Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Udemy Free Course - Programming for Marketing and Business Types - JavaScript - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Course Description

I ran a workshop called "Intro To JavaScript". In that work-shop we used visually interactive programming to build a pong game. The really fascinating part was the crowd that showed up to learn, from scratch, how to program. I had lawyers, marketers, business owners and managers who worked with programmers. They all wanted to unravel the mystery of programmers, by becoming one for a day. By signing up today, you get the same fun experience they did at the pace that interests you. This is a short course that allows you to become a programmer for a day, or it can act as the start of your programming journey.


Add multiple balls and more
Add the bouncing ball
Add the enemy player and victory screen
Add the paddle
Course Completed
Create a new program using Khan Academy tools
Improve the paddle (optional)
Improving collision detection (optional)
Learn about functions and variables
Section 1: Unit 1: Introduction
Section 2: Unit 2 - Color, Style and Drawing
Section 3: Unit 3 - Interactions
Section 4: Unit 4 - Final Touches
Section 5: Bonus - Unit 5 - Artificial Intelligence
Section 6: Bonus - Unit 6 - The power of programming
Section 7: Course Completed
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Recap
Unit 2 Introduction
Unit 2 Recap
Unit 3 Introduction
Unit 3 Recap
Unit 4 Introduction
Unit 4 Recap
Unit 5 Introduction
Unit 5 Recap
Unit 6 Introduction
Unit 6 Recap


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