The Complete Web Developer Course is THE most comprehensive, cost-effective and career-enhancing course you’ll find on the web – or your money back.
It’s a one-stop-shop for everything you need to start creating
professional websites that engage visitors, call them to action and
ultimately - make you money!
These days,
you’re nowhere without a website, so there’s a huge value to web
development skills. PHP is one of the most widely-used scripting
languages around, and this course will help you master the basics of the
language so that you can build your own website, or help refine your
company’s. Discover the power of PHP as you take your website
development skills to the next level.
Programming Language is the most popular computer language and most used
programming language till now, It is very simple and elegant language,
Every programmer should and must have learnt C whether it is a Java or
C# expert, Because all these languages are derived from C. In this
tutorial you will learn all the basic concept of C programming language,
This course explains everything with example codes. Every section in
this tutorial is downloadable for offline learnings
While loop
(struct) Structures in C
Arithmetic operation
Array of pointers
Arrays in C
Arrays in PHP
Associative Arrays in PHP
Basic Functions
Comparison operators & Logical operators
Date and Time Functions
do...while loop
First C Program and Understanding C Program Structure
First PHP Script
for loop
Functions in C
Functions with a Return Value
Functions with Arguments
Global Variables and Functions
If Statements
If, else and nested if-else Statements
if...else and Nested if...else statements
Install Notepad++ as PHP Editor
install XAMPP
install XAMPP Windows 8 or 8.1
introduction in C
introduction in PHP
Md5 Encryption
Multi-dimensional Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays in PHP
Passing Arrays as Function Arguments
Passing Parameters and Arguments in Function
Passing Pointers as Function Arguments
Return Values in Functions
Scope rules
Setting PHP Sessions
Simple input and output (printf , scanf , placeholder )
Simple Math and and operators
Switch Statement
switch Statements
The ternary (conditional) operator
Unset or Destroy PHP Sessions
Using $_GET Variables
Using $_POST Variables
Variables and Basic Datatypes
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