Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Udemy Free Course - Android Studio Course - Build apps like an expert - Lollipop - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course


Subtitles currently being added, we will be uploading again one lesson per day with the subs!

This is the only Android course on Udemy taught by an Android expert who makes apps full time for companies such as MasterCard and British Telecom.

The instructor will replicate his process to learn from beginner to professional in a way that everybody can understand, simple and efficient, working in the basics and important concepts and teaching how to solve your own problems.

After completing four applications, each one a bit more complex, you will be a real Android developer!

Note: All the apps developed in this course are compatible with Android L 5.0 (Lollipop) and a video explaining the key features of Android L is added.

Fourth application (Reddit App) being added, read further to know more about it.

This course is for anybody who is interested in Android Development; either to create your own application, start a career or increase your current skills. We will take you from zero knowledge to the ability of creating your own apps. Knowledge of Java is not needed. 

The method of teaching used is 'Learn by Doing’; we’re keen to get you using and becoming comfortable with Android Studio in the very first lesson. The lessons are practical and include student exercises with solutions, as well as inside knowledge and tips from your professional tutor.

On every lesson there will be some part of an App to develop, if there is any new concept not seen before we will explain it and after that we will practice with it developing that bit.
Also we will realize exercises to test that knowledge, explaining it with different solutions after leaving some time for the student to try it on his own.

This course has 7.5 hours of videos with four application tutorials. We promote student-tutor interaction. Have any problems? Let us know and we’ll answer you as quickly and coherently as possible; either in the form of a new video or a written explanation.

- For the first application you will learn how to use the tools correctly, how to create a project and you will understand how android works internally and how the project is structured and to finish we will launch our first Application on a real device or a emulator.

- We will continue with a section which will tell you how to find problems, how to understand errors and how to be self sufficient, finding and adding resources to your code so that way you can keep improving applications in your own.

- The second application will be a game, called HangDroid a version of the classic hangman, here we will see Android in more depth, learning the basics about screen navigation, view creation, data persistence and much more, finishing with a game where you can play on single player mode or even multi player with another person!

- The third application and more important will introduce Fragments, Tabs, Action Bar, Google Maps, Google Admob to monetize your app and will teach how to upload your App to Google Play Store

- The fourth application currently under construction is an App that displays posts from Reddit. This allow us to explain how to consume a Rest API, how to make HttpConnection, parse a JSON response and use SQLite to store the posts, being able to see them in offline mode. 

This course has been created from a developer who learned how to do apps during four years with more than 15 apps, and his idea is to sum up the process of learning, giving it to you with basics examples and teaching you the methodology used to keep learning on your own so at the end of the course you will not only have learned the basics but also be self sufficient on the Android Apps development. 


(Optional) Genymotion and Android Studio Shortcuts
3 questions
Activity lifecycle
Adding items to the MapView
An Android Project, the basics
Android 5.0 Lollipop walkthrough
Android Manifest
Android Resources
Android Studio, get familiar with the tools
Android Views, first contact
App1. Basic programming
App1. Game Logic, make it funny
App1. Multiplayer Game.
App1. Scores
App1. Starting with Views and Java
App2. Downloading data from the cloud
App2. Navigation and Maps
App2. Overview and first screens
App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite
Application 1. Overview
CardView (Lollipop new UI element)
Clearing the stack
Creating a new project and basic concepts
Creating the game screen
Creating view on XML mode
Database Acces Object DAO
Database contract and Database Open Helper
Database Quiz
Design patterns. Singleton
Excercise : Activities Stack
Excercise : Change the name and icon of our App
Excercise : Create Main Screen
Excercise : Display failed letters
Excercise : Displaying data from
Excercise : Show the score
Excercise : Test your App on a 10" Tablet
Excercise: Failing a letter
Export your App
Game Over
Google AdMob
Google Volley, connections management
Http connection
Import Android Samples
Inflating a view
Installing Android Studio
Introduction to our second app.
Java Array
Java basics
Java Class and Constructor
Java If and Toasts
JSON and Gson
Launching our on App on the mobile and the emulator
ListView and Java List
Loops ( Java For )
MapView I
MapView II
Migrating to Android Studio 1.0 and Lollipo Emulator
OKHTTP, synchronous and asynchronous
PagerTabStrip creating our database Retrieving data
Picasso and Maven
Project Structure and type of files
Publish your App on Google Play Store
Push Notifications
Reading from a EditText
Reading from SQLite, Cursor
RecyclerView fundamentals and example
SDK Manager
Sending the word
Shared Preferences Read
Shared Preferences Write
Showing guessed letters
Some motivation and Intents
Splash Screen
Take a screenshot and share it!
The key to be self sufficient learning Android
Threads and Handlers
ViewHolder implementation
Views basics : LinearLayout and RelativeLayout
Volley Image Loader coming soon 
Winning the game and adding scores
Working on the next app. SQLite , REST APIs consumption, Android L features..
Your first App, show your progress!
Your first crash and your first fix
Your first Method

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