Saturday, 28 February 2015

Udemy Free Course - Philosophy of religion: spirituality despite politics - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course


In this course you will learn about the philosophy of religion, which is a branch of philosophy (not theology) that focuses on using rational understand to comprehend various religious phenomenons and beliefs.
In the course I focus on some philosopher's views on the evolution of religion from ancient times to the present. I present the rationalizations and proofs of God as well as reasons not to believe in God.
The course is 100% objective. At times I offer my own opinions, but I always try to give both sides of arguments by philosophers on both sides of the issues I present.
Additionally, I NEVER single out any religion or ANY group of people. My goal for the course was to be as objective as possible, and let you decide on your eventual beliefs. I just introduce you to philosophy of religion approximately as it would be taught in an undergraduate philosophy of religion course.
You Will Get Introduced To New Ideas And Perspectives
Religion is as prevalent and widespread in the world today as it has ever been. I feel that you will find the course enlightening and thought provoking. I welcome and encourage you to take the course. It will give you a number of perspectives and arguments from which to view spirituality and religion in a new light.
No Risk To Take The Course
Every course on Udemy comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. So there is no risk to take the course. If you find that you don't like the course, just get your money back. But I am confident that you will find the course interesting!


About the course
Carl Marx
Cosmological argument: God is first cause of everything
Course introduction
Education + science leading to abandoning of religion
Epistemology: theory of what we know, don't know, & can't know
Evolutionary psychology --> political religion --> ANTI-RELIGION & HATE
Friedrich Nietzsche
Genealogy (how it come about) of religion according to Friedrich Nietzsche
Intelligent design argument
Is religion the book or the people who make up the religion: our responsibility 
Kant's proof
Negative human nature: In history, every group of people have been bad
Nietzsche: God is dead and man killed him!
Nihilism: the earth and universe will keep spinning without you
Ontological argument: god is perfect therefore he must exist
Origins or religious hate: how governments misuse and take advantage of religion
Our definition of spirituality for this course
Pascal's Wager!
Philosophy of religion
Politics of religion
Proofs of existence of God & Proofs of NON-existence of God
Real problem from religious violence: distraction from #1 issue which is planet
Rene Descartes: I think therefore I am
Section introduction
Soren Kierkegaard
Story of what made me fascinated with the subject of philosophy of religion
Theory of knowledge (Epistemology): how to we KNOW that God exists?
True Spirituality
Very important: let's exchange ideas and keep the dialog going. Please comment!


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