This course is all about developing and writing good business plan.
If you are:
- entrepreneur looking to start or grow business
- freelancer looking for a new skill
- person with an idea
Then this course is just for you and it will help you develop good business plan.
Learn how to:
- make good industry analysis
- analyze your market
- research competition
and a LOT more...
You do not need to spend months (and you shouldn't) developing business plan for your idea!
Here I focus on explaining how to make crucial parts of your
business plan, what questions to answer, things you need to focus...
the finish of this course, you will understand how business plans are
developed and researched, and you will be able to do it all by yourself.
Also, in this course you will get free fill in template designed by Me and use it as you wish.
About me
Closing lecture
Company Description
Competition Analysis
Competition Analysis - More questions you should answer
End section
Financial Plan
How to write Business Plan
Industry Analysis
Management and organization
Market Analysis
Marketing Plan
Operational Plan
What is your product or service?
Why Business Plan?
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