Thursday 7 April 2016

Udemy Free Course - Winning College Scholarships for High Schoolers - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

This 5-hour video course is for every high school student and parent who wants to know how they are going to ever pay for college!
It's designed so that YOU will win Free Money to pay for college in the form of college scholarships that are a perfect fit for YOU!
There are thousands of college scholarships out there. How will you sift through them? Which ones are worth your time and effort, and which are just a waste of time? Once you find them, how do you apply to win? What can your family do to significantly UP your chances of winning a highly-competitive, highly-valuable top scholarship and to REDUCE the amount you pay out-of-pocket for college?
By taking this course, you'll be on the road to earning thousands of dollars in college scholarships. It's our goal to teach you how to find those thousands of dollars and claim them for yourself, before the other kids get to them first!


6th-8th Grade Scholarship Timeline
A Few Names of the Biggest Current Scholarships
Apply for as many scholarships as possible - but ONLY with 100% effort.
Balancing "Small" and "Big" Scholarships
Brainstorm until Goosebumps, Then Write Inspired Essay Drafts
Budgeting Time for College Scholarship Applications
Build a Personalized Database of Scholarships
But What If I'm Not Impressive?
Carefully Fill Our Application Data and Simple Answers
Company Plans at your Employer
Complete the FAFSA - You May Get Federal Aid!
Conclusion to Finding College Scholarships
Conclusion to Narrowing Your Scholarship List
Conclusion to the Scholarship Timeline
Consult Your Advisors
Cost of College Scholarship Applications
Create a Crowdsourcing Project or Kickstarter
Create a mini-resume for personal reference
Did you Make a Mistake on Your Application? Start Over - Here's Why.
Don't be Afraid to Take Risks to Make Your Scholarship App Stand Out
Early Scholarship Wins Boost College Acceptances
Fall Semester, Junior Year Scholarship Timeline
Fall Semester, Senior Year Scholarship Timeline
Family Contributions, Loans, and Arrangements
Feedback is your Friend. Get an Outside Scholarship Editor (or Two!)
Finding Scholarships with a 1-on-1 Scholarship Consultant
Freshman Year (9th Grade) Scholarship Timeline
Gather Early Feedback on your Mini-Resume
Get Essay Draft and Concept Feedback from Parents and Counselors
Get Involved in Your Community to Win More Scholarships!
Get Outside Feedback on your Scholarship List
Go Above and Beyond in your Scholarship Applications!
Grades and GPA in High School
How Many Times Can You Apply for a Scholarship?
How Many Total Scholarships Should You Apply For?
If You Are Low On Time for Scholarships, Do This:
Improve Your Budgeting Now!
Intro to Finding College Scholarships
Introduction to Applying for College Scholarships
Introduction to Narrowing Your Scholarship List
Introduction to Other Financial Aid
Introduction to Scholarships Bonus Section
Introduction to the Scholarships Timeline
Introduction to Winning College Scholarships
It's all in the Student-Scholarship Match. Pick Wisely.
Keep duplicate copies of EVERYTHING!
Kids, Not Parents, Should Find College Scholarships
Let's get started on our college scholarships!
Letters of Recommendation for Scholarships
Optional is not Optional
Overview of Course Goals
Overview of Junior Year (11th Grade) Scholarship Timeline
Parents: Help Look Over Long and Short Lists
Personalized 1-on-1 Scholarship Counseling
Review of Applying for College Scholarships
Review of Other Financial Aid
Review of Winning College Scholarships
Review: Alternative Financial Aid Options
Review: Applying for Scholarships
Review: Finding College Scholarships
Review: Winning College Scholarships
Revise Your Essays, Rinse and Repeat.
Scholarship Deadlines, Sending In Applications, & Mail Tracking
Scholarship Work "On Your Own" vs. "With a Pro"
Section 1: Introduction to College Scholarships
Section 2: College Scholarships Timeline
Section 3: Finding College Scholarships
Section 4: Narrowing Your Scholarship List
Section 5: Applying for College Scholarships
Section 6: Winning College Scholarships
Section 7: Alternate Financial Aid Options
Section 8: Scholarships Bonus Section
Sophomore Year (10th Grade) Scholarship Timeline
Spring Semester, Junior Year Scholarships Timeline
Spring Semester, Senior Year Scholarship Timeline
Start A Side Business
Start Scholarships ASAP!
Summer, Post-Senior Year Scholarship Timeline
Summer, Pre-Junior Year Scholarship Timeline
Summer, Pre-Senior Year Scholarship Timeline
Take Your Own Angle on Scholarship Apps!
Taking out student loans for college
Talk to a Scholarship Expert if Possible
Talk to the financial aid office of each college
The Easiest and Hardest Parts of Finding Scholarships
The FIRST Place to Look for College Scholarships
The SECOND Place to Look for College Scholarships
The THIRD Place to Look for College Scholarships
Transfer Essays to Applications
Trim UNINTERESTING scholarships... But be careful!
Trim UNLIKELY scholarships... Unless you feel lucky!
Trim UNWORTHY scholarships... They're not worth it!
Welcome to your College Scholarships course!
What Can You Do With Surplus Scholarship Funds?
When Are Most College Scholarship Applications Due?
Winter Semester, Junior Year Scholarship Timeline
Winter Semester, Senior Year Scholarship Timeline
Working A Job Through College
Work-Study Programs in College
Your Instructor for College Scholarships


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