Saturday, 28 February 2015

Udemy Free Course - Learn Apache Cassandra from Scratch - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course

 Cassandra is the high performance open source distributed database system. It showed the highest growth rate among new database systems and is poised for huge growth. Our course aims to provide you with everything you will need to get started with Cassandra DB. The Course starts with basic Cassandra Concepts and follow it up with CQL and finally teaches you to build a real application using Cassandra and NodeJs. The following sections are covered in the course
Cassandra Overview
Cassandra Data Model
Internal Working
Cassandra Installation
Cassandra Query Language
Tables and Queries in Cassandra
Crud operations in Cassandra
Project Building in Cassandra
Build a Simple Twitter Clone application using Cassandra and Nodejs
The course includes presentation files, source code and video training materials and follows an easy to assimilate pedagogy with practical focus to teach you all the tips of the trade.


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Add Users
Available Software
Batch Insert Queries
Cassandra Data Model
Cassandra Overview
Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Course Summary
CQL Overview
Creating Tables & Fields
DataStax Windows Installer
Display Shouts & UserShouts
Getting Started
How it Works
HTTP Delete Request
Inserting & Selecting Data
Installing Cassandra in Linux
NodeJS & Express Setup
NodeJS Cassandra Application - Part 1
NodeJS Cassandra Application - Part 2
Planning & Struture
Quiz time
RDBMS Comparison
Select & Display Single User
Select & Display Users
Update User
Updating, Altering & Deleting Data
What is Apache Cassandra


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