Thursday, 26 February 2015

Udemy Free Course - Learn Python: A COMPLETE Overview For Beginners - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course


Do you want to become a programmer?
Or is it that Python interests you? Do you want to be able to create games, parse the web and much more?
If you need a quick brush-up, or learning Python for the first time, you've come to the right place!
Let's get started learning one of the most easiest coding languages out there right now. There's no need to fret if you haven't coded before. By the time you finish this course, you'll be a pro at Python!
Python is a great and friendly language to use and learn. It fun, and can be adapted to both small and large projects. Python will cut your development time greatly and overall, its much faster to write Python than other languages. This course will be a quick way to understand all the major concepts of Python programming. You'll be a whiz in no time.
This course is a one-stop-shop for everything you'll need to know to get started with Python, along with a few incentives. We'll begin with the basics of Python, learning about strings, variables, and getting to know the data types. We'll soon move on to the loops and conditions in Python. Once we're done with that, we'll learn about functions and modules used in Python. After that we'll start to crawl the web for data like Stocks, and last but not least create some epic games in Python, using advanced code.
I hope you're excited to dive into the World of Python with this course. Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!


Adding Paddle1
Adding Paddle2
Adding the Game Interface
Adding the Paddle
Appending/Reading to Files
Basic Animation and Key Binding
Bounce! (.py) (v1/v2/v3)
Conditions and Loops
Copying Files
Crawling The Web
Crawling The Web (Definition)
Crawling The Web (Stocks)
Crawling The Web (Weather)
Creating our Ball
Creating our own File
Creating our own File (Windows)
Creating our own Functions
Definition (.py)
Exercise Files
Final Touches
For Loops and Mulitple Conditions
For Loops in Turtle Module
Functions and Files
Graphics and Animation
Guessing Game (.py)
Hello World
If-Elif-Else Statements
Installing Python for Mac
Installing Python for Windows
Object Oriented Programming
Opening and Reading Files
Operators and Operations
Our First Game (Bounce!)
Our Second Game (Pong!)
Pass, Break and Continue
Pong! (.py)
Pre-Defined Functions
Random Module - Part 1
Random Module - Part 2
Re Module
Review of the Course - (Part 1)
Review of the Course - (Part 2)
Stock Quotes (.py)
The Basics (Data Types)
Time and Sys Modules
Tkinter Module Introduction
Try and Except
Up and Beyond! 
Up and Running With Python
Using Python Modules
Using Turtle Module
Variables and Integers
Weather (.py)
What's Next?
While Loops


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