Monday, 2 March 2015

Udemy Free Course - Harness Personality Power For Influence And Business Success - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

  • Do you wonder why some people abhor change, miss deadlines, never listen, get distracted or bored, talk too much, are abrupt, irritatingly detailed, seldom praise?
  • Are you frustrated due to misundersandings, conflict, and arguments?
  • Do you ever wonder... why can't we all just get on?
  • This course will guide you through the steps to build win-win business and personal relationship, and you will learn skills to motivate and encourage others both in their career and personal lives.
  • Imagine....greater life skills that can lead to improved productivity, increased profits, enhanced business or career success.
This course provides powerful insights into into your social style, both your strengths and weaknesses. It will also help you appreciate other people's social styles and how to best relate to them. You will learn the value of versatility, specific steps you can take to better relate to others, and how to apply the principles taught to great advantage both in your personal and business life.
The Course
The training consists of 7 sections consisting of a series of videos and written material.
There are quizzes and also exercises for you to complete, each designed to help reinforce what you have learned and to help you develop your skills in this area. There are also resources for you to download. The highlight of the course is an Action Plan where you map out how you will apply in your life what you have learned.
Course Duration
This course is best spread out over several weeks to allow time to consider your own behaviors and explore the personality styles of colleagues, staff, and other people you interact with on a regular basis.
No Prior Requirements
Personality Profiling for Business and Career Success is simple to understand and requires no former training or preparation. If you haven't done any personality related studies before, or are wanting a refresher, you will find "Personality Matters" insightful, powerful, and loaded with strategies, tools, and techniques you can implement.
Money Back Guarantee
If during the month after payment for this course, you are not completely satisfied and wish to discontinue, you may email me letting me know what it is you are dissatisfied with and I will refund you your money. The resources you have accessed will be yours to keep.
As a way of value-adding I will be creating bonus videos that will be added to the course.


Action as a Key to Success
Be Introduced to the Three "You's"
Building Bridges
Building Bridges with a Driver, Relater, Expressive and Analyst
Conclusion to Section 1
Conclusion to Section 2
Conclusion to Section 3
Conclusion to Section 4
Conclusion to Section 5
Conclusion to Section 6
Conclusion to Section 7
Course Overview
Exercise: How Do Others' See You?
Harnessing the Power of Different Personality Styles
Helpful Guidelines
How To Effectively Communicate with Analysts
How to Effectively Communicate with Drivers
How To Effectively Communicate With Expressives
How to Effectively Communicate with Relaters
How to Spot A Driver
How To Spot A Relater
How To Spot An Analyst
How To Spot An Expressive
Identify Various Characteristics of Different Styles
It's Time To Create Your Action Plan
It's Time To Re-cap
Mastering The Power Of Influence
Mastering The Power of Influence
Mastering the Power of Influence 
Mastering The Power Of Influence - Introduction
Meet The Four Main Personality Styles
Meet Your Instructor
More Analyst Characteristics
More Driver Characteristics
More Expressive Characteristics
More Relater Characteristics
Personality Characteristics
References and Disclaimer
Sales Success
Sales Success - Part 1
Sales Success - Part 2 - The Value Of Versatility
Sales Versatility
So Many Benefits
Social Styles - Part 1
Social Styles - Part 2
Social Styles, Values and other Important Personality Traits
Style Modification Strategies for Drivers and Relaters
Style Modification Strategies for Expressives and Analysts
The House Alarm Sales Person
The Power of Values
There's Great Value In Understanding Personality Characteristics
This Exercise Can Be Quite Revealing
Values - Continued
Versatility and Style Modification
Versatility and Style Modification
Welcome and Introduction
What's Your Social Style? Exercise
Working with Personality Styles Offers Many Benefits
Workplace Diversity
Your Action Plan
Your Action Plan Document
Your Take Away Value
Your Take Away Value and Action Plan


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