Saturday, 28 February 2015

Udemy Free Course - Learn To Invest The Right Way - A Guide To Value Investing - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

Have you ever wanted to invest in the stock market, but don’t want to risk losing your savings?
Ever wondered if there was a way to invest smart?
And if you are like us, you probably don’t want to waste weeks or months reading finance books.
That’s why we created a straightforward, simple course that will take you from beginner to value investor in under 2 hours.
Do you need any previous experience or finance knowledge? Absolutely not! We will guide you from the very basic level.
This course doesn’t just teach one technique, we cover the stock market basics, financial statements and stock market vocabulory.
After laying the foundation, the course teaches two main techniques. One is for the person who has time and energy to analyze stocks; the benefit is that his gains will be high!
Other technique is for someone who doesn’t have the time for all that, but still wants a piece of the stock market action; we call the second technique ‘portfolio on autopilot’
Both these methods are targeted at the long term. This means the risk is minimum and you can continuously make money in the stock market!


A Walk Down Wall Street 1
A Walk Down Wall Street 2
Bargain Issues
Business Analysis
Financial Statements Simplified
Financial Vocabulory
Illustrated Example
Portfolio on Autopilot
Portfolio on Autopilot 1
Portfolio on Autopilot 2 
Stock Picking Guidelines
Stock Screening
Techniques for the Enterprising Investor
The Unpopular Method : An Introduction
Understanding the Stock Market

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