Friday, 20 February 2015

Udemy Free Course - Get More Clients Through SEO Link Building. Avoid SEO Scams - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course


Every professional needs new clients. Lawyers, doctors, accountants and other professionals are way behind the trends on finding them.
You're losing money because you're not taking link building seriously. AND you're still being taken advantage of by the types of SEO and link building firms that charge you a fortune while using outdated methods that will actually hurt your rankings and web traffic.
Anyone who tells you that they can get your site to the first page of Google "every time" is not telling you the truth. So this is the real information... And if you get one new client from the information presented here, this course has paid for itself.
WHO AM I? I'm not an SEO guru or "internet marketer." I'm an intellectual property attorney who works with some of the best online marketers and entertainers in the world: Youtubers. Some of my clients are the most-viewed, most subscribed to video creators and social media personalities on the internet.
In this course, I'm not trying to upsell you into buying link building services because I don't offer them. Instead, I'm trying to give you practical information that I already know and use that helps me build my client base for my legal practice. This same information can be modified to get clients for any professional, and I'll tell you how.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! - If you don't like it, get your money back
  • Over 2.5 hours of high quality content JUST on link building. Other SEO courses spend very short amounts of time on very big subjects. This is focused, so by the time you're done, you know everything there is to know.
  • Ask me questions directly. I'll be adding more free videos and content to the course based on your questions. In the discussion board you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get personal feedback!
  • The most comprehensive link building course for geared specifically for professionals: lawyers, doctors, accountants, and freelancers
  • Up to Date: Course was updated on FEBRUARY 15, 2015!
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Discounts on future courses
  • Lock in your price now. Since I'm going to be adding new content each week, the price of the course will raise. If you want to get that new content for free, now is the time to buy.
This course is useful if intend on doing this yourself AND it's just as useful if you want to know everything that goes into hiring or training someone to do this work for you.
Equipped with this knowledge, you could easily hire/train a virtual assistant to do this for $5 an hour and radically increase the amount of traffic and conversions that you get over the next few months. I'll be adding a comprehensive unit on how I outsource this work to the course soon, and raising the price of the course, so lock in your price now.
By getting the information you need to cut the hours of that expensive link building firm or completely dump dump them, you'll make back the price of this course within days.
WHAT THIS ISN'T. SEO link building is not a magic bullet. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. Although it does have short-term benefits, it's really a long-term investment in your brand that will lead to exponentially rising results over time. Use your money somewhere else if your not planning to invest in your brand long-term.
WHAT THIS IS. Spending $100 of your time on link building could yield $1000 worth of clients every month. Clients are sticky, and if you do good work, they last forever. If you get one extra client from the information here, this course has paid for itself. Take advantage of the fact that your competitors are only learning about link building and content marketing now and get you an edge.
This course will allow you to jump start the process by empowering you with information about how this actually works. From there, you can understand whether you have time to do it yourself and/or how to avoid getting ripped off by an outside consultant.
WHAT IF I AM CURRENTLY DOING SEO? If you currently have an employee or contractor doing SEO or link building, this is an good course to keep them up-to-date with how things should work. One ounce of training can yield a pound of productivity over a short period of time.
Also keep in mind, even if you are "doing SEO," that work might not yet include link building, so this is a time to figure out if you should expand the SEO work you're doing.
WHAT IF I'M A LINK BUILDER MYSELF ALREADY? This is a perfect course to learn a new SEO-related skill in great depth. You will start to understand SEO of the perspective of the people who are hiring you The mock interview questions alone, that will be continuously updated and added to as the course is updated are worth the price of the course.


Anchor Text Defined
Avoiding Scams and Black Hat Methods
Benefits of Link Building: Brand Building
Broken Link Building
Content Marketing
Does The "Number" of People Linking to You Matter?
Finding Target Site Editors to Contact
Following Up
Further Reading
Hiring the Best Person for the Job
History of How Google Uses Links and What That Means for the Future
How to Prioritize the Targets You've Identified
Introduction and Summary: What Is Link Building
Link Categories: Natural vs Manual / In-Content vs Outside of Content
Link Position Defined
Linking Root Domains Defined
Maintaining Perspective
Measuring Results
Monetizing Images Stolen From You
NoFollow Links Defined
Nuts and Bolts of the Link Building Strategy
Personalizing Your Outreach
Question Five: How do you do your reporting?
Question Four: What kind of strategies will you use *against* my competitors?
Question Seven: What strategies have you been testing lately? 
Question Six: Tell me about the placements you're most proud of
Question Three: How will changes in Google's algorithm affect your work?
Question Two: Where do you find your link building targets
Raising Efficiency The Right Way
Reclaiming Old Links & Brand Mentions Currently Without Links
Relevance Defined
Sample Interview Question One: Why is link building important
Sending Your Initial Messages to Your Targets
SEO Introduction, Background, and Goal Setting
Setting Goals: Focusing Your Limited Time and Money
Specific Tactics
Things to Keep In Mind Before Interviewing
Turn Rejection into Relationships
What Is A Link?
White Hat vs "Black Hat" Techniques Generally


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