Friday, 13 February 2015

Udemy Free Course - Easy Tips! Teaching Children with Autism in Your Classroom - 100% Off

Free Udemy Course


The number of children being diagnosed with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is on the rise. This is creating increasing demands on the educational system and its most valuable asset, the teacher.
This class will provide useful and practical resources for ALL teachers.
Students with ASD differ from their peers in a variety of ways, though they may outperform them in certain areas. Some have stronger rote abilities and can do spatial, matching and perceptual tasks with greater ease than their peers. Some may excel at mathematics and science. The task for the teacher is to know that the student with ASD will have a mixed ability of strengths and weaknesses. In the best classroom, the teacher focuses on the student’s strengths while teaching to the specific weaknesses.
A good teacher will always develop an interest in their students. A good teacher in an integrated classroom will also need to have an understanding of autism. This class will provide you will ideas to assist ALL children.


10 questions
Autism IS... Autism is NOT...
Autism Training for the inclusive teacher - Meet your instructor
Challenges and support
Classroom set up and environment, what works, what doesn't...
Dr Valarie Whiting Welcomes you to this class
Final slide 
I hear the light...sensory challenges
Introduction to Autism Training for the Inclusive Teacher
One final quiz
Planning for the Student with Autism
Preparing and Planning for Students... Especially those with Autism
Thank you for taking this class
What can I do? How do I prepare my classroom, my students, my responsibility...
What it means to have a child with autism in your classroom?
What's good for good for everyone - Universal Design and Support
You mean you need to prepare the actual classroom? The physical environment


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