
Introduction to Why Have A Business
Is Your Business Newborn, Reborn, or Clone?
Leveraging the Power of a Virtual Mastermind
Module Overview
Planning Your Business - An Assignment
Section 1: Introduction to This Course
Section 2: Module 1: Why Have a Business
Section 3: Module 2: Creating Your Mastermind Group
Section 4: Module 3: What Business Structure is Best for You?
Section 5: Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?
Section 6: Next Steps
Self Employment is Not for the Faint of Heart
Tax Liability Comparison for Each Business Structure
The Advantage of Deducting Business Expenses
Why People Fail
Why the DISC Personality Profile
Why Work is Going Online
Your Assignment for Session 2
Your Next Steps

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