Tuesday 28 July 2015

Udemy Free Course - Step-by-Step Guide to Attracting Life Changing Mentors - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

How great would it be if you could jump out of bed everyday to go to your dream job or to see your business undergoing breakthrough growth?
Unfortunately, that's not the way life is for most people because they make some fatal mistakes and fail to do one simple thing that can help you crush it.
Think about it… Do you ever wake up not wanting to go to work the next day? Or try a bunch of different things but still don't see your business taking off? I was there too… Over and over again, I used to wake up and press snooze, not wanting to go into work. Even when I tried starting my own company and I was super passionate and inspired, that energy started to fade as my business was not taking off!
There's a problem you need to know… Most people don't realize that they are the average of the 5 people they surround themselves with most, and as a result they spend time with people who hold them back instead of propelling them forward.
Fortunately for you, if done right, you can use this very problem to your advantage. Through using the tactics and guidance provided in this course, you'll be able to easily attract mentors into your life that will change the game!
Using the same steps I outline in the course I
  • I got a dream job via a Cold Email where I got paid to travel and teach entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, Amsterdam and Munich as a 21 year old college student
  • Get paid $4k a month to work part time for a NYT Best Selling Author
  • Landed deals for my company with Fortune 500 companies
  • Worked with some of the most promising startups via the world's premier startup accelerator, Techstars
  • And more...
No matter what it is you want to achieve, your not going to get there alone. In the words of Sir Isaac Newton, “if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” This course teaches you how to find giants who have your success in mind and presents an actionable system to turn those role models into mentors.
Attracting life-changing mentors isn't something you shouldn't leave up to chance. It is one of the most effective ways to make more money with your business or land your dream job and live the life you've always dreamed of. Using this course, you'll be able to make it happen fast.


Why you should also think about people you already know
#1 hack to building relationships with hot shots (and incredible peers)
33% Rule - Tai Lopez
A quick story of how my mentors have CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER
Bonus Tip: twitter hack to engaging with ballers
Bringing it all together... NOW GO DO IT
Core mindsets of the most successful people
Creating an awesome peer group: how to think and what to avoid
Effective Mentor Relationships
EXERCISE: "Plan" a conference
How can you "create serendipity"?
How do you chose what events to go to?
How do you find thought leaders and role models online?
How do you find thought leaders in real life?
How to be great at networking
How to cold email people to build relationships from scratch
How to find (almost) everyone's email address
How to get on the radar of the people you look up to
How to isolate where you want to grow and need mentors?
How to NOT attract mentors
If you don't know what your passionate about, your intuition does
Section 1: What moves the needle most on living a fulfilled and successful life?
Section 2: The foundations of an EPIC Career
Section 3: The importance of who you surround yourself with
Section 4: Demystifying and developing who you look up to and why
Section 5: What is an effective mentor relationship?
Section 6: Making it happen
Section 7: None of this matters without action
Tactical in person strategy to approaching potential mentors at events
The cold email I sent to get a life changing job and mentor
The conference I "planned" (use as a template for your own)
The difference between cold vs. warm and how to navigate each
The magic in life happens outside your comfort zone
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back (you board of advisors)
What are the highest leverage activities when it comes to success/fulfillment?
What is a thought leader and why it's super important to know who they are
What is the "mentor loop" that all mentor relationships revolve around?
What to avoid at all costs when it comes to being successful
What's in it for them?
Why asking for coffee might not be the best idea
Why I'm here? Your success is my priority!


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